The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: The Return Of The Dark Overlord

Jay was now regretting his decision for being so reckless.

It was his anger which caused such an ending for him. If he had used his skills wisely or in a much better manner then he would have somehow been able to defeat them.

He could faint at any time now because he had lost a large amount of blood.

He did use the skill 'HEAL' but with that only a tiny proportion was being recovered which was of almost no help.

He then suddenly remembered that he had the skill 'Regeneration' and wanted to use it, but for some reason the system wasn't allowing him to use it.

The same thing had happened in the sky dungeon too. He had the skill of regeneration with the help of which all the wounds could be healed and the lost parts could be either re-attached or would be regrown!

But for some reason it didn't work at all. In the sky dungeon the system had to start its own self healing program because of that and even now the skill wasn't working.

'Tsk... my luck sucks as usual...', he said.

His eyes felt to be heavy and he suddenly started to feel too tired.

'I guess... I'll sleep a bit...'

If he had closed his eyes then perhaps it could have become his last sleep from which he wouldn't wake up ever again.

But right now he didn't think of anything about the death or life, all he wanted was to rest for a while for which he thought a sleep would be the best.

'Ya... lets...'

He was about to close his eyes when suddenly he heard something which gave him a sense of shock.

His eyes bulged and eventually turned red.

"Hahaha, so Dark blacksmith... now that you don't have anyone's protection, it would be better if you will help us in making 'That'... otherwise your pupil will die...", Jeff said.

This wasn't what Jay was angry about.

"Also, don't expect someone like the Lord Of Darkness to come and save you like that time... our Master has already killed him...", he laughed constantly while saying that.

'Huh? Did he say... Lord Of Darkness?'

Jay was shocked by hearing that. Lord of darkness wasn't essentially the dark overlord, Lord Of Darkness was someone who was under him.

And basically as per Jay's knowledge, the previous lord of darkness was his father as he was told earlier by the endless darkness.

So when he heard that, all the tiredness just vanished. Instead his fighting spirit and killing intent awakened.

Even at the state of huge blood loss, he was emitting a huge amount of blood lust.

That was so huge that Jeff and Fren who were standing just 10 metres away could also feel that.

"Arghhhh!!!", Jay pulled himself up after mustering all the remaining strength and used the skill Accel without a second thought.

He covered the 10 metre distance in a mere second and was about to punch him with all his might, but quite the opposite happened.

Fren punched him instead and that too in his face again which was already swollen.

He was thrown a back again just near the skeleton who was lying too.

*cough cough*

Blood splashed from his mouth and his eyes closed.

"Did the pest finally die?", Jeff asked after noticing his eyes closed.

Fren walked closer and took a look at him and found that he wasn't breathing.

He placed his fingers in his wrist and tried to feel the pulse.

"Yes... I guess he is dead...", Fren said.

There was no pulse either and it seemed like he indeed was dead.

"....", there was complete silence for a while and both of them turned their gazes again towards the skeleton and started to say something to him.

'Lub Dub Lub Dub'

But all of a sudden another wave of killing intent was released from him which produced ten times the pressure of the gravity skill which he had used earlier.

The floor under Fren and Jeff cracked a but due to the pressure.

"Didn't you tell he was dead!?", Jeff asked.

Fren himself was shocked because he had indeed confirmed his death.

They weren't free right now to think about Jay as they themselves were under pressure. They wanted to get out of it when suddenly they noticed something.

Jay's eyes were slightly opened and he was slowly standing up.

Jay placed his blood covered right hand on the hammer which the skeleton was gripping since earlier.

The blood ran down the hammer and it was soon covered with it completely.

"How... how is that even possible? How can he still stand?", Jeff asked.

The boy who was experiencing tremendous amount of pain was also shocked by seeing this!

He could hardly even believe the miracle that had happened. He had indeed heard them saying that Jay was dead and they couldn't possibly make any mistakes because they were experts so it was indeed shocking that Jay just rose again.

'Lub Dub Lub Dub'

His heart was beating faster than usual which he could feel. The wound which he had received earlier seemed to be curing slowly and the blood that he lost was also slowly being recovered.

Right now just by slowly trying to stand, he has instilled fear in Jeff and Fren.

It was the same for the boy too who could hardly understand what was going on!

Jay's entire body was shivering as if he was mustering all the strength he had.


He had just placed his hand on the hammer earlier but right now he tried to lift the hammer up.

"You can't lift tha-", the boy was about to tell that it was impossible to lift that hammer when suddenly he found the hammer slowly rising from the grounds.

"Wha- what the heck am I seeing?", he was confused yet again.

The skeleton too seemed quite shocked and the same shockness was on Fren's and Jeff's expression.


Jay successfully stood up with the hammer in his hand which was now covered with blackish aura!

Jay all of a sudden vanished from where he was standing and appeared right in front of Fren.

"Huh? That...", Jeff was shocked to see Jay covering such a distance in a matter of seconds.

'Teleportation? You must be kidding me... that...'

As he was thinking this, Jay pulled his right arm as back as he could and then swung it with great force while smashing Fren's face.josei

The force with which he hit was so great that most of Fren's teeth could be seen flying after being broken.



Fren, in an instant, got smashed into the wall. It seemed as if with just one hit he had lost his consciousness!

"That...", Jeff was astonished after seeing that and the moment he turned his eyes, he found Jay right in front of him.

It appeared as if he used Teleport yet again. Jeff was still under the influence of killing intent which was like Gravity which had decreased his movements so he could hardly dodge it while using someone techniques.

"Freezeee!!!", he shouted immediately after which everything around him paused.

It seemed like, it was one of his strongest spells which could practically stop the time.


He coughed a large amount of blood as using such a spell would without a doubt decrease his life span and damage him severely!

His internals were burning too probably because of mana overflow that might have occurred.


He looked towards Jay whose mouth was opened and his hand was midway.

"Phew, if I was a bit late then I would have also been slammed into the wall...", was what he said and sighed in relief when suddenly he heard a weird sound.

It was the sound of someone trying to crack open the glass of the window.




He was confused and when he turned his gazes back towards Jay, he found that a huge crack had appeared right in front of him.

"No! This can't be... he is..."


Immediately after that the crack broke and made a sound like that of a broken glass. It seemed like Jay broke through the dimension of the time.

His hand swung in a similar fashion which smacked Jeff's face too!




*coughs blood*

Jeff was slammed into the wall just like Fren and his internals which were burning since earlier now suffered a huge damage.

It seemed as if internal bleeding along with external bleeding had occurred.

"Huff huff..."

Jay was panting too while standing there with the hammer in his hands.

The hammer was still giving off the black aura which was subsiding slowly.

Fren slowly regained his consciousness and took a look at the situation in which he was.



"Who the fuck are you!?", Fren asked.

It was the same question Jeff asked too. His time stop which could even stop an SSS rank threat level beast was broken too easily!

However Jay had no intention of answering his question.

He didn't even have the power to speak anything. He was also tired and his entire body was covered with blood. He could hardly even hear anything when suddenly the skeleton started to laugh!

"Hahaha!!! Hahaha!!! I can't believe this!!!"

The boy was confused on seeing him laugh and the same confusion was seen on Jeff and Fren.

"Why... why is he laughing?", Jeff asked.

"Did he finally go mad?", Fren asked.

"You wanted to know who he is right?"

The skeleton forced himself to get up from the sleeping posture.

"M-master?", the boy was shocked to see him get up and so were the other two.

Jay's back was facing the skeleton and his head was lowered.

He was holding the hammer in his right hand which was quite big and heavy but it seemed light to him.

Black aura had been surrounding the hammer and Jay himself and his wounds were recovering.

The skeleton walked with all of its strength and bowed in front of Jay.

They were further surprised to see that.

"Who... is he?", it could be only someone much more powerful than the skeleton for him to bow in front of him.

"He is someone who cannot be restricted by 'TIME'", the skeleton said.

Jeff imagined seeing him break the freeze which was basically his best spell!

"He is the one whom even 'DEATH' fears!!!"

Fren imagines Jay getting up from death as he had literally confirmed that his heart had stopped beating.

"He who can lift 'The Hammer Of Darkness!'"

The boy who was basically the skeleton's Apprentice recalled Jay lifting the hammer just now which was even barely been lifted by the skeleton despite being a blacksmith.

"He is the one who isn't limited by any space and can travel wherever he wishes in an instant!!!"

All three of them remembered seeing him Teleport!

"He is the DARKNESS himself!!!!", the skeleton shouted and then slowly lowered his head and knelt before Jay.



To be continued...

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