The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 129

Chapter 129: Meeting With The Dark Blacksmith - Part 1

He kept on walking ahead and was looking at the ring in a timely manner.

The Ring was completely black and it was only possibly to view it by using the night vision skill.

The passage was still intact and hadn't got destroyed due to the explosion as it was not a major one as mentioned.

Regardless of these needless worries, Jay continued to walk towards the inner area.

He thought about using the skill Accel, but there was a risk of getting caught in some traps.

'Why don't I use Accel and stealth at the same time?', he wondered.

It was indeed a good thinking! If he were to use stealth, he would be able to avoid all the attacks and traps that would be initiated and if he were to use Accel at the same time, then he would arrive much sooner.

"Yep, that's the best thing to do right now..."

He then immediately activated both the skills and in an instant covered the entire passage.

All of a sudden he could see light flashing from the distant end of the passage due to which he disabled Accel.

"Am I close to the exit?", he asked himself.

Stealth was still on and he kept walking slowly now as he was already at the exit.

He had to close his eyes because of the bright shine that flashed directly to his eyes.

In a whole he opened his eyes and took a look at the area and was left to be awed.

"Are you kidding me!?", that's the only thing he told the moment he looked at the chamber.

"Wha- what's all these?"

There were huge statues placed which somewhat resembled robots, there were other statues of mystical beings and some other parts were also placed.

Each and every statue seemed to have been made with a particular crystal which was emitting brilliant radiance which was more than enough to blind any normal person.

He was mesmerised when he saw them. They were beautifully sculpted.

"What are these?", Jay asked whole looking at all of them when suddenly a message popped up.



[ You have discovered the Last remains of the Legendary Dark Sculptor ]

[ Your understanding about them is too low to show any other details ]


That was all that the message said. Jay didn't pay any kind to the message and continued to look at all of them. No matter how many times he saw, they seemed a bit different from earlier.

There were some parts which he would miss easily.

"Ah... Wait... what am I doing?", he asked himself after regaining his senses.

'This is no time to look at the statues...', he thought.

Then he started to walk towards the one and only passage that was present in front of him which was different from the one through which he came just now.

"Hmm, I need to go through this?", he asked himself.

He hesitated a bit at first but then again by wasting time he would gain nothing. Ultimately he had to go so he thought that it was the best choice to do it now.

"Alright, lets go!", after motivating himself he went through the passage.

It was well lit with the mana fire torches so he had no problem in seeing things.

He could clearly see the exit in front of him and thought that the passage was too small when compared to previous one.

'Oh well, let's check out what's there...', just as he had thought this, he heard some noise due to which he involuntarily paused.






Weird noises echoed throughout the passage. It was the sound of metal clashing with each other, at Least it was similar to that.

'What's... what's happening there?', he asked himself in his mind.

He walked slowly and steadily after using stealth so that he wouldn't be detected by anyone.

'There is definitely someone inside there...', he could feel some sort of life energy coming out from the area.

He walked as carefully as he could in order to prevent and unnecessary noises as he didn't want to alert anyone right now.

'Let's see... who is hammering or hitting iron or metal inside...'

After thinking that he arrived close to exit.

He slowly peeked and took a look at the area only to be suprised.

'Holy shit!!! What the heck is going on!?', he had no words to compare with.

The view that he was looking at was something that he couldn't imagine even in his wildest dreams.

'This can't be real right...?', for a moment he doubted his own eyes. He thought that his eyes were betraying him and he was looking at something else.

But that was not the case. He had another thought about the scene being illusion, but after hearing the sounds and seeing the sparks, he confirmed that it was real too.


He gulped a large amount of dry saliva as he watched while hiding.



"Towards the left... a bit..."


"Now... towards the right..."


*cough cough*

There were all mixed noises and all the scenes was getting printed in Jay's mind.

He unconsciously moved ahead and walked closer only to find a young boy, who seemed about the same age as Jay, hammering a metal piece.



The sound was reverberating in his ears and it was indeed unpleasant, but the way the hammer was striking on the metal piece made all his pin disappear.

It was no less than an art work that was being done.

Jay moved even closer to take a look at the person who was teaching the boy to do that.

He walked a few steps and then suddenly paused.

"Huh?", he was shocked when he saw a skeleton which had some flesh in its body left instctung the boy.

It seemed like the skeleton was in pain and was coughing constantly even when it didn't have throat or any other organs.

The flesh that was left was nothing but a thin layer of skin around its face and chest area.

Other than that, only bones were visible.

There was indeed a black ruby like substance at the place where its heart was, but that was not something that attracted Jay's attention.

It was the body itself and the voice that was catching his attention.





The skeleton kept saying and the boy kept hammering the metal that was right in front of him.

The hammer was a normal metallic hammer which was used in the olden days but it seemed like it was quite strong despite being so old.

'How is the skeleton able to speak when it doesn't even have a neck and vocal cord...', that was the first doubt that Jay had.

But then again, in the world where anything was possible, this was nothing but a small thing.

Though that was something which was making Jay worry, there something else that was making him unrest.

'This voice... where... where have I heard it? It sounds too familiar...'



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