The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 36

Chapter 36: The Harbinger of Divine Punishment (1)

The First Angel Slayer.

Ryu Min had earned the title by slaying Briel, the angel that was assigned to his area.

It was a prestigious title that granted him a double increase in stats when facing opponents of the divine type.

The Harbinger of The Divine Punishment was none other than a being of the divine type.

This is the reason why Ryu Min went beyond mere evasion and aimed to capture them.

“If it weren’t for this title, I wouldn’t have dared to challenge it.”

The Harbinger of The Divine Punishment was a monstrous creature that required a team of at least five level 40 players to barely defeat it.

Being only at level 27, Ryu Min faced the daunting task to confront it alone.

“But with a solid strategy and the right stats, there’s nothing I can’t overcome.”

Ryu Min possessed the Rune of Slaughter that enhanced his stats twofold.

In addition, his Angel Slayer title provided an extra double boost.

Altogether, it was a four-fold increase in power.

In terms of sheer stat quantity, it was comparable to a level 99 character, at the maximum level.

Of course, this comparison is based on the assumption of a level 99 character equipped with standard gear.

“Still, it’s better to improve my stats even a little.”

Ryu Min opened the combination window, revealing a large slot and five smaller slots surrounding it.

The large slot was for the main ingredient, while the smaller slots were for the sub-ingredients.

“I’ll enhance my stats by combining magic stones.”

Ryu Min dragged the item from his inventory and placed it into the slot.

[Main Ingredient]

-Skull Bone Necklace

[Sub Ingredients]

-Low-grade Purple Magic Stone





Filling all the sub-ingredient slots wasn’t necessary.

Once he was ready, he pressed the combination button.

[Combination Successful!]

[The Skull Bone Necklace now has the option ‘All Stats +1’.]

The sub-ingredients vanished, leaving only the Skull Bone Necklace.

Without hesitation, Ryu Min proceeded to combine magic stones with other equipment.

He had two magic stones in his inventory: one blue and one orange, obtained from hunting in this round.

“Since I can attach one magic stone to each piece of equipment, then…”

[Combination Successful!]

[The Leather Armor of the Seasoned Hunter gains the option ‘Damage Received -1%’.]

Using the low-grade blue magic stone, he obtained damage reduction.

[Combination Successful!]

[The Scythe of the Reaper gains the option ‘Strength +2’.]

With the low-grade orange magic stone, his strength stat increased.

“Although they’re low-grade magic stones, they’ll help boost my strength a little.”

Ryu Min combined them without any hesitation, striving to increase his power.

After all, the combined magic stones could be separated at will.

“They’re not consumables, so I can attach or detach them whenever I need.”

Once all the preparations were complete with the magic stone combinations…


The sky tore open, and a pillar of light descended to the ground.


Emerging under the spotlight was none other than an angel—a celestial being.

Cloaked in a judge-like attire and a robe that concealed the face, their gender remained indistinguishable.


Massive wings, measuring up to 6 meters in length, confirmed their angelic nature.

“The number and the size of wings determines an angel’s power.”

The more wings it has and the larger it is the stronger the angel.

“Ordinary angels have wings that are much smaller.”

Compared to a regular angel with a combined length of only 2 meters, the size of this angel’s wings was astounding.

However, players, unaware of these facts, could only stare in awe.

“Is that The Harbinger of The Divine Punishment?”

“Do we just have to avoid it to survive?”

“Doesn’t it seem too easy?”

Laughter echoed from various corners.

As majestic as their wings were, The Harbinger of The Divine Punishment’s appearance was similar to an ordinary human.

In response to such reactions, Ryu Min smirked.

“Did they expect a giant beast to appear or something?”

Until they experienced it firsthand, no one would grasp the true strength of The Harbinger of The Divine Punishment.


The Harbinger of The Divine Punishment shook its staff, and bells attached to its end emitted a sound.

Swish- swish!

The angel, leisurely leaning on the staff, suddenly stomped on the ground.


Simultaneously, a purple aura emanated from the staff’s tip.

[The Harbinger of The Divine Punishment has cast a Restriction Field.]

[Players cannot leave the field until the caster releases the skill.]

[Stats of players within the field are reduced by 50%.]

A translucent purple barrier manifested within a 100-meter radius.

Trapped inside, players collectively grew bewildered.

“What is this? Our stats are decreasing?”

“We can’t escape?”josei

“Are we really trapped?”

As they touched the purple barrier, they discovered its rigid and wall-like nature.

Enclosed within the colossal dome, the trapped players fell into contemplation.

Their plan to evade and roam around had crumbled from the start.

Observing the trapped players from outside the barrier, Ryu Min assessed their numbers.

“About 300 of them are caught, roughly.”

Naturally, Ryu Min himself remained outside the barrier.

Aware of its 100-meter range, he positioned himself beyond its reach from the beginning.

“It’s unfortunate, but I won’t be able to rescue all 300.”

Once trapped within the Restriction Field, there was no escape.

It was akin to being a mouse trapped in poison.

“Furthermore, with the stat reduction debuff, the odds are against us.”

Ryu Min knew this well from his initial encounter with the entity.

Getting trapped within the field meant certain death.


The Harbinger of The Divine Punishment unfurled its wings.

Simultaneously, countless arrows of light materialized around their wings.

Their number easily exceeded 200.

“It has begun.”

Ryu Min averted his gaze as if there was nothing to see.

The subsequent event was already anticipated.


The arrows flew like beams of light, piercing through the players’ bodies.




In an instant, 30 players in the front line became hitting targets for the arrows, meeting their demise.


“Are we supposed to dodge those?”

“It’s nearly impossible to track them with our eyes!”

Startled, the players retreated, but unfortunately, there was no escape route.

“Dodging the arrows of light is next to impossible.”

Ryu Min had a reason for avoiding being trapped within the barrier.

The combination of the field and the arrows of light created a lethal combo.

“As long as I stay out of it, I won’t die.”

In fact, he could even target the entity’s blind spot.

“The entity is solely focused on hunting humans, neglecting its surroundings.”

Unnoticed by the entity, Ryu Min circled around the barrier, positioning himself behind it.

In the meantime, a party of death was taking place in the circular dome.


“Sa-save me!”


Players were helplessly killed by countless arrows of light.

Focused on finishing the job The Harbinger of The Divine Punishment moved to the center of the barrier as the players kept moving around like rats inside the trap.

Not even noticing that Ryu Min was watching from behind.

‘As expected, he’s focused on hunting the others and doesn’t even pay attention to the back. I can see his back I can do it.’

Though he couldn’t approach due to the barrier…

“As soon as the barrier is lifted, I’ll launch a surprise attack.”

That was the only way to ambush the entity while evading its line of sight.

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