Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 335 - 335 Getting Retribution!

Chapter 335 - 335 Getting Retribution!

Heh! Trying to trick me to pay? Dream on!' Pan Er Jiu thought angrily as she glanced around the shop. A smile broke out when she detected the CCTV cameras around the corner which would definitely catch on the scene going on here.

The saleswoman's face changed as soon as she turned around, eyeing the cameras held firmly against the pole, the same place where Pan Er Jiu's eyes had fallen. 

Pan Er Jiu looked back at the woman and said loudly, "Let's check the footage. If what you said is true, then I will surely pay! If not, dream on!"

Yan Ruomin's smile deepened, "Do you take her as your servant? Will they do whatever you say, huh?!"

Pan Er Jiu didn't reply, ignoring Yah Ruomin's comment and yells, she just stared at the woman in front of her. 

Her eyes flashed when she noticed the other person being nervous. But after a while, the saleswoman put on a cold facade and said, "We can't. Except for any major issues, we aren't allowed to do so."

Pan Er Jiu snorted, she folded her hands across her chest. She nodded her head slightly before she strolled back and forth. She swept them a mocking gaze and said through gritted teeth, "Do you think I am a fool?! Trying to trick me into paying? You can dream on!"

After saying this, Pan Er Jiu turned around to leave. The saleswoman tried to stop her but this time, Yan Ruomin showed a vicious smile. She stepped ahead and directly pushed Pan Er Jiu hard.

"Opps~" Yan Ruomin brings both of her hands to her mouth, opening them wide as if she was surprised with what just happened.

"Ahh!" Pan Er Jiu groaned, clenched her butt as if to not fall head-on on the floor with broken pieces of glasses. 

In Yan Ruomin's mind, Pan Er Jiu's body overlapped with Luo Lixi's while the other person was falling. Yan Ruomin felt great satisfaction when she saw the other person falling directly on the broken pieces of glasses.

The saleswoman was shocked again. She covered her mouth with her hand and cried out, even then she didn't go ahead to help, "Oh no! Ma'am, are you alright?"

Pan Er Jiu looked down while frowning in pain, she felt her skin throbbing. She dropped on her knees and luckily, her palms were spared from getting injured. She tried to put the least bit of pressure on her knees, trying to prevent the shreds from piercing further in.

Yan Ruomin turned to the saleswoman and spoke sarcastically, "Whom are you calling ma'am? Does she look like a ma'am to you? Oh, please!"

After saying that, Yan Ruomin walked ahead. Afterwards, she turned around and flipped her hair back, as if to show her silky hair. 

Pan Er Jiu was fuming mad in anger, all she could see was red and with her teary eyes because of the stinging pain, she just glared at the woman. When the scent of shampoo assaulted her, she gave a loud sneeze.

"You bitc-'' Before she could finish, something fell on her head and scattered everywhere, making Pan Er Jiu freeze. 

"Sowwry~ Just now, I also slipped and thus ended up pushing you. Here is some money, enough for you to buy ointment. The extra, you can keep them. You can also compensate for the shop with the remaining amount." 

Afterwards, she turned around, seeming to leave. But then, Yan Ruomin turned around to face Pan Er Jiu again, "Oh, you can use the extra money to buy medicine for your boss though. Trash buying medicine for bigger trash. Tsk! Beggars!!"

After saying that, Yan Ruomin stepped on the money which was on the ground. Before leaving, she trampled on it for a few more seconds and then adjusted her eyeglasses. 

She smirked through her cool facade, mocking the other with satisfaction.

When Yan Ruomin's hand touched the handle of the shop's door, it was pulled from the other way. As soon as Yan Ruomin saw Luo Lixi, her eyes froze. 

At first Luo Lixi also found her similar but couldn't remember where she had seen her. Without saying anything, Yan Ruomin tried to hide her face and left, brushing past Luo Lixi. 

'Where did I see her? Surprisingly...she seems familiar!' She thought to herself, staring at the girl who was trying to hide herself. 

Noticing the weird behaviour of the person, Luo Lixi turned around to glance at her. After she had returned her eyes back to the shop, her eyes froze in shock. 

She ran inside with wide eyes and looked at Pan Er Jiu on the floor then at the saleswoman,

"What's happening here?!"

Yan Ruomin went back to the waiting area. She took her luggage and proceeded to the check-in area. 

In twenty minutes, everything was done. She entered the flight and sat in her seat. Her face couldn't hide the smile she had for a long time. 

"Hi~ Sweety~"

"Oh! Hello, miss~" Because she was in a good mood, she even greeted the flight attendant on her own initiative. Yan Ruomin left a good impression on the flight attendant.

In the past, she couldn't wait to sneer at those women though! Babysitting hundreds of adults, making her hate this profession. 

But she was in no mood to humiliate them when she was busy enjoying the moment of victory, as per her thoughts. 

How come, she couldn't dare to face her real enemy head on and be so happy and proud of her misdeeds? Tsk...shame! Shame!

After a while, when the plane got filled with people's, the attendant's beautiful voice rang out in the speaker, "Every passenger, please put on your seatbelt. We will take off in a while…"

Every passenger buckled the seatbelt and waited for the flight to fly off. But after waiting for more than three minutes, the plane didn't even move to the runway, it didn't even move a little.

Yan Ruomin frowned as she raised her head and glanced ahead. She removed her earphones and glanced around, "Why are they taking so long? I want to take out my laptop to work! Off~"josei

"Yeah! I am thinking the same!" The man whose seat was beside her answered. 

She shook her head in irritation and then took out her eye mask. Afterwards, she covered her eyes with it and leaned against the seat to sleep. She would rather sleep than stay awake the whole night!

Will she really get to have a peaceful night?

After a while, someone tapped on her shoulder, "Miss…"

Yan Ruomin creased her face and a brow rose up, she turned to another way and tried to continue her sleep. She even yanked away from the hand that was tapping her continuously. 

"There is no way, let's do it!" 

A male voice came out as something clicked. Yan Ruomin's wrists were grabbed and someone handcuffed them. 

"What the?!" Yan Ruomin yelled, flinched back, startled by the sudden cold binds around her wrist, someone suddenly removed her eye masks, making her blink her eyes. As soon as she saw the other person, her eyes froze.

Two police officers were standing beside her. The people who had sat beside her had already left the place empty. 

She looks around to see everyone, I mean every passenger present on the plane, watching her with curious and judgemental eyes. 

She then looked back at the officers, "Excuse me?" She questions trying to understand what the meaning behind their presence was!

Those two men held her hands and made her stand up. She started panicking and they weren't answering her either, "What are you doing? Leave my hand!" She yelled, struggling to set herself free but the more she pulled the more she hurt herself. 

 Then, with an eye roll, the officers began to drag her away. 

Yan Ruomin yelled as she resisted, "Wait?! Who are you? Why the heck did you arrest me?"

One policeman answered in a very cold voice that she shuddered, "You have committed crimes. That's why!"

"Crimes and me?! How ridiculous?! Don't you think you have got the wrong person?" Yan Ruomin tried to voice down her words but in her panic, she ended up yelling. 

People eyed them and tried to understand the situation.

After hearing her, the policeman glanced at her and said without hesitation, "There is no mistake!"

When they left the plane, Yan Ruomin began to resist strongly. "I have to go! My uni will start! Damn, you two officers! Do you know who I am? I'm from the Yan Family! I am Yan Ruomin…" 

Her words were becoming more and more loud and irritating. Even when they heard that she was from Yan Family, their faces didn't budge. But as soon as they heard she was Yan Ruomin, there were visible cracks. 

People of Ming city, they could either don't know the movie king, or the latest terrorist attack or who had stolen their cabbage, but they would surely know who Yan Ruomin was. 

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