Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 287 - 287 Big Boy Playing With Yanli's Hair.

Chapter 287 - 287 Big Boy Playing With Yanli's Hair.

When the man wanted to talk more with Ji Yanli, suddenly another lecturer came in and the professor was very strict with his studies. So the man didn't dare to talk anymore and became well behaved.

Even though Ji Yanli wanted to concentrate fully on this lecture, she felt very bored. 

"Ah, when will these damn lecturers stop giving these boring classes?!" The things the lecturers started to explain to them, she had known a long time ago but she could not be absent from the class or her points would be detected and afterwards it will be difficult to get good results during graduation.

This thing was stopping her from leaving the class right then and there!

Many hours later, It was the fourth lecture of today. Ji Yanli opened a bottle of pure spring water and gulped down a few mouthfuls of water.

Even then several boys peeked at her and admired the beauty and her beautiful posters of drinking water with grace.

However, even though she knew Ji Yanli didn't stop them. How beautiful phoenix eyes shifted towards outside.

There were many Christmas trees in a row and many mourning doves were flying around the area in a group. She put her chin on her palm and glanced outside. 

Many little birds were chirping non-stop and the bright sunshine was making the green trees more beautiful. 

A little smile bloomed in her face as she saw those little birds' little actions in amusing eyes and felt somewhat energized for no reason.

'Sigh! I want to go out and bask under the sun. I don't feel like sitting here anymore. My legs are cramping. It's annoying!'

Right then, she wasn't alone. Many other students were thinking the same thing as her.

Suddenly Ji Yanli thought someone was looking at her intensely. When she turned around however she didn't find anybody. 

Her beautiful phoenix eyes narrowed as she finally became alarmed and sat strictly on her seat and opened the book.

"Tsk tsk!" Her mind wasn't on the subject which the lecturer was explaining to them. She opened her favourite book and went to the page she had finished reading yesterday. 

After Ji Yanli started to rest from the next place. The man who was sitting behind her was disappointed when he saw she wasn't giving him any kind of reactions even though he was nudging her from under the desk.

'Is this woman deliberately ignoring me?! I have poked her many times yet she didn't even flinch. Neither she showed any kind of dissatisfaction nor she turned towards me for once to complain…' He took a lock of her hairs and was playing with it unknowingly. 

The boys who are interested in Ji Yanli glared at him. They felt like their future girlfriend was being harassed right in front of them!

'This woman, I like this attitude! I like her, I like her!!! The men continued to do whatever he was whatever he wanted.

Ji Yanli's intuition was telling her that many people were staring in her direction. She could not ignore this feeling. 

As Ji Yanli lifted her eyes and followed the eyes of a girl who was sitting beside her. When she turned around she was relieved to know that everyone was looking at that man.

"Ben, stop playing with other people's hair. Can you come to this podium and explain to all of us what I was explaining to all of you just now?!"

Ben was embarrassed as he scratched his head and in a moment his beautiful blonde short hair became a mess. Earlier a beautiful red pen was thrown at his face by the lecturer.

"Uhm, no professor. I forgot what you were explaining just now. I am extremely sorry. But if you want I can explain in my way… " Then, he turned towards the other women who were sitting beside him.

"Hey, sexy girl! What is today's topic?" 

Hearing this question all the class descended into an eerie silence. The lecturer smiled wickedly and pointed to the door of the classroom. 

"Go out!" The old man just used two simple words to put out all his teacherly emotions. 

In front of everyone, Ben walked out from his seat and exited the door but then from behind the old lecturer's deep and authoritative voice floated towards him, "Remember to stand by the wall and don't dare to leave or else I will call your father! Humph! Now, close the door!"

Ben smiled wryly and did as he was told. If it was another man he would have taught him a lesson but this man couldn't be. He was a dignified first-class lecturer and professor of this university. Also, his other identity was that the old man was his little uncle.

Many things had happened in this little time but she didn't think much and concentrated on the book which was placed in front of her. 

Slowly Ji Yanli closed it and put it aside. Then she took the phone and stopped the recorder. She had started to record all the lectures from the beginning. 

Today because her mind wasn't much clear, she wanted to catch up after she had returned to her apartment and had a good rest.

This was the last lecture of that day. When the lecturer left, he stopped before Ben and humphed, "Just because I didn't mention it didn't mean that I didn't see what you were doing there."

Ben's one leg was folded and placed on the wall behind as he leaned back while his two arms were folded in front of his chest as he stared at his little uncle with a smile.

"Don't make any mess or trouble for your father. She is a student from another country. It will be difficult if you make any trouble!"

"I know." 


The lecturer didn't stay still and walked away. Right then, all the students were leaving the big hall room one by one. 

Ben's eyes searched for Ji Yanli in that crowd but he didn't notice her leaving. After everybody had left he was confused and moved towards the classroom.

Only Ji Yanli was still in her seat and was staring at her phone with laziness, her small mouth pouted as if she was very dissatisfied with something. 

Bring left alone, her appearance looked very eye-catching in that vast hall. Ben's body leaned against the door frame while his blue eyes were scrutinizing her. josei

When Ji Yanli shifted her eyes and noticed him. It becomes a little interesting and awkward. 

"What?! Waiting for me?" Ji Yanli asked. All of her beings were screaming of laziness. The other party's brain classified this as the woman's unique charm.

"Yeah, Lili." Ben made his way towards her. Ji Yanli thought he was coming for his desk but unexpectedly the man stopped beside her desk and leaned down, "Hey, baby girl. Do you want to go on a date with this handsome boy?"

Ji Yanli blinked her eyes in confusion and pretended to be innocent, "Baby girl? Me?!" Her slender finger pointed towards her chests. 

"Or who else? Here is no one except you and me!" Ben's eyes moved from her face to her cleavage. Suddenly, he felt his throat going dry when his blue eyes caught the view of her peeking curve. 

Ji Yanli remained silent and examined him for a long time. Under his eyes, she became very uncomfortable. 

"Hey, you didn't answer my question. Will you go or not?" Ben bent down and whispered. He wanted the other one to see his extraordinary features clearly.

When Ji Yanli wanted to reject him someone entered the room. It was none other than Wang Haixiao. The man stopped in his steps when he saw the scene in the room.

His deadly eyes fixed on the man's back who dared to approach her. Ji Yanli abruptly stood up and glanced towards the man who was glaring at her with his suspicious eyes. 

Ji Yanli rolled her eyes in annoyance and said loudly for the two men to hear clearly, "Sorry! I can't go with you."

Ben was dumbstruck. It was the first time for him to get rejected when he personally went ahead and asked a girl for a night out or date. 

"Why?! Is there any particular reason? If you are busy then we can go tomorrow." Ben calmed himself down and asked slowly as he straightened up. only then he noticed the other person who had entered the class and was staring in their direction without blinking.

When the two men's eyes met at each other as if an invisible war had started without her knowing.

"Sorry! My husband has come to pick me up. I can't agree to go on a date with you~"



Both men became speechless at the same time. Ben's lips twisted as he finally saw the other man, "No way! Married and at such a young age?!"

It's as if this sounded very ridiculous and he couldn't pacify himself. 

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