The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 132

Chapter 132: [ Mission: Save The Dark Blacksmith's Apprentice ] - Part 2

Jay was furious after looking at what they had done to the boy.

He could clearly see the boy suffering from the pain and because of that his anger was at its max.

"Wow, look at him, he thinks that he is someone superior to us...", said Jeff while looking at Fren.

"Haha, well, that's only his thinking... but I'm interested in him too... he seems to have a bit more power than these two...", Fren said.

Jay was not only being taken lightly but also was made fun of which was pricking him like a thorn.

"You bastards... prepare yourself to die...", Jay said and then immediately rushed towards them while summoning his blood sword out from the inventory.

Both the sorcerer still seemed to be making fun of. Jay knew that they were far stronger than him, but his anger had snatched away the little rational thinking that he had.

He was now aiming to kill both of them no matter what.

"Sigh, this Human...", Jeff immediately placed his hand right in front of Jay and then said something.

Two purple-black coloured magic circles appeared out of nowhere and a large amount of thunder came out of it which was directed towards Jay.

Jay easily dived the attack by using the skill accel and moving towards his right. Then he rushed using the same skill and in a blink of an eye he reached near Jeff.

"Die!", he was glared at Jeff when he said that and swung the sword with all his might while aiming for his neck when all of a sudden he noticed Jeff's eyes that were constantly on Jay despite the use of the skill Accel.

The glare suddenly made Jay loosen the grip on the sword which ultimately led to late swinging.

Thanks to that, Jeff was easily able to get away by just jumping a bit back.

Jay's swing missed and when he raised his head, he found both of them smiling at him.

Shivers ran down his spine and he could feel his instincts shouting loudly in order to escape or run away, but right now that wasn't possible.

He didn't wanted to run no matter what happened because he had already decided to save the boy.

He had heard the boy screaming just a while ago and now understood how much pain he might have undergone because of which he wasn't able to forgive the sorcerers for doing that.

Jay rushed towards them again but they easily forged it. He tried again and they dodged again too. Basically no matter how many times he rushed towards them, they would easily escape and each time they would just smirk at him.

'Just... what the fuck am I doing?', he asked himself.

'I am just like a toy in their hands... I'm getting tired by accumulating a lot of fatigue whereas both of them are enjoying...', he thought.

'Unacceptable... definitely unacceptable...', suddenly the aura around him changed.

'I have to use everything that I have in my asernal...', he thought immediately after which he activated many skills in a go.

'Activate...', he thought about atmost 5 skills that were important right now which all almost immediately got activated when a notification popped up.



[ You have activated the skill 'Dragon's Aura ]

[ You have activated the skill 'Dragon's Consciousness ]

[ You have activated the skill Dark Lightning ]

[ You have activated the skill Stealth ]

[ You have activated the skill Energy Motion ]


He then vanished from the sight thanks to Stealth and due to the skill Accel he was basically reaching them in a second or two.

'Cursed Daggers!'josei



[ You have exquipped the Cursed daggers ]


He didn't want to give them any chance to cast something as he knew that they were sorcerers.

The weakpoints Of sorcerers were their speed and power. Though their magical powers are quite high, their physical strength is too low and Jay thought about using that to his advantage.


He had basically used the dark lightning which was sparkling in his hands and when he wielded the Daggers, the lightning passed through them too.

He was about to slash Jeff who was the closest one to him right now when suddenly both of them vanished again.

'Fuck... I finally understood what is happening...'

His eyes moved faster and he tried his best to observe the surrounding.

'A sorcerers weakness is speed and power... but what if the sorceror is someone who can manipulate space and time? He would basically be fast and can even exhchamge places that is similar to teleportation...'

Jay completely understood what was happening. It seemed like one of the sorceror was Master in the field of space and time due to which he was successfully able to evade Jay's attacks each and every time.

'Then what about...', he wanted to know what the other person specialised when suddenly he noticed a red coloured slash which was coming his way.

"That's...", the attack was too fast due to which he didn't get enough time to dodge so the only thing that was left for him to do was take the attack head on.

But he could at least try to decrease or minimise the damage that would be dealt and thus he barely placed the Cursed Daggers right in between him and the attack.


The attack clearly hit him and pushed him back a lot but it sidntbdeal that much damage as much as Jay and Fren had expected.

'Huh? Was the attack weak?', was what Jay asked.

While Fren said, "Huh? He is much tougher than I Expected..."

Jay somehow maintained his balance even after being pushed back and thought about changing agaun when all of a sudden he found Fren right in front of him with a distance of only 2 metre separation.

"How...", he was shocked to see that when suddenly he was stabbed.


"Huh?", he just lowered his head only to find Fren' Sri Guy arm having a sword like appearance which was basically a red coloured aura that was covering his hand.

The same thing has now pierced him due to which his blood started gushing out.

But Jay hadn't given up yet and was about to use Dark Lightning when all of a sudden Fren who had been stabbing him vanished and was at least 3 metres away from him.

Jay's attempt was wasted and he watched Jeff's smile as he fell on the ground while being covered with the blood.

"Damn... this..."

He could now understand what was going wrong. Without a doubt after using multiple skills his powers were as strong as them, but just because of the nature of skills he was getting beaten up.

If Jeff wouldn't have been there then Jay would have most definitely won.

"Arghh!!!", Jay shouted and mustered all his strength to get back up.

He immediately withdrew the glove from his inventory and then wore it in his left hand.

He then picked up one of the Cursed dagger which had been fallen on the ground.

He could even now see Jeff and Fren laughing due to which his anger rised.

Due to that his blood circulation rate increased and the bleeding too increased significantly but right now he wasn't focusing on that.

All his concentration was on them as he wanted to teach them a lesson and kill them for causing such a blunder.

"Accellllll!!!", he shouted.

His other skills had already become deactivated. The skill Stealth had been also deactivated earlier when he got nervous and due to that he suffered the wound.

Now since he used Accel, his speed increased tremendously and within a blink of an eye he was just near the sorcerers.

He flashed his left hand forward and said, "GRAVITY!!!"

Suddenly a large amount of pressure was applied in the sorcerers and they couldn't move because of that for a minute.

Jay then flashed his right hand in which he was holding the dagger. He just tried to pierce through the heart of Jeff after which he could easily kill Fren but it seemed like he failed to do so.

Fren who was a bit out of the Gravity's range suddenly appeared and blocked Jay's attack with the sword which was made from his aura.

Jeff, who was surprised by the gravitational field, was now accustomed to it within a second or two.

All that jay was expecting was to surprise Jeff because he knew that if Jeff was over confident then this surprise would most definitely work due to which he would be able to successfully land an attack on him but Fren was the miscalculation which he had left that occurred due to the range of the gravitation.

Jay was clearly able to see death in front of his eyes right now.




Suddenly it was too quiet for Jay who was in mid air and was literally flying.

'I see... not both of them were sorcerers....', it was only now he understood that the one who was a sorceror was Jeff while Fren wasn't one.

That was why he had a large amount of strength and his speed was also decent.

'Dammit... I shouldn't have given into my anger...', he thought.


He crashed into the wall. Fren immediately dashed toward Jay and then grabbed his collar after which slammed him on the ground.


The slam was so powerful that Jay ended up coughing blood from his mouth too.

Fren then used the opportunity and punched jay more than 20 times in his face as well as body.

"That's enough Fren... come back.", was what Jeff said.

"Yes...", Fren punched one last time due to which Jay almost lost his consciousness.

He then stood up and walked towards Jeff.

'I messed up...'

To be continued...

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