The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 128

Chapter 128: Trade And Gain The Soul Ring!




-> A hybrid of Spiders and Scorpions.

-> Rank A

-> Have Poisonous and powerful sting that can pierce the boulders.

-> Have Poisonous and Sticky web!


It wasn't the details that Jay was looking for but something was at least better than nothing right now.

'Tsk, doesn't matter... right now I have to kill all of them...', he thought and immediately after that he brought out the cursed daggers which he had traded with the Shadow Merchant earlier.



[ You Have equipped the Cursed Daggers ]

[ Attack power doubled ]

[ Defense doubled ]

[ HP recovering rate decreased 50% ]

[ MP recovering rate decreased by 50% ]


It didn't matter how much the recovering rate decreased. All he had to do was avoid the attacks and shcxessfulky cause damage to them.

That was his main priority right now and he wanted to slay all of them as soon as possible.

"Phew... so let's get started!"

He glared at the spions and released a huge amount of killing intent.

All the spions felt that and started to attack Jay.

Their tails that had the sting was forcefully thrusted towards Jay.

It seemed as if Jay had no way out because behind him there was a wall and in front of him the stings were coming with great force.

But it didn't seem like Jay was in trouble. Instead, he smirked as if everything was according to his plan.

'Activate... Stealth...'



[ You have activated the skill STEALTH ]

[ You have become invisible to all other living forms ]

[ You have gained immunity against all physical attacks ]


The so called immunity to all physical attacks didn't mean that his body was completely invinsibke or he developed muscles that could withstand any attacks.

It actually meant that the attacks would just pass through him due to which he wouldn't be affected by them even by a bit.

All the tails just passed through him and the stings crashed to the wall or the floor.


"When you don't have tails... what would you do?"

Jay's eyes suddenly gave off reddish light and just after that he cut all the tails on just one shot.


He basically used the skill accel due to which his speed increased tremendously and thanks to that he was easily able to finish off and dispose all the tails from their bodies.


The spions seemed to be in pain and by seeing that Jay smiled. It was as if he was enjoying it all one by one.

They were by no means some weak monsters, they were definitely classed as Rank A for some reason, but despite that, they weren't even a threaat for Jay.

If it was the same old Jay, then he wouldn't have even survived for 1 minute so the improvement in his past self and now was great!

"Since your first and main weapon that is your tail was cut off... next will be...", as he was saying that, he dodged all the spider webs that was shit towards him again by using stealth.

"You webs!", was what he said.

He stared at the spions who were without the tail and were wonded severely. They were looking no more than spiders right.

"Tsk, maybe I should end this without dragging it any longer...", he thought and decided to kill them.

He inhaled a large amount of air and exhaled at the same time. Then he took a look at them.

"Dark... Lightning...", he said this in a low voice.

Suddenly a large number of black coloured lightnings started to appear all around him.

It was as if he was completely surrounded in the lightning and was actually being showered by them.

He raised his left hand and aimed at them.

He just thought about destroying them immediately after which all of the lighting in an instant hit all of them.




There were many sounds heard and there was a bit of explosion too.

The explosion was probably because the fuel like gas that was in the air.

Usually in deep cave like areas or ruins a large amount of carbon monoxide and a huge quantity of hydrogen gases are found which fail to escape to the atmosphere due to some certain restrictions.

Since they are highly inflammable, a bit of lightning was more than enough to cause an explosion in them but since Jay could control the lightning, it didn't have much of the affect.

"Phew...", he looked at the spions who were all roasted.

"If I had been even a second later then I also would have been roasted...", was what he initially said to himself.

But then he suddenly changed and said, "Am I a fool? I was in the influence of stealth... then the explosion wouldn't have much of an affect on me..."

While he was cussing at his own foolishness, a system message appeared.



[ Congratulation ]

[ You have completed the mission ]

-> Kill the spions [ 18/10 ]


1] Soul Of the spions: 10 can be extracted.

2] 50 Stat Points.


Jay didn't have any particular reaction when he saw the message at a glance but then he suddenly paused and looked at the message again.

"S-Soul Of spions!!?", Jay was shocked when he read that.

"What the fuck is that now!? I can extract the souls!?", even his little rational thinking had been completely affected.

He wasn't able to understand it.

"Does that mean... I can take their souls and put them in some other things?", he asked himself.

His eyes were wide opened and he could barely even imagine.

If that was actually true then he would have another small army and no matter what demons or beasts he killed he could extract their souls and allow them to posses something else.

"But... after extracting where do I keep them!?", he wondered.

He knew that the souls cannot love freely without any body and would soon cease to exist.

The longer they are without a body, the more their powers start to dissipate and they weaken soon.

That was a natural law of the nature which couldn't be twisted and that was why he was confused as it wasn't something that could be done and while he was thinking that, he got another notification which gave him a solution!



[ The Shadow Merchant is interested in trading with you ]

-> Trading items:

- ->Roasted Corpses Of Spions: 10

-> Offered items:

- -> Soul Ring: 01

[ Will you proceed to do the trade? ]

- Y/N


He was shocked when he read that. It was as if the message was perfect for him.

He had no use of the corpses that were present here and was eventually ready to throw them, but now that the message appeared, he could actually trade them.

But he was intrigued by the item that was being offered.

"A soul ring?", he was confused as what that was.

Just by seeing the name he initially concluded that it could be a ring that could store the souls but he wasn't so sure about it so he took a look at its details.



[ Soul Ring ]

-> Item Rank: S

-> Soul quantity that can be stored varies based on the ranks of the soul:

- -> Rank S: 01

- -> Rank A: 05

- -> Rank B: 10

- -> Rank C: 25

- -> Rank D: 50

- -> Rank E: 100

- -> Rank F: 200

-> Can be stored temporarily for 03:00:00:00 [ 3 days ]


"Holy shit!! It's really an item that can store the souls!", he exclaimed.

He could hardly even believe that he got something like this so easily.

If this was possible from the start then he would have traded it long ago but it seemed like that plan wouldn't have worked anyway.

There was a temporary time that was fixed and was for 3 days which was very less.

More than that, it could store only 1 S ranks Soul when in reality there were 9 S ranks souls and probably that was why it would be a waste if it were to be traded that time.

"Alright... lemme just accept the trade...", he was about to accept the trade when suddenly he remembered that he hadn't extracted the souls yet.

"Oops... I would have also sold the souls to him that way...", he smiled awkwardly.

He then posed his right hand just in front of him and said just one word, "Extract Soul..."

Suddenly a message appeared immediately after he said that.



[ You have used the skill 'SOUL EXTRACTION' ]

-> 18 souls detected nearby, please select the number of souls you want to extract.josei


'Hmm, should I extract all the 18 souls?', he asked himself in his mind.

He thought for a bit and then realised that it would be a waste to extract all the souls because he wouldn't be able to preserve them anyway.

That was why he thought that it was wise to only extract the exact number of souls that he could store right now.

"Extract 10 souls...", he said.

The system responded to it and immediately 10 blue orbs of light emerged from the 10 corpses that were just nearby to him.

"Hmm... they won't disappear if they were to stay like this for a few minutes...", he said immediately after which he agreed for the trade.

"Proceed the trade...", he said.

Suddenly a black coloured shadow like aura appeared and engulfed the 10 bodies which Jay thought about.

Immediately after that a notification appeared.



[ Trade was successful ]

-> Item traded: 10 roasted corpses of Spions.

-> Item gained: 1 Soul Ring.

[ Soul Ring is stored in the inventory by default ]


He took a look at the message and then immediately withdrew the ring.

It appeared on his left hand on the index finger.

"Nice... let's store the souls...", that was all he said when suddenly all the blue orbs of light disappeared into the ring.



"Wow... that was fast..."

And now that this work was over, he wondered about moving ahead.

"It's a pity that I can't take the remaining corpse but oh well... let's continue..." and after saying that he started to walk ahead.



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