The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 36

Chapter 36: The Harbinger of Divine Punishment (2)

[The opponent you’re facing is a divine type.]

[With the title of the First Angel Slayer taking effect, all stats are doubled.]

A sudden message caught Ryu Min’s attention, prompting him to open his status window.

-Strength: 80, Intelligence: 28

-Agility: 116, Luck: 96

With the added title effect from the Rune of Slaughter, his stats skyrocketed fourfold.

“This should be enough to deliver significant damage.”

It was crucial to land a critical hit with his first strike.

That way, the following move would become much easier to execute.

As they say, “A preemptive strike leads to victory,” right?

While waiting for the barrier to be lifted, Ryu Min glanced at the surrounding players outside.

“They seem utterly shocked.”

Everyone stood speechless, unable to comprehend the brutal slaughter happening within the barrier.

Some players were trembling like leaves caught in a storm.

“Survive against this monstrous creature for thirty minutes?”

“Are you out of your mind?”

“I can’t even look at it, let alone survive. I need to run away.”

The hesitant players quickly made their way to the exit, desperate for safety.

But running away wouldn’t solve their problem.

“The angel has wings. It’s only a matter of time before it catches up.”

No matter how far they fled, it would be effortless for the angel to catch up with a few flaps of its wings.

And then, it would unleash havoc within the field, effortlessly slaughtering the trapped humans.

“Running in different directions is a much better strategy for survival than running around in a group.”

The best option was to flee behind the Harbinger of Divine Punishment.

“It rarely looks back.”

The reason was simple.

He underestimated humans.

“That as long as we don’t initiate an attack.”

Finally, as the barrier fell like a descending curtain, the lives of the 300 players trapped inside were extinguished.

In that moment, the Harbinger of Divine Punishment took a step forward, searching for new prey.

“Now is the perfect opportunity.”

Ryu Min dashed forward with all his might.

The once significant distance of over 100 meters, caused by the barrier, rapidly closed in.




He could sense the presence of his opponent, but the Harbinger of Divine Punishment kept his sight focused forward.

“There’s no need to worry about being noticed.”

After all, that creature had no ears.

That was his first weakness.

“The distance to the angel is now 5m…!”

As Ryu Min closed in on the relatively short distance, he leaped high into the air.


The Seal of Death was already engraved.

“I must go all-in with the first strike.”

He exerted all his strength, channeling it into the hand gripping his scythe.

At that moment, as if it felt a shadow descending from above, the angel finally looked up.

“But it’s already too late.”

Ryu Min’s scythe struck the angel’s eyeball faster than expected.


“Did I hit it?”

When Ryu Min landed from his aerial somersault, the Harbinger of Divine Punishment clutched his eye.


“I got him!”josei

Ryu Min found himself holding his breath as golden blood streamed through the angel’s writhing fingers.

Though Ryu Min couldn’t understand its words, the agony was apparent.

“I hit it precisely, right in the eyeball.”

Hitting the face, especially an eye, with a large scythe was no easy feat.

It required a deep understanding of the weapon and considerable expertise.

But Ryu Min accomplished it.

“But it’s not over yet.”

Despite the scythe hitting its eye, the Harbinger of Divine Punishment remained alive.

“He’s a tough one with high endurance.”

Furthermore, his other eye remained intact.

While it suffered a critical blow, a single attack wouldn’t be enough to kill it.

Thanks to the Seal of Death, Ryu Min could clearly see the remaining health, indicating there was still 60% left.

“Considering that I managed to get rid of 40% with just one attack, it’s not bad.”

Ryu Min retreated, putting some distance between himself and the creature.

The Harbinger of Divine Punishment blinked its remaining eye, searching for Ryu Min.

However, Ryu Min had long vanished from his line of sight.

While he was out of sight, the Harbinger of Divine Punishment conjured a purple barrier once again.

[The Harbinger of Divine Punishment has cast the Restriction Field.]

Even though it was an attempt to trap him, Ryu Min anticipated it and swiftly evaded.

Ryu Min had long since moved beyond the 100-meter radius.

The enraged Harbinger of Divine Punishment searched for prey within the barrier.

But realizing that there were no captured victims, he promptly lifted the field.

As if waiting for this moment, Ryu Min stomped on the ground.


He closed the distance, rushing through the entity’s blind spot, before leaping again.

“I’ve taken one down.”


[Rumbling sound!]

“Now I must claim the other.”

The crescent moon-shaped scythe found its mark in the Harbinger of Divine Punishment’s remaining eye.


The angel screamed in agony and anger, immediately casting the field once more.

[The stats of the players inside the field are reduced by 50%.]

Though Ryu Min’s movements slowed due to the stat reduction, it didn’t faze him.

“A blind creature with no eyes is nothing more than a splendid punching bag.”

There was no reason to fear a sightless opponent.


The Harbinger of Divine Punishment spread his massive wings.

Unable to see his opponent, he launched beams of light in all directions, intending to kill.

That’s when…

“Now is the time.”

Ryu Min unleashed the Night of Death.


Countless beams of light vanished like extinguished candles.

The light was swallowed by the darkness.

“That’s his second weakness.”

Ryu Min raised his scythe.

“It’s his vulnerability to a Reaper-class entity.”

Light cannot triumph over darkness.

That’s how the system of the Otherworld was designed.

Confused, the Harbinger of Divine Punishment swung his staff.

But Ryu Min had already evaded, moving behind him, making it impossible to land a hit.

“Now let’s finish this.”

To prevent the creature from fleeing, Ryu Min decided to start by severing its wings.

Whoosh! Whoosh!!

After a few strikes, the angel’s wings fell to the ground.


The creature screamed in agony, but two wings remained.

Without hesitation, Ryu Min swung his scythe again.

Slice! Strike! Thump!

Both wings were torn asunder.

Now, the creature had lost its means of escape.

“Its health is now at 10%.”

Only the final blow remained.

However, instead of ending its life, Ryu Min distanced himself.

The body of the Harbinger of Divine Punishment emitted a golden light.

[Condition met. The passive skill ‘Radiant Final Radiance’ of the Harbinger of Divine Punishment has been activated.]

[The Harbinger of Divine Punishment becomes invincible.]

When its health dropped below 10%, the final phase began.


Ryu Min smirked.

“If I had aimed for its neck or other parts, it would have escaped without me being able to kill it after the beginning of the final phase.”

That’s why Ryu Min removed its wings first, even if the phase begins he has no means to ascend to the sky.

“Now it’s time to end this.”

Ryu Min’s scythe gracefully danced through the air.

The Harbinger of Divine Punishment’s head fell, severed in an instant.

[You have slain The Harbinger of Divine Punishment.]

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