The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 113

Chapter 113: The Unknown Sins

Jay was completely shocked after looking at what was written.

Recently he had been seeing those words and that was why he was baffled to see them here too.

'The Black king... why is that written here all of a sudden?', he thought.

He didn't know the reasons for the abnormality that was happening.josei

First of all the free pass was stopped and now the texts and words were also strange.

He took a quick look at it again in order to know what that really was when suddenly he heard some sound.

"This...", he looked towards the front where the huge door was.

It wa silencing slowly and was making the ere noise as if it had been ages since it was opened.

'Is the dungeon... trying to tell me to enter that space?', he thought.

He was a bit hesitant to enter but that was the only way left that he could see so he dashed towards the door and ultimately entered it.

The moment when he entered the next area, the door shut while making a loud noise.

All the 8 statues of angels suddenly turned their heads and their gases were now towards their fronts.

Suddenly their mouths opened and it seemed as if they were laughing.

Slowly they turned their heads towards the ceiling where the 9th angel was looking down and was smiling too in a sinister way.

Their eyes couldn't be anymore crooked and evil and scary smile on their faces couldn't be any more worse that the current one.

It seemed as if all the angels had their eyes opened to the maximum extent and then looked towards the 9th angel who jumped from the ceiling.

He did seem like an angel but was holding a sceptre. For some reason he gave off a feeling of a grim reaper.

All of them then started looking towards the door which was just shut. It was as if they were waiting for something to happen.




'Uhh... why is it so dark here...?', immediately after thinking that he tried to gather the mana in his eyes and eventually used it as a skill in order to see.



[New Skill Learned]

-> Night vision Lv.1

- -> Allows the user to be able to see even at a dark place at the cost of mana. [1 MP/ min]

- -> The user can see only upto a range of 200 metres, on Leveling up the range would increase.


It was a good thing that he learnt the skill. On top of that the system too gave out a satisfactory description about the skill without actually describing each and every detail about it.

He then activated the skill and was able to see everything clearly around him.

Though it was a bit greenish in colour and was quite similar to night vision goggles, it was helpful.

"...", Jay didn't move even a single inch the moment after he gained the new skill and used it.

'Are you kidding me...?', he was completely shocked at the sight that he was looking at.

'You... you expect me to fight them?', he thought.

"Damn... how the fuck will I be able to fight with a freaking Crocodile beast of S tank and that too in water?", he shouted.

"What is a marine creature doing in the sky anyway!!!?", he was frustrated.

"And the biggest question is, who the fuck would build a pool here!!?", he was irritated.

He looked at the area which had a huge pool in which there was a huge crocodile. That was not the only thing, it's stats were also huge like him which Jay didn't bother to see as he didn't have the time.

Every minute his MP was being consumed so he couldn't possibly read all of its stats.

The only thing that he paid attention to was it's HP, Rank And weakness.


HP: 1980/2000


-> Weak against Thunder/Lightning.


The weakness was quite obvious since it lived in water and probably that was why Jay dashed towards it in order to finish it with just one blow.

"LIGHTNING STRIKE!!!", he shouted immediately after which bluish lights appeared and the lightning dashed the crocodile.

It was a direct hit and thanks to the water which acted as a conductor, it caused double the damage while adding a critical hit!



[You have slain the Crocosaur]

-> You have leveled up.

-> You have Leveled up.

-> You have...


For some reason many notifications popped up about Leveling up. He too was surprs ed by seeing so many texts as just by killing one crocodile, he leveled up to 21!!!

"This is...", he wasn't able to understand the logic behind Leveling up.

The battle was too easy and it wa sober in just a few seconds but despite that he got a large quantity of XP!

"Why...!?", the question kept lingering in his mind and it seemed as if the system detected it due to which a system notification popped up which answered his question.



[Dungon Buff]

-> All rewards and stats acquired by the host will be increased by 10 times.


"Huh...?", he stared at the system as if there was no tomorrow.

"Doesn't that mean that the damage that I'll receive would be 10 times more?", he asked.



-> Affirmative.



"And you are saying that so easily...", Jay was annoyed yet again but he couldn't waste anymore time.

He thought about rushing to the other side of the pool by walking over the dead monster.

He used the skill dash and in an instant reached the other side.

"The next area...", he glared at the door that was in front of him which had opened the moment when Jay had killed the Crocosaur.

He just stood in front of the entrance as the next area was also dark.

'I can feel it... a murderour aura...', he thought.

He kept on using the night vision skill and dashed inside the next area. The door immediately closed.




Jay failed to see anything ahead of him since his MP was almost over.

More than that his range was limited which was lot more than 200 metres.

"Tsk, what are you waiting for? You want my MP to hey completely depleted and only after that you will reveal yourself?", he asked.

He was basically taunting but whatever he told was the truth indeed.

He could clearly feel a strong murderous intent from inside but wasn't able to notice any movements.

"Damn... if that's how you want to play...", he immediately used the inventory and took out the glove and wore it on his left hand.

Immediately after doing that he shouted, "Flash!!!"

A sudden radiance of light shined from the glove which eradicated all the darkness that was covering the area.

"Holy shit!!! What the heck is happening here...?", he was completely shocked when he saw the area after using the flash skill.

The 8 angel statues which he had seen earlier were now placed here too. Also, the circle was at the same place and a door was also visible in front of him.

He was confused and couldn't understand the situation properly.

"But the killing intent... it's...", he realised that he was being played.

The killing intent wasn't coming from any living being, in fact it was clearly being emitted from all the statues.

But it was quite faint, and that was not the killing intent that he was feeling.

"Something else... there is definitely something else that is emitting this murderous aura...", just as he said that he allowed his senses to take over him for a second.

Everything around him turned dark for a second immediately after which he could spot red lights which symbolised threat or killing intent emitters.

"Fuck!!!", he leapt back and barely avoided the attack that was aimed at him.


A small explosion occurred due to the fire ball magic which collided with the floor and there was a huge crater formed.

More than that, the angel that was hanging in the roof was smiling.

It came down almost instantly and smirked while liking at Jay.

"W-what are these...? And there were totally 9 angels?"

Just after he said that, he could see other angels moving too.

None of them had any weapons in their hands but the ninth angel which just descended from the ceiling was holding a scythe.

The angels started to attack him with various kinds of magic but those attacks couldn't touch him since they were so gigantic while Jay was tiny in front of them.

They weren't able to aim properly.

"Haha, feel the wrath of God!!!", said the 9th angel who was a bit smaller than all of them but was the most sinister out of all of them.

"Haaa!!?", Jay wasn't standing at the same place. He was dodging from all the fire, lightening and other elemental attacks.

But while doing that he literally heard the angel speak because of which he was completely surprised.

"You.... how...?"

"The Black king! Face the punishments of your sins!!!", the angel said.


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