The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 115

Chapter 115: The Battle In The Sky Dungeon - Part 2

Jay immediately got up from that position and dashed towards the angel.

The angel too swung its scythe as it dashed towards Jay.


Th cursed dagger and the scythe resonated with each other and the forced got exchanged due to which both of them were pushed apart again.

Jay had been using the skill flash all these time which he thought about ending since that could have been the reason why the angel was able to detect where he was.

Even while he was using the stealth, the flash would ultimately show his position which he realised only now.

'Am I a fool?', after thinking this he immediately ceased using the flash skill and opted for the night vision skill.

His eyes were already sharp because of the boost he got and thanks to that the Night vision was rather comfortable.

He then used stealth and dashed towards the angel. The angel was just turning his head here and there as he wasn't able to find Jay when suddenly Jay appeared all of a sudden behind him and slashed his back with the daggers.

But the daggers hardly did anything and only a scratch was left on the angel's back.

"Tsk... this won't work..", he said.

"Aladula Shala Worola!!!", the angel chanted something which reverberated inside Jay's Head.

"What the...", even before he knew what had happened half of his body had already turned into stones.

"The heck...", he wasn't able to free himself no matter how much he tried and the angel then walked towards Jay while having a sinister like laughter.

"That's what would happen to the one who commits so many crimes and sins...", the angel said.

It walked much more closer and continued its March until it had reached quite close to Jay.

"And now finally, you will have the punishments of your sin!", while saying this the angel pulled the scythe and was about to swing it with full force that would end up slicing the upper part of his body when suddenly Jay shouted.

"I am not even aware of the so called sin that you are speaking of! Don't you think you should let the dying person know about it?l", he didn't know if this would work but all he wanted was some time in order to break the petrification.

"You want to know your sins...?", the angel paused and asked.

Jay nodded his head with ambiguity.

"Then Listen you fool... you have killed countless devils... countless demons and countless beasts have been slain by you...", the angel said.


"Due to that you were killed but you have the power of immortality! That is why, we have to kill you over and over again!", was what the angel said while laughing loudly.

'System... can you remove this petrification?', Jay asked the system in his mind while listening to what the angel was saying.




-> Can be removed by using stealth.


'Huh? Stealth?', Jay was shocked to hear that.

He thought that the entire parts of his legs including internal parts had become a stone, but it seeemd as if that was not the case.

For some reason the petrification was incomplete.

"And that is why, you have to... DIE!!!", after saying this the angel swung the scythe with great force.

It was nearing his neck when suddenly Jay shouted, "STEALTH!!!!"

His body immediately became invisible and nothe the scythe and the stones just passed through him.


'Use... Dragons Aura...'

The dragons aura that was a passive skill was now made an active skill. Due to that Jay could use it anywhere and freely without worrying much.

Suddenly the angel that was shocked after seeing that Jay had vanished was now having a fear expression on it's face.



[You Have Used the skill Dragon's Aura]

- Attack power increased by 5%

- Defence is reduced by 4%

- Stamina is increased by 20%

- All stats except defence is increased by additional 4 points.


Jay smirked after reading the texts that appeared but the angel couldn't see him.

The angel did fear something wrong happening due to which it seemed quite nervous.

It looked here and there but couldn't find anything even if he tried to do so.

Jay immediately put the daggers back inside the ring and just used his fists to punch the angel.


The angel was suddenly hit from the back due to which he landed on the ground with full force and its entire body seemed to be lying down.

"BLACK KING!!!!", while screaming the angel looked up again while trying to get up by using the scythe as a support but Jay didn't give him a chance.

"Lightning Strike!!!", he used the lightning skill and hit the scythe due to which the scythe went and fell 30m apart from the angel.

"Damn you!!!", it seemed as if the angle was cursing him.

It tried to get up again but Jay didn't allow him yet again by punching its face.


But all that was happening was the formation of cracks.

Jay wanted to completely break the parts but he didn't have enough strength right now.

"More... a bit more...", Jay said slowly.

'Let's use... DRAGON'S CONSCIOUSNESS!!!', he said in his mind immediately after which his eyes got covered with a black aura.



[You have used the skill Dragon's Consciousness]

-> All damages dealt will be reduced by half.

-> All stats are doubled for 60 seconds.

-> Mana consumption decreased by 50%.

-> Critical hit ratio increased by 50%.


Jay grinned on seeing the texts and the next moment he used the dash skill again.

His agility had reached an unfathomable heights and he almost instantly reached near the angel.


All the lightning started to gather around his right arm. There were a lot of sparks seen and those were visible to the angel as well.

"N-no...", that was the only thing that the angel could say when it saw the sparks.

He couldn't even pull his heavy body and get up.


All the lightning that had gathered in his right arm, were fired directly toward the statue.



Many cracks had formed around the statue but it seemed as if the statue had not completely broken yet.

He then suddenly converged all this emassive lightning in his fist and rushed at a high speed near the angel's head and then punched with all his might while having the lightning in his hands.


The head cracked and broke completely and was shattered into pierces the moment it hit the floor.

That was the same for the body too which automatically shattered the moment the head disappeared.

A lot of dusts covered the air and Jay was now sitting on one of body of the statue which was still a bit huge.



[You Have Leveled Up]

[You Have Leveled Up]

[You Have Leveled Up]

[You Have...


A message appeared about Leveling up about which Jay didn't care at the moment.

"Huff huff...", he was panting heavily.

The ceiling was completely broken due to the lightning strike and everything was visible thanks to the light that entering from it.

He deactivated all the skills that he was using and was now just sitting at a place with ease.

He had a smile on his face and a satisfactory expression too at the same time.

"I... I have indeed gotten stronger!", he said which clenching his fist.

All the times of his bullying and getting beaten up was passing in front of his eyes.

Not only that, each and every moment including the times of his other battles from which he slowly started to get stronger also flashed.

He was satisfied for the first time after a battle and was relaxing for a bit while looking at the wide sky when suddenly a system notification popped up which ruined his mood.




-> Clear The Sky Dungeon.

-> Difficulty Level - 'S'

-> Compulsoryjosei

-> Failure to olplete the mission would lead to appropriate punishments.

-> Appropriate rewards will be given on completion.

TIME LIMIT: 00:01:39:57 [ 1 hour 39 minutes 57 seconds ]


"Huff... huff...", he was panting even till now as it was the first time he had been so aggressive and used his abilities properly.

"Damn... the mission isn't cleared yet? Wasn't that the boss of this dungeon?", he asked himself for which he didn't get any answer.

'Oh fuck... my real reason for coming here was to save Mia... I ended up forgetting that due to these angels...', was what he thought.

"But where is she?", he immediately stood on the huge rock and looked here and there but there was no sign of any human around the area.

"Is there still something else to do here...?", we wondered.

Just as he was thinking about these things, there was something waiting for him somewhere in the dungeon.

It was as if the main reason for this dungeon was to let Jay and the very unknown thing meet each other.

"I am... waiting for you..."



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