Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 288 - 288 Hubby Wang Haixiao~

Chapter 288 - 288 Hubby Wang Haixiao~

"Yeah! We Asians get married very early. There are also many cases where underaged people are being married. Didn't you hear child marriage before?" Ji Yanli spewed bullcrap endlessly and bypassed the shocked man. 

Even though Ben was speechless and wanted to stop her, Ji Yanli didn't pay him any attention and walked towards Wang Haixiao in hurried steps, "Hubby~ There you are. I've been waiting for you to pick me up!"

Wang Haixiao choked when he heard her, 'Hubby? Since when I… ' Then his eyes fell on Ben who was looking at him sternly. It took him one second to understand that she was putting this act for that man to see.

When Ji Yanli reached him, she took Wang Haixiao's hand and interlocked their fingers. The man corporated and pressed her fingers tightly. 

"Sorry, I am late."

"It's okay. I forgave you for making me wait!" Ji Yanli's smile was so genuine that for a moment, Wang Haixiao was deceived. 

Nonetheless, Ji Yanli turned towards Ben and said aloud, "Classmate, see you another time." 

After saying this, Ji Yanli turned around and left with Wang Haixiao, leaving Ben somewhat awkward. The man kicked the chair in which Ji Yanli was seated the whole day and cursed aloud, "Damn it. Married? So what?! There is a thing called divorce in this world… "

… …

Wang Haixiao turned towards the woman who changed her face as soon as they left the classroom and moved. Noticing the man's gaze on her, she explained annoyingly, "This uni's director's child. Can't offend him by rejecting his date?"

Wang Haixiao nodded knowingly and asked, "So you made me your scapegoat?" 

Ji Yanli laughed wryly and answered, "Kind of." But then she turned towards him and teased, "Why? Our Xiao Xiao doesn't like it when I call you hubby? Or, should I call you baby? Honey? Or… daddy~"

"Shameless!" The man's ear tips turned red being teased by her. He increased his steps and left her behind in no time.

"Hey, Haixiao. Did you dare to leave me behind? You damn man!" 

Even in her slippers, Ji Yanli failed to catch up with Wang Haixiao. The boy who intended to talk with Ji Yanli after she left the class, paused when he saw the other party was following a man very enthusiastically.

Even then, he walked towards them and stopped in front of Wang Haixiao, "Hi man. You two must be new here, right?"

Because Wang Haixiao was forced to stop, Ji Yanli caught up with him, "Gotcha!" She grabbed his collar and wanted to curse at his face but then those swears stopped in her throats.

"Umm, hello." Ji Yanli greeted the other man and put on an angelic smile while she was trying to get back her breath. 

'Humph! This woman… always is the same.' Inwardly, Wang Haixiao scolded Ji Yanli but a corner of his mind admired her face changing skills.

"I wanted you to go to a party with me and be my female partner." The man glanced at Ji Yanli and asked with hope. All he was looking for was a chance to get to know her. 

Ji Yanli's eyes lit up and nodded hurriedly, "Oh really?! It's been months… alright!" 

"Great." The man smiled and ignored Wang Haixiao totally.

"Here's my card. Today, at 7:30 pm come to the road of the uni. I will take you with me then." He handed Ji Yanli a card and she took it with a smile that stung Wang Haixiao's eyes.

Even before she could finish reading, the card was snatched and given back to the man. "My wife can't." 

Ji Yanli's mouth became 'O' by his action. Wang Haixiao didn't like this reaction and dragged her away.


The boy paused in his position as the card came back to him. Right then Ben came out and saw this scene. 

"Michy, what's wrong?" Ben came beside him and patted his shoulder. 

"Ah… I.. nothing." The man put away his card and rubbed his chin. Then both of them went to the library but their moods were very ok. Both of them tactically didn't mention it.

… …

"Hey, have you gotten too much into this action that now you are blatantly telling others that I'm your wife?!" Ji Yanli exploded and whispered angrily while walking with Wang Haixiao.

There were many students around them. Some were doing group study together while some were busy going to their class. Ji Yanli suppressed her tone so that others couldn't hear her. 

The girl forgot that those people didn't know Chinese and someone knowing was relatively low.

"Heh! Why? Have I ruined your little date?" Wang Haixiao scoffed and glared at her. 

"Unreasonable!" Ji Yanli stomped her feet and turned around. Wang Haixiao stopped in his tracks and asked her, "Where are you going?"

"Library!" After leaving this word, she didn't wait for him and walked away in large steps. Wang Haixiao pursed his lips. There were five big fat books in his arms. He decided to put them in his car and then go to the library.

Ji Yanli was very angry when she saw Wang Haixiao didn't chase after her. With a lot of resentments in her heart, she went to the library.

As soon as she entered, both Ben and Michael noticed her. Both men were taken aback because they didn't expect her to come here as well.

Ji Yanli's mood was ruined by Wang Haixiao and it could be seen by the frown on her forehead. She walked in and strolled by the book racks. 

After going through many books' titles, she picked a history book and glanced around. Her angry eyes ignored the two men who were trying to make themselves visible to her.

A table which was placed at a corner, near the window and much isolated, caught her attention. Ji Yanli reached there and sat down.

Plugging earphones in her ear, she began to read silently. Both Ben and Michael were interested in her. They thought of going to her and sitting down to read together.

"Ben, I will go to pick something to time pass." Michael stood up. The other person nodded and stood as well. 

Ben glanced towards Ji Yanli who was reading without moving her lips. His lips curled up as he made his way towards her. 

Michael didn't notice where his buddy was going. When he was busy choosing a book, the person had already appeared beside Ji Yanli and sat on the seat beside her.

Ji Yanli just cast him a glance and didn't say anything. She was nonchalant as she continued to do whatever she was doing. 

Ben was also wise enough not to disturb her. When Michael came, he saw this scene and was disturbed.josei

"Ben, what are you doing here?" The man didn't expect the other person to come. On top of that, sitting beside Ji Yanli.

"What else?" Ben put his left hand on the top rail of Ji Yanli's seat and declared his stance. Michael bit his lips and silently sat on the seat which was in front of Ji Yanli.

"Classmate Lili seems to enjoy reading." Ben said lazily as he glanced sideways. Ji Yanli didn't hear a single thing because her earplugs were of top quality.

The other two men didn't know of this matter and thought she was ignoring them purposely. After a while, Ben became bored and snatched the book from Michael. 


"Go and pick another. Let me read this." 

The man turned the first page and began to read. When he started, he was invested in it in no time.

On the other hand, Michael was angry due to the man's rude behaviour. But then he was helpless because he couldn't offend the other party.

He got up and brought another book to read. Ji Yanli was annoyed by the movements beside her.

'Oh heavens! Where is peace!' She thought as she turned around another page.

When Wang Haixiao came into the cast library, he was stumped by this scene. That area looked so harmonious that he doubted his eyes for a moment.

Wang Haixiao quietly went to her table. "Lili…"

The other two men, even though knew that he was her husband, didn't move when they thought Ji Yanli was ignoring him. At that time, they speculated that her relationship with Wang Haixiao might not be so good. 

However, soon they were proved wrong.

Wang Haixiao walked around and dragged the empty seat beside her and sat down. He placed a green bag on the table and took out several little snacks.

Because many students came and sometimes read and studied for several hours, the library allowed food to bring.

Ji Yanli thought it must be one of the two men who had put those things in front of her and thus she tried to ignore those but suddenly, a hand moved in front of her and removed her hair from the side.

Ji Yanli was prepared to show her ferociousness but then she stopped. 

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