The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Kill Steal (2)

“But isn’t something rather peculiar here?” one inquired.

“What do you mean?” another responded.

“Take a closer look at that woman.”

Every time she entered the thatched house, the orcs would emerge and follow her outside.

It wasn’t just a one-time occurrence; it happened repeatedly.

Every time she ventured inside and returned, the orcs trailed after her like devoted followers.

“She’s continually luring out the orcs, don’t you see? I’ve counted at least thirty by now.”

“Doesn’t that strike you as odd? Could there be as many orcs inside as she’s drawing out?” someone wondered.

The two of them were caught in an endless loop of drawing the orcs out and hunting them down.

“If those piles of orc corpses over there are coming from inside that small cottage…”

“That would mean there were at least three hundred orcs inside,” another concluded.

“It simply doesn’t make sense,” one mused.

“In that case, the only logical conclusion is…” They all seemed to arrive at the same thought simultaneously.

“That that thatched house is an orc respawn point?” someone dared to suggest.

“It certainly appears that way. Otherwise, none of this adds up,” another concurred.

In a world structured like a game, the presence of respawn points wasn’t entirely out of the ordinary. In fact, it was a rather logical assumption.

“Could it be that they’ve been camping out here, using this respawn point?” one seethed with indignation.

“Now that I think about it, perhaps they asked us to leave to seize control of this spot?” another ventured.

It was infuriating, to say the least. They burned with the desire for revenge against these two interlopers, no matter the cost.

Yet, facing off against the Black Scythe offered little hope. For now, all they could do was bide their time and watch.

“How about we wait until those guys depart? Once they’re gone, we can swoop in and claim this place,” one suggested.

“That sounds like a plan. We’d love to take it back by force, but we lack the strength,” another conceded.

Regretfully, the men settled into an impatient waiting game, not realizing that this would ultimately prove to be the gravest mistake of their lives.


“Black Scythe! I’ve hit level 20!” Min Juri, her sword bathed in orc blood, couldn’t contain her excitement.

This achievement had been unlocked in a mere fifteen minutes.

With his usual nonchalance, Ryu Min acknowledged, “Congratulations.”

Level 20 marked a significant turning point for Min Juri. Her status had been upgraded to Regular, and she’d unlocked the coveted Combination feature.josei

“I’ve even picked up a brand-new skill. Bless’s effectiveness has jumped from 50% to 60%!” she exclaimed.

“Can you cast it on me now?” Ryu Min inquired.

“Just give me a moment!”

Radiant light emanated from Min Juri’s outstretched hand, making its way towards Ryu Min.

[The Bless skill, when activated, elevates all statistics by a resounding 60%.]

[Duration: 02:59:59]

“And another one. It’s my newly acquired buff,” she elucidated.

This time, a verdant radiance enveloped Ryu Min’s mind as it permeated his being.

[The Swift skill dramatically enhances both attack and movement speed by a whopping 60%.]

[Duration: 00:29:59]

Swift, the skill that enhanced attack and movement speed, was nothing short of a game-changer. Although its effects lasted a mere 30 minutes, they were anything but trivial.

“Effectively, it boosts Agility by a solid 40 points,” Ryu Min calculated. While it might not be on par with Bless, it was a valuable addition to his arsenal. What’s more, it promised to significantly improve his time-killing records.

“Swift is quite a useful buff,” he acknowledged.

“Right? Don’t fret about its short duration. I’ll refresh it every 30 minutes,” Min Juri reassured him.

“Thanks for having my back.”

“I don’t say things lightly; I mean it.”

“Got it.” 

‘She’s genuinely appreciative,’ Ryu Min couldn’t help but think.

He knew Min Juri’s feelings better than anyone, thanks to the Rune of Inner Thoughts, but as the enigmatic Black Scythe, he had to remain indifferent.

“All right, let’s conclude our leveling here and set our sights on that Orc Shaman.”

“Isn’t hunting Orcs like this profitable?”

“We must venture after other bosses as well; we can’t linger here indefinitely.”

“Is there anything I can do to assist?”

“Stay out of harm’s way, so you don’t become a liability.”

“Yes, don’t worry.”

Despite his brusque words, Min Juri didn’t take offense; instead, she appreciated his vigilance.

Just before Ryu Min ventured inside to confront the Orc Shaman, he surreptitiously glanced toward the two o’clock direction.

“Noobs time.”

The same five individuals he had previously told to leave were observing from afar, blissfully unaware that their presence had been detected.

Ryu Min had discreetly kept tabs on them using the Rune of Inner Thoughts, allowing him to read their intentions.

“They were badmouthing me and Min Juri pretty harshly.”

His mental fortitude was substantial enough not to be swayed by insults. Still, their attitude irritated him.

“Even in the face of such an overwhelming level gap, they dare to entertain such thoughts about me?”

He sighed silently, believing that they just hadn’t comprehended the Black Scythe’s terror yet.

“I need to work harder to build my reputation. I can’t allow anyone to talk about me like that.”

To reach that goal, Ryu Min had prepared something improvised – a plan to expose their weaknesses.

“It’s almost like an integrity test in a way.”

With a sly smile, he swung open the cottage door and stepped inside.

A short while later…

Crash! The cottage door shattered, and Ryu Min burst out.

Min Juri, wisely keeping her distance to avoid becoming collateral damage, widened her eyes in astonishment.

Why is Black Scythe, the same man who had effortlessly dispatched hundreds of Orcs, fleeing? What could possibly terrify him?

Her questions were soon answered. Following Ryu Min, an Orc Shaman wearing an eerie wooden mask and clutching a staff stepped out.

“Chii-ing, Shiiii-ing!”

When the Orc Shaman bellowed, ten more Orcs materialized out of thin air.

While Min Juri was safely out of their reach, the true concern was for the Black Scythe.

“He’s… he’s encircled by twenty Orcs!”

“Should I help him?” Min Juri’s momentary hesitation was brief.

Black Scythe, whom she knew better than anyone else, didn’t fear facing twenty Orcs.

And hadn’t she just buffed him?

“With the movement speed he possesses, he should easily be able to outrun them.”

Why would he let himself get cornered when escape was a breeze?

Min Juri suspected he had a plan.

“Chiiiiing! Ching!”

At the Orc Shaman’s command, the Orcs surrounding Black Scythe initiated a coordinated attack.

Swords clashed, shoulders contorted to dodge incoming blows, heads ducked to evade axes – in the cramped space, Black Scythe moved tirelessly.

With twenty attackers, there was barely a moment to catch one’s breath.

“He’s parrying and evading them all… Remarkable skill,” Min Juri silently admired.

But her admiration was short-lived.

“Who are those people…?”

Suddenly, she spotted figures approaching from behind the Orc Shaman. They were the same men they had encountered earlier.

“What are they up to? Could it be that, while Black Scythe is drawing the orcs’ attention, they’re attempting to eliminate the Orc Shaman?”

Seeing them cautiously approach with weapons drawn confirmed her suspicions.

‘No, the Shaman is Black Scythe’s target!’

Whether he knew this or not, Black Scythe was busy dealing with the Orcs.

‘If this continues, the Orc Shaman will be stolen by them!’

The moment she decided that she had to step in and stop it

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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