The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Arrived!

He kept using the skill until he received the distance which he had planned for.

Immediately after reaching the coast, he deactivated the skill and just stared at the surroundings.

'Phew, now from here the skill Accel won't be able to help me...', was what he thought.

It was true since the skill Accel wouldn't possibly allow him to dash at the same speed on the surface of the water!

Thus he had only one way left and that was to use the skill that he gained earlier during the quest of Gaiai.

Using the same very wings of the wyverns he thought about crossing the massive sea that separated him with his destination.

He could have even used the skill teleportation, but as mentioned earlier, it's maximum range was 1000 metres and if he were to teleport that distance, he would end up falling in the sea as the sea covered about 4,000 km of the remaining distance.

"Phew...", he inhaled and exhaled in order to calm his heart. He then flared at the sky which he was going to reach out to right now.



"The wings of the wyverns!", he shouted with a lot of confidence and deep tone.



[ Skill 'Wings Of Wyvern' has been activated ]

-> Agility/Speed will be increased significantly.

-> TIME LIMIT: 00:05:00:00 [ 5 hours ]

- -> Timer would start after the flight has taken place.


Suddenly a massive black aura surrounded his back and all of a sudden a pair of wings that were twice the size of his body emerged from shoulder plates.

He observed them for a while and considered them to be pretty good.

"Wow... not only are they huge, they are also covered with scales?", he asked himself.

It was cool since the wingers couldn't be broken easily as they had some signs of scales but they were by no means real scales.

He concluded that after touching it. It was a kind of just pattern and nothing else.

He thought that as the skill leveled up, the scales would also form automatically and this didn't pry about it much.

"Alright then... let's go...", he said this and then thought about flying but it seemed as if it was a failure.

"Huh?", he observed his surroundings and found thAt he was still at the same location.

In fact he hadn't even moved a single inch from the same place.

"The heck? Should t I supposed to be flying?", he asked himself.

But then again, he never really tried it before hand so he had no prior experience about it.

"Tsk? What do I do? Flap the wings?", he thought but no matter how hard he tried, the wings didn't even bulge an inch.

They were strong like that of steel and were fixed in their own place. The closed posture in which they were present initially was maintained till now.

"Damn, that's so weird... now what do I do?", he was indeed in trouble right now.

He didn't have any other alternative other than flying right now. He looked at the vast sea that was in front of him and wondered, "A swimming skill would be much more of a help than this..."

He then sighed and could do nothing other than withdraw the wings and just as he was going to do that, he suddenly got a doubt.

"The wings... are they real?", that could have considered as a foolish question if asked somewhere else or at some other time but right now the question was legit.

He slowly moved his hands and touched the wings.

"It indeed is real... but... why am I not able to feel it?", he asked.

The wings were without a doubt real which he concluded. It couldn't have been an illusions since he felt it with his own hands so one of his doubts resides but as soon as it did, another question popped up.

The wing was real so he should be able to feel them without actually touching them, but it seemed like he couldn't even know about them without actually looking towards it.

"Could it be...", he somehow got a clue on what was happening and decided to actually find it out if he was right.

He looked here and there as if he was searching and then as soon as he found, he suddenly ran towards his left near the small rock that was placed.

It indeed was a coast but it was by no means a beach where everything would usually be covered with sand.

It was somewhat rocky area so it was not a big deal in finding a rock.

"Ya, this would be perfect...", was what he said immediately after looking at the rock which was at least as big as a basket ball.

He just picked it up and stared at it for a few seconds, then he looked at the wing that was on the left side of his back.

He stared at both of them and then suddenly lifted the rock and smashed it on his left wing.



He was mum for a brief seconds after which he sighed.

"I knew it... I am not able to feel anything from the wings...", he finally understood that the wings didn't have any connections with the nerves in his body so no matter how hard he thought, he wouldn't be able to fly.

Also, the wings were quite cold because of the temperature of the surroundings, just by touching them again he concluded that there wasn't even any blood supply to them, so basically it was just like a rock.

Now he couldn't just move the wings manually and fly while using his hands to flap them!

"Tsk, his bothersome...", while he was annoyed and was cussing he suddenly looked at the plane that just flew right over his head.

"Isn't a plane also like a huge giant rock...? The only difference between the plane and a rock is that the place has engines and fuel to run it...", his eyes widened as he thought this.

It was as if he grasped something!

He then closed his eyes and started to control his mana.

"I am the engine for the wings...", he said in a low voice.

"And let mana be the fuel...", he smirked while saying that.

He then slowly channelled the mana to his wings. The entire wings that were like rock earlier was now covered with bluish white light completely and suddenly some inscriptions appeared on them.

"Huh? What's this? Inscriptions?", he asked himself when he looked he the wings.

But then again after looking at it closely, he concluded that he had been mistaken it as inscriptions. It was just some marks which were shinning in purplish black light and nothing else.

"Phew... now it should be able to help me fly..."

Even now his nerves weren't in contact with the wings but he could actually feel the wings and control them because his very own mana was inside it.

"Let's go!"

After saying that he slowly forced himself in order to flap the wings which slowly moved up and down generating a large gush of wind current which lifted him in just one flap.

"Cool...", he slowly started to rise higher and higher and even before he realised, he was high enough to start flying properly!

"Argh! What am I doing?", he realized that he was wasting his time while admiring the beauty of the sea and everything else some the above.

"Let's get going!", he said this and started to fly with all his might.

As it was mentioned earlier, the agility or the speed had been raised which was actually affecting his flight.

With just one flap he was able to cover a long distance of around 30-40 metres and continued to move ahread.

Ya starting it was a bit weird and was too tiring but as he kept flying, it got habituated.

"Yooohoooo!!!", he shouted with joy and flew as fast as he could as he wanted to reach his destination as soon as possible.

He had to even return back before anyone would suspect that he was absent and that was why he was worried because he wasn't aware of what dangers he would encounter in the place where he was going.


His speed increased again and again and he kept moving with great force.

He didn't didn't even realise when he had covered more than 1000 km and slowly and steadily he covered another thousand and another yet again.

Within a time of 1 and half hour he had covered more than 3000 km.

He kept flying but it seemed like his mana had almost deleted but he didn't have any expression of worrying about it as he had reserved mana which he could withdraw at any moment.

So he kept on going in the same way and soon reached the fixed distance which he had thought about flying initially.

"Phew...", he was sweating profusely and decided to take a bit of rest.

But he realised that he did t have any more time to waste because he had taken a huge amount of time which would be required to get back again.

"Sigh...", after sitting for exactly two minutes he got up and used the skill Accel.

"Just 200 km remains..."

Without any hesitation he rank through the forest that was just ahead of him. He did t have to actually dodge them as he was already using the skill stealth.

He kept running and soon he arrived at a place which was like that if the ruins as it was depicted in the map.

"Ah... looks like I've arrived...", he smirked after pausing himself from running.

"Dark Blacksmith... wait a bit more... I'm on my way!!!"


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