The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: The Unpredicted Meeting

Jay now knew one thing that there was something else that he had to do right now.

'Hmm, other than saving Mia... what else could be there?', was what he was wondering.

He looked here and there and was thinking for a while bit by just sitting there nothing would be solved.

He could see the gate in front of him which opened when he killed the 9th angel so he thought that it would be best to go there.

But in his mind a constant thought was going on about the dungeon and how the statues that were present in the previous area arrived here.

He wanted to go back and check if it was the same statues that had come, but he didn't want to lose time just because of that.

He just walked towards the door and entered it while being on his guard.

Jay entered the passage after passing through the door which was well lit as there were many fire lanterns that were hanging on the walls on the both the sides of the passage.

He was walking carefully each and every step but more than that he was looking at the stats.

His MP and HP were almost full and that was the same for many other stats but the only thing that was less was his stamina.

It seemed as if he had accumulated a lot of fatigue and thus his stamina was also quite less right now as he had fought so strong things for the first time.

He could see a bright light in the end of the statue and this he used the skill 'Dash' and rushed as soon as he could and in an instant he was out of the passage.

But the moment he was out, he was surprised by looking at the surrounding.

"What the...", there seemed to be 10 pillars in the area out of which 9 were at the exterior and one was in the middle.

The nine pillars that surrounded the 10th pillar had something or rather someone tied to them.

The pillars were too high and huge because of which Jay wasn't able to clearly see who it was but he knew one thing for sure that they were humans.

'Bird's view...', he used the skill bird's view and raised the sharpness if his eyes due to which his vision was enhanced by at least 3 times.

'Are you kidding me...?', he was completely shocked when he saw the humans that were hanging there.josei

They were all alive but for some reason all of them were unconscious.

And something about them was quite different.

The energy that they were radiating was not that of a normal human being or a low tier hunter.

It was far more superior and it felt as if their powers could be comparable to that of Jay's powers when he was in his best condition that was a few minutes ago.

'Why...? Why are they hanged like this? And what the heck is with this enormous amount of energy?', he could feel the auras and energies all the way down even if they were so far away.

He was just wondering about the situation and what was actually going on when suddenly he heard a deep and loud voice which felt as if it would pierce and burst his ear drums, "Welcome..."

"Argh! What the fuck was that?", he looked here and there but didn't find anything.

He could have looked towards the direction from where the sound came, but he wasn't able to predict that since he felt as if the sound came from every place surrounding him just now.

"Who...", he tried to look at every place and asked.

"Me? You don't know me?", for some reason the intensity of the sound decreased all of a sudden.

Jay was now a bit comfortable with it and was able to hear properly though there was some disturbance due to his ear ringing because of earlier noise.

"No... Who are you?", Jay asked again immediately after replying back.

"Hahaha! That's a nice joke!", the voice started to laugh.

The sound was echoing through out the area and Jay could feel that the voice was more than enough to make the walls tremble since they were literally shaking.

"It ain't a joke... I am genuinely asking, who are you?", Jay didn't have any reason to hold back his questions as his confidence was good enough to stand against the voice.

He indeed was a bit nervous, but that nervousness subsided immediately and count prevent him from speaking.

"...", there was no reply for a while after Jay said that.

"...", Even Jay himself was quiet for quite some time and was actually waiting for the reply unless which he wasn't going to start saying anything else.

Then the voice did speak in a few minutes but it didn't actually reply to Jay's question, instead it asked a question if its own.

"Aren't you the DARK OVERLORD?", the voice asked loudly.

"...", this time Jay remained silent after hearing that.

He was slowly getting annoyed by this thing because no matter what he did or where he went, the name Dark Overlord or the Black King wouldn't leave him.

He thought that he had finally got rid of thise angels and there would be no one asking the same things or blaming him for some weird sins which he wasn't aware of, but it seemed as if he was wrong.

'Tsk... again... and again... and again!!! Just how many fucking times should I say that I ain't some dark overlord or the black king!!!', he was literally frustrated.

He did have the title which Akaluman had given him on top of which he had many more powers like that of Akaluman, but he didn't even know what the title actually meant for.

Even the vampires who bowed to him believed and feared his power since he was the Black King, but Jay thought that it was because of Akaluman.

"Listen... I won't repeat it again...", Jay took a deep breath after saying this.

"...", the voice didn't say anything.

"I AM NOT THE DARK OVERLORD OR THE BLACK KING!!!!", he shouted at the top of his voice which sounded like that of a dragon's roar.

All the pent up anger that was stored inside him was released at this very moment. He was so annoyed that he literally felt like destroying everything but that was not the right way since it would end up killing all the humans that were tied to the pillars.

"...", the voice didn't say anything even after that scream.

"...", Jay too remained quite for a while.

It was completely silent when suddenly Jay thought about the people who were present here. He wondered as how such strong hunters got trapped here.

While he was thinking this, he heard the voice again.

"You aren't the dark overlord?", the voice asked.

'Oh come on, didn't I just say that?', Jay stared at the blank space as if he was looking at some dumb person.

"Ya... I am not the dark overlord.", he replied.

"...", the voice initially didn't say anything and kept mum for a minute but immediately after that it started to raise many questions and said some weird stuffs.

"Impossible... you are without a doubt, THE DARK OVERLORD!", the voice said.

"...", Jay's anger has now reached the max level and he was getting even more annoyed by the minute.

"If you aren't the dark overlord, the can you explain me the secret behind your powers? Only the power of darkness can rival me! And I can clearly feel that from you!", the voice said that boldly.

"Oh man... I'm tired now... how many times more should I repeat that again and again!?", he was annoyed and was literally exhausted.

'But... whatever he is saying feels somewhat right...', Jay thought.

'One by one my emotions have started to vanish... I don't feel anything while killing monsters now...', was what he thought.

'Am I really the so called Dark Overlord...?', he asked himself in his mind.

It seemed as if his thoughts were now messy and he didn't know what to say but then suddenly he heard the voice say something which completely infuriated him.

"Haha, so you aren't the Dark Overlord... then there is nothing to worry about! Let me just kill these humans!", was what the voice said.

He glared towards the endless darkness from where he was hearing the voice just after listening to his words.

"...", the voice which was about to cut the ropes which had the hunters tied to the pillars was now shocked by Jay's terrifying glare.


"That's more like it... I knew it... you indeed are the Lord Of Darkness...", while saying this something came walking towards Jay.

Since there weren't much lanterns there, one Part was completely covered in shadows which even birds eye wasn't able to see through.

Jay didn't even get the thought to use the skill Night Vision either since he was preoccupied with the thinking of rescuing the hunters and was annoyed at the same time too.

But he kept glaring towards the shadow that was casted due to the pillars and from the same shadow, a Knight with Golden armour game walking towards him.

"I finally meet you Lord Of Darkness... it's been a millennium already...", was what the golden knight told.

Jay who was glaring with anger, suddenly had a shocked expression on his face the moment he checked the Golden Knights stats.

'You are kidding me right...? What's with this... ridiculous numbers...?', Jay asked himself in his mind while he was completely shocked.



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