The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 125

Chapter 125: The Dark Blacksmith - Part 2

"Huh?", Jay was shocked just by hearing the very words.

It was familiar, too familiar to him. It hadn't even been a week since he had heard that name.

'This... how can this be...', he was completely stunned and was just sitting in the same position.

Sebas and Akaluman who were trying to ask if something was wrong weren't answered too.

The could feel that Jay was not in normal state, at least for the time being.

"I... I'll talk to you all later...", was what Jay said.

Sebas obeyed and stayed put which was the same for others.

Wolfy who was eager to talk with Jay couldn't get a chance due to which he thought about using the portal but he was right in front of others so he couldn't use it right now.

He was waiting for an opportunity when no one would be around.

'Hmm... looks like he has finally found the Generals... he will soon realise that who is the actual proxy here...', was what the dragon thought.

'Is this a coincidence or...', Jay wondered.

The only thing that lingered in his mind was about the blacksmith and the system.

He had earlier completed the mission in which he had been given the information about his location and right now he was also told about him.

It was as if all of there were interlinked somehow and someone was definitely watching this.

It was as if this certain individual who might have been the original creator of the system, can ips predict the future or knew what would be happening next.

Jay was getting shivers and because of that he couldn't think ahuhung straight for the time being.

But he was indeed glad that he got the information about the Soul Cage that could actually preserve the souls otherwise it would have literally been waste.

"Hmm, now I need to go to the place where this blacksmith is...", was what he thought and that he had decided to do it at the night time when there would be no one.

Right now he just opened the map in order to check where the blacksmith originally was.

He wasn't sure if the map would still work since it could have been quite old or something but little did he know that it was a reward specifically given by the system and not the dungeon.

'System, open the map and show the Dark Blacksmith's Location', was what Jay said.

The system immediately responded and a notification popped up.



[ Location Of The Dark Blacksmith ]

-> MAP: •••

-> Location: Southwest end of Sharon Ruins Of Central Canar


(Author's note: So sorry about that, I cannot possibly draw a 'Map' so just indicated with '•••' also CANAR is an imaginative country as I don't want to involve any nationality~ <neutral> )

Jay took a look at the map and the description about the location that was given.

He could easily see a vast forest which was coloured green in which there was a white spot in the brown areas which resembled some ruins.

"Hmm... so I need to go there?", was what he asked himself after looking at that.

He could also see another black dot that was present where he was sitting right now.

"Ah? So the white spot is destination and the black spot is me?", he wondered.

He then closed the map and waiting until it was dark. The map was already in his head as he had memorised it completely just by looking at it.

Even if he did forget he could see it again. He could actually teleport to that area was what he initially thought but later did he realised that the Teleportation worked only for a certain distance.

"The heck?", it was already night time and he tried due to which he understood that it didn't work.

'System, for how far can I use Teleport!?', he asked the system as that was the only option left for him to do.



[ Answer ]

- 1000 km radius


That was what the system said and since the Canar country was a whole another country which was 10,000 miles away, he had to Teleport at least 10 times from in place to other.

But he had no idea about the 9 other places that would come in between as when he would teleport to. That was the only difficulty he had right now.

"Sigh... how troublesome...", he sighed.

He had to now think of another way that would help

Him to reach such a great distance without giving much of a trouble when suddenly he recalled that he had an excelled skill for that.

"The wings of Wyvern!!!", he realized that he had forgotten such an amazing skill which he had.

"Ya, I can use that skill...", it did use a large amount of mana, but he by no means had less mana. A lot of mana was already stored inside him as an emergency backup this he had nothing to worry about running out of mana anytime soon.

"Alright... I know 2 places that lie between the Dome and the destination..."

"I will first teleport to those places by which I will cover 2000 km and then I'll use dash skill for a few distance and then I'll fly and go!", was what he thought.

"Yes, this is perfect!", after saying that he decided to teleport right away but he didn't want to appear in front of someone after teleporting so he imagined of a proper place where there would be no one around.



He immediately vanished and appeared on top of a building that was 40 storeys high.

"Yes! This was the perfect place..", he said.

He looked here and there and then decided tonkmagine about the next place where he wanted to go and after thinking, he said the same thing again.


Yet again he vanished and appeared on top of a building which was undergoing construction.

"Huh?", he was surprised and somehow maintained his balance because the building hadn't even been properly constructed.

"Wasn't this an empty area before?", he wondered.

It had been quite long since he had visited this place and because of that he wasn't able to recognise it because it had undergone a lot of change in the recent years.

He looked here and there and sighed in relieved because there was no one who saw him.

So he decided to go according to his plan and use the skill dash but he noticed that he was actually standing at the top of the unfinished building.

He jumped down and used the skill gravity with the help of glove which he withdrew from the inventory and landed slowly.josei

No one saw him since he sued stealth and basically eh didn't have to worry about being noticed because he was using the skill stealth from the beginning.

Though while landing on the buildings he stopped using the skill because he didn't want to just pass through the ceilings and ultimately hit the earth.

"Alright... I guess I can run from here...", he took a oook at the map which showed that 8,257 km still remained.

"Dash!", he said that but nothing happened.

"Ha?", he was shocked for a moment.

"Dash!", he repeated again but still there was no response:

'Did the system block the skill or what?', he wondered and took a look at the skills list only to find that he had been chanting or saying wrong.

"Tsk, where is my concentration today?", he asked himself.

It wasn't just today, he was too reckless all the times and behaved like a real stupid which showed that he had no rational thinking and was having little to no common sense!

Regardless, he was indeed tensed because of continua usage of spells and other things due to which he forgot the new name right now:

'Accel!', without wasting any more time he immediately used the skill Accel.

The moment he did that, he vanished from the place.

'What the fuck!? What's with this enormous amount of speed?', Jay was completely shocked with the speed in which he was running.

It was definitely 3-4 times faster than the Dash skill when it was in max. Level.

No one could see him running since stealth was activated. Regardless of that, even if he hadn't been using stealth, they wouldn't have been able to see him cause his speed was too high.

All they could see would be some shadow moving or a bit of ninja like appearance other than that no normal human could see him.

'This is pretty cool... the mana consumption has decreased and the speed has increased... even after that it's still an A rank skill?', he was amused by that.

He wondered if it was rank S skill then there might have been zero mana consumption.

'Well anyway, initially I thought it would take 2 hours to cover that huge amount of distance, but it seems like that can be done in 30-40 minutes!'

He wasn't thinking about the whole 10,000 km, he was thinking about the estimated distance which he had planned to cross using dash earlier.

'I don't have much to worry now but there is one thing that is making me anxious...', he said to himself while using the skills Accel as well as stealth.

'The dark blacksmith... it was said that he was loyal to Dark Overlord...'

'But when the generals also couldn't survive, then would he be still alive even after so many years?', he wondered.

'Just you wait... I'm on my way!', after thinking this he concentrated solely on his movements.


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