The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Kill Steal (1)

This was no ordinary gathering; it was a party consisting of five men.

“Hey, take a look over there,” one of them exclaimed.

“Isn’t that a black scythe?” another chimed in.

The men, upon spotting Ryu Min, suddenly froze in their tracks, clearly taken aback. It was as though they had stumbled upon a lion in the midst of a tranquil meadow.

Ryu Min couldn’t help but wonder why he felt a pang of unease. After all, these weren’t monsters; they were players.

“Surely they wouldn’t attack me unless they’ve gone completely mad,” he mused.

“And look, there’s a woman with him,” another observer noted.

The men, their initial vigilance slowly waning, exchanged uncertain glances. Ryu Min found a modicum of comfort in having Min Juri by his side.

“Um, hello…?” one of the men ventured hesitantly.

But Ryu Min remained silent, his expression akin to someone bothered by pesky flies, his brow furrowed.

“What’s going on here?” another inquired cautiously.

“Well… We came here to hunt orcs, but we never expected to run into such a sight,” one of the men explained. 

As he spoke, their collective gaze shifted in unison, drawn to a peculiar sight.

“How many of those beasts did they bring down?”

“They managed to kill all these orcs?” their shock quickly turned into comprehension.

The culprits responsible for the slain orcs were none other than the wielders of the black scythes. Yet, something didn’t quite add up.

“Wait a moment, there were this many orcs in such a small village? Something’s not right.”

“And who’s that woman next to him? A companion, perhaps?”

‘Black Scythe has a companion? That’s rather unusual. Unless he’s using her for some peculiar purpose.’

‘Her face is half and half, and she’s quite buxom. She looks rather intriguing, heh.’

‘I had no idea black scythe had such perverse tastes. Heh.’

They couldn’t utter these thoughts aloud, but their minds were active, free to criticize even the President if they so wished.

However, they had chosen their adversary unwisely.

Especially when facing someone with runic abilities.

So it came as no surprise that Ryu Min’s eyebrows arched in response.

“Don’t bother me; just go away,” he curtly instructed.

“Excuse me?” one of the men stammered.

“I said if you don’t have anything to say, leave.”

The suddenness of his command was startling, but what truly irked them was his informal tone.

“When did you start using such informal language?” another questioned.

“That’s right. Isn’t it impolite to be informal when meeting someone for the first time?” a third added.

To an outsider, it might have appeared audacious. Individuals not even at level 13 daring to criticize someone at level 32.

Ryu Min found himself equally bewildered.

“What if, in the midst of a hunt, annoying little pests came buzzing around you? You’d want to squash them, wouldn’t you? That’s exactly how I feel right now.”

His words were met with silence.

“Don’t trouble me; just leave. Unless you’re not too attached to your lives.”

“Come on, guys, let’s go,” one of them urged, attempting to defuse the tension.

“Sorry for the interruption,” another added, bowing apologetically.

“We apologize for disturbing you,” yet another chimed in.

The men retreated swiftly, and Ryu Min didn’t take his eyes off them until they had vanished from sight.

He was, in fact, reading their thoughts.

“These fellows… They must be lurking somewhere, keeping an eye on me.”

They were evidently curious about the black scythe’s hunting techniques, hence their strategic withdrawal and decision to observe from a concealed vantage point.

“Go ahead, watch all you want. As long as I achieve my goal, it doesn’t bother me.”

Yet, he couldn’t indefinitely hunt orc summons.

“I should eliminate the boss and collect the rewards sooner rather than later.”josei

“Before that, I’ll level up Min Juri to 20.”

Shifting his gaze away from the departing men, Ryu Min looked at Min Juri and said, “Let’s get back to hunting.” 

“Why did you deliberately speak so coldly to drive them away?” Min Juri inquired.

“What do you mean?” 

“Why did you use such an icy tone to chase them off?”

“You used to be so gentle,” she remarked, withholding her follow-up comments.

Ryu Min, somewhat taken aback by her ability to discern his thoughts, maintained his composure and simply replied, “If I don’t do this, they’ll keep bothering us. I have to make it crystal clear that I’ll eliminate them if they dare meddle again.”

“Just focus on hunting, and pay no mind to them,” He reassured her.


The group of men who had been shooed away by the enigmatic Black Scythe came to a sudden halt.

“Perhaps we’re out of his line of sight by now?” one pondered aloud.

“But what’s our plan here?” another asked.

“It’s curiosity, my friends,” a third chimed in. “We’re itching to discover just how this enigmatic fellow, Black Scythe, carries out his hunting.”

“Ah, yes, that thought has crossed my mind as well,” admitted another. “I’m also intrigued by where he’s sourcing all these orcs from.”

“So, what’s the strategy? Shall we sneak closer and observe?” yet another inquired.

“Don’t worry, as long as we stay a reasonable distance away, we won’t be noticed. And if you’re feeling scared, well, you can always hang back,” the reassurer offered.

“Fear? Not in a million years! Let’s move.”

Having mustered their courage, the five men ventured closer in the direction where the Black Scythe had been spotted.

“I see him, over there,” one of them whispered.

Through the dappled tree cover, they glimpsed a quaint thatched cottage, and just beyond it, the Black Scythe in the throes of his hunt.

They decided to make use of the trees as makeshift shields and close the distance cautiously.

“At this range, we should remain concealed,” one remarked.

“Alright then, this is our chance to observe where this guy is rounding up those orcs from,” another strategized.

Unbeknownst to them, Black Scythe was outside the cottage, methodically dispatching orcs.

Limb after limb was severed, and orc corpses thudded heavily to the ground.

Once he’d created a substantial pile, the Black Scythe turned away, as though his part in this macabre dance was over.

“What in the world is going on here?” someone pondered aloud.

“Why hasn’t he finished them?” another queried, perplexed.

Just then, the woman at his side, as if anticipating the moment, thrust her sword into an orc.

The unfortunate creature, unable to put up any resistance, relinquished experience points as its throat was cruelly pierced.

“What… Is he helping her level up?” one of them wondered.

“Why on earth? What’s his motive?” another mused.

It was an incomprehensible sight. The number one-ranked player, squandering precious time leveling up with another woman.

“What kind of pleasure did that woman offer to earn his help?” someone speculated.

“Good Lord, just look at how easy he makes hunting seem,” another muttered enviously.

Their perspective on the matter was profoundly altered. Some of them, toiling to bring down a single orc, now felt a pang of frustration as they watched others amass experience points with minimal effort.

“But isn’t something rather peculiar here?” one inquired.

“What do you mean?” another responded.

“Take a closer look at that woman.”

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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