The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: The Battle In The Sky Dungeon - Part 1

The 9th angel shouted at Jay while saying him to bear the punishment of his sins.

"What the fuck? What Sins?", he asked while carefully dodging the Attacks.

"You don't even remember your sins?", the voice was quite deep and dominating which was making Jay nervous but he had no intention of bearing the responsibility of something which he had never done!

"Lightning Strike!!!", he used the skill despite his less mana in order didge from another lightning attack which was discharged towards him.

'Damn, this is getting dangerous...', he thought.

After that he tried to look at their stats but nothing was visible. Instead the system was not popping up itself.

'Now what the hell us wrong with the system?", he asked when suddenly hands came out from the floor and grabbed his legs.

"Huh?", he was shocked and even before he realised, a large fire orb was already aimed at him.


There was a huge explosion which was more than enough to kill Jay and he would have ended up completely dead and his body should have been burnt by that, but quite the opposite happened.

The angels were quite shocked to feel his existence behind the huge smile that had been produced.

"Phew, that was close... I would have literally turned into ashes."



[You have activated the skill Heat Coversion]

-> All the excess heat was converted to mana.

-> All attack stats has been rises by 20 for 5 minutes.

-> Due to the coversion Of large amount of pure heat, the skill has gained large amount of exp and is now evolved to 'BLAZE SUCKER'


Immediately after the message that initially popped up, there was another message.



-> All Of the mana has been recovered.

-> Due to excess presence of mana, the skill Absorb was activated which has storues the mana in a sub space, can be used when required.

-> The skill absorb has completely absorbed the shock due to the impact of the fire blast skill due to which only 1% of the damage affected the user.


Jay's eyes were literally shining with red light which were fierce and scary.

Some smoke kind of thing was breathed out by him which was probably some amount of excess steam that was generated due to heat.

Jay now glared at all of them who were standing there with a shocked expression rather than the normal sinister smile that they had earlier.

Jay's shirts were almost torn due to the initial shock and his pants also had some scratch or torn marks due to the rocks which grazed him after the impact of the strong fire shot.

"Now... prepare for your doom...", he said this and immediately vanished from the area by using stealth and dash simultaneously.

But it seemed as if the 9th angel was able to see him and somehow was still attacking with lightning magic whisk aiming almost accurately.

'So I am not fast enough?', he thought.

The glare that he was giving earlier now intensified.

'Use... Energy motion!', he thought about this in his mind.



[You have used the skill Energy Motion]

-> All stats have been raised by 2 points.

-> All Senses have been boosted and have become sharper.

-> Objects will appear to have become slower.

-> Hearing has increased.

-> You can smell till the range of 50m.

-> You can feel the mana in the air.

-> You can taste even the tasteless substance.


His speed now increased by a bit. Even though it was just 2 points, he was ready to do everythung in order to defeat the giant statues.

"Hyaaaa!!!! Lightning strike!!!", he used the skill while aiming the one of the angels.

A lot of lightnings hit one of the angels and the statue was completely destroyed.


[You have leveled up]


"You!!!", the 9th angel shouted and asked other angels to attack him too.

'Tsk, he can still see me?', Jay was frustrated as he thought this.

'System! Show my status!!!', he said in his mind immediately after which a notification popped up.




-> LEVEL: 22

-> Rank: A

-> HP: 1750 (+2)

-> MP: 1300 (+2)

-> SP: 260 (+2)

-> Attack: 180 (+20) (+2)

-> Defence: 160 (+2)

-> Stamina: 182 (+2)

-> Speed: 310 (+2)

-> Critical Hit Ratio: 2/10 (+2)

-> Lives: 1

-< click for further details >-


'Uhhh!!! I don't have the privilege to click right now, just show the next part of the info!!!', he said in his mind.



-> Stat. Points: 160

-> Fame Points: 5800

-> Leader Points: 0

-> Free Pass: 1 (+2/3)

-> Resistant to all sorts of poisons.

-> Resistance to shocks/thunder/lightning.

-< click for further details >-


'Yes! That's what I wanted to see...', he thought with happiness while running away from the angels and fishing their attacks.

Soon the angels started throwing the spears of light out of nowhere which were penetrating the floor too.



Everywhere that was the sound as Jay was dodging from every attack.

"Can't you all hit that one bastard?", the ninth angel who seemed to be the boss of all the remaining angels was shouting at the top of his voice.

He immediately opened the inventory and pulled out the Blood sword. He was already wearing the gloves in his hand.

He jumped high, nearly above all the angels statues immediately for which they had to raise their heads when Jay aimed the sword at another angel and threw it with great force.

'GRAVITY!!!', he used the power of gravity that he got thanks to the glove due to which the speed of the word increased and it struck the statue with twice the amount of force.


The sword completely penetrated one of the statues and destroyed it completely.

"Now!!! Shoot the arrows towards him!!! He can't dodge mid air!!!", the ninth angel shouted.

"Arrows you say...", Jay smirked.

"Huh...?", the angel couldn't understand the reason behind Jay's smile initially but after he pulled out a weapon, he understood why he was so confident.

"The Bahamut Slayer!!!", he pulled out a bow this time and immediately pulled the string.

'I knew it... there was a cool down timer on it due to which I wasn't able to pull the second time...'

After thinking that he released the string from which one red coloured arrow was shot which multiplied as it went towards the light arrows that was shot by the angels.

It easily pierced all the light arrows and erased them easily after which they dashed and hit all the statues which had shot the arrows.


Suddenly the fire started out of nowhere which Jay absorbed inside his body while using the Blaze sucker in order regain the very few mana that he had lost just now.

He drank a potion simultaneously to regain some of the Lost HP.

All the fire vanished in a minute and there was no sign of any statue remaining.


[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have...


It seemed as if the fire was so strong that it even burned down the rocks of the statue completely and turned them into ashes.

"Now... it's only you and me...", Jay said.

He tried to pull the string again and found that it had become unmovable like earlier.

He understood that he could use the bow only once at a time and had to wait for cool down timer and thus immediately put the weapon back into the inventory.

He then picked up the Blood sword that was lying on the ground which was unscathed even after being thrown into the fire just now.

He put that back to the inventory as well and then finally pulled out 'The Shadow Merchant's Ring'.

He had placed it in the inventory earlier and that was how he had drew the bahamut slayer from the inventory rather than from the ring.

Now while standing there and glaring at the 9th angel who was also staring back at Jay, he took out the cursed daggers from the ring.

The angel immediately understood that he wanted to fight and this he too immediately drew the scythe that he had.

'Add half of my stat points to speed and 40 points to attack and 40 points to defence.', he said in his mind.


-> Attack: 220 (+20) (+2)

-> Defence: 200 (+2)

-> Speed: 370 (+2)

-> Stat. Points: 0


Suddenly he could feel that we grew a bit stronger. He could feel that the angel's statue was emitting a large amount of aura and that was why he used this to strengthen himself.

But even after all the buffs and addition of stats, he could feel that both of them were almost equal in strength just by looking each other.

Both of them kept staring at each other for a while. It was completely silence when suddenly a small piece of rock fell from a higher platform.

It was as if the world had turned slow motion and to rock too was falling in slow motion.


The moment the small piece of rock his the ground, Jay and the angel, both vanished from where they were standing.

The ninth angel was not as big as the others and was just thrice the size of Jay. That was why it had quite a high value of agility.




The sounds of each other's Weapons colliding was clearly being heared. In fact it was echoing throughout the hall but nothing was visible.

Their speeds and agility had already surpassed what a human eyes could perceive.



"Tsk...", Jay was slammed into the wall behind him in which he was stuck and a crater was formed due to the force of the throw. It was the same for the angel too who also had formed a dent on the doors.

"YOU BLOODY ANGEL!!!", Jay shouted.

"DAMN YOU BLACK KING!!!", the angel shouted!


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