The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 134

Chapter 134: Help The Apprentice: A Last Try

"He is the Dark Overlord!"


The way in which the skeleton was speaking was instilling a kind of nervousness and chill inside each and everyone of them.

It was the same for Jeff and Fren too but instead of that, they were engulfed in fear just by hearing the very name which the skeleton spoke of.

"Im-impossible...", Jeff failed to believe what the skeleton said but then again whatever he said was indeed true.

Fren almost readily accepted what the skeleton said because he himself had checked if he was alive or not and after basically redirecting from death, he was more than enough shocked to believe anything the skeleton said about him.

"He...? The Dark Overlord?", the boy was shocked when he heard that name too.

He had basically told about him many times by the skeleton would always narrate his tales to him but now that he was literally looking at the Dark Overlord himself, he could feel nothing more than happiness!

Also, he was quite surprised to know that the same man whom they had chased away a while ago was the Dark Overlord.

Jay kept standing with the hammer in his hand, with a terrifying gaze on his face and a nerve cracking Aura surrounding him!

He had very few words to say but he didn't open his mouth and kept glaring at both the sorceror as the other person.

'We... we need to run...', thought Jeff and Fren in unison.

Their bones were literally teemouring just like their bodies because of the unbearable killing intent that surrounded the entire area.

'I want to stop the time... I want to run away... but what is this?'

'What is this sense of insecurity that I'm getting right now?', he keptnon asking himself in his mind.

'I am unable to gather my strength...', was what Fren thought.

Both of their bodies had been damaged to great extent and since they didn't have healing skills or other skills to recover, they failed to muster even an ounce of strength to even speak properly.

They were confused as to what to do when all of a sudden they saw Jay walking towards them slowly with the hammer.

He passed the skeleton who was bowing before him and then went straight towards Jeff.

'No... I don't want to die... I don't...', that was all he could think when all of a sudden the hammer smashed his abdomen.



His internals organs were earlier damaged but right now they had been pushed to an extent where they were about to burst open.

Jay then pulled the hammer which he had thrown after using teleportation to cover the distance.

He smashed Jeff's face again and again which he did to almost entire part of his body.

Jeff almost fainted and was covered with blood. His teeth were broken and his eyes damaged too.

His face was swollen just like that of Jay's just a while ago before being recovered.

Jay then pulled his left fist and punched the hell out of Jeff. He exactly aimed at the left side of the chest and smacked with a huge amount of force which essentially forced his heart to stop beating.




[ Congratulation]

[ You have killed 'Sorceror of Time and Space' ]

[ You have gained 93,000,000 exp ]

[ You have leveled up ]

[ You have leveled up ]

[ You have leveled up ]

[ You have leveled up ]

[ You have...]


The system notification that popped up said that Jeff, who was the server or of time and space, was dead.

Fren who watched this was completely terrified as he didn't want to die.

He could feel the cold killing intent of Jay which was slowly shifting towards Fren.

Jay slowly started to walk towards Fren with the hammer that was slowly being dragged.

The hammer was now yet again entirely covered with blood, but this time it wasn't Jay's blood. It was Jeff's blood with which it was painted completely!

"No... don't come here... you monster... get away from here!", Jeff kept screaming after looking at Jay marching towards him.

He could see that his plea was just a waste of time and Jay would sooner or later reach and kill him mercilessly so he tried his best to get out of the predicament in which he was.



He kept yelling and was using his entire forced to get himself out of the wall in which he was slammed to.

His muscles had already torn but despite that, he did his best.

'Only one way... only one way is left for me to be alive...', he thought.

It seemed like Fren still had a ray of hope left but he had no idea what that was about.

He was just told by another sorcerer to keep that with him in case of emergency and he just kept it as a joke. He was neglecting it as if nothing would happen to him.

Now the same thing has become his last ray of hope and with the help of it, he could have escaped from Jay's grasp.

'The checkpoint crystal... I need to use it...', Fren slowly and steadily lowered his hand while mustering all his strength.

His hand somehow reached his pockets from which he successfully withdrew the crystal but he had no idea about how to use it.

Though it seemed like the crystal started to react almost immediately the moment his blood touched the crystal and it started to shine.

Jay could clearly feel the energy that was being emitted from the crystal due to which he used teleportation and appeared just above the crystal whole aiming the hammer at it.


He swung with almost entire of his strength in order to crush the crystal but it seemed like the crystal as well as Fren had vanished from the place.

It seemed like the crystal was something that would teleport him to the place where he or she had assumed to be the nearest safest point and probably because of that it was called checkpoint crystal.


Regardless of that, the hammer that Jay was holding ended up dashing the floor.

He had used a huge amount of power due to which the ground on which all of them were standing, cracked suddenly.

A large number of cracks that were formed caused the floor to be unstable.

Not only that, the ceiling also experienced a huge shock due to which it too started shaking and some rocks started to fall from the top too.

The sonic wave that was caused due to the striking of the hammer, spread for a range of 1,000 metres and everything under it expernced a shock no matter how minute it was.

The skeleton and the boy fell down because of the shockwave.

The boy was surprised by the tremendous amount of strength that Jay showed right now.

Though the skeleton didn't seemed to be surprised and also asked the boy who was his apperentice not to be shocked.

"This is just an ounce of his strength... don't be too surprised...", the skeleton said.

The boy's jaws literally dropped when he heard that. The pain with which he was suffering since early also seemed to be nothing compared to the scene which he saw right now.

He was still bleeding and he should have been unconscious long ago as he had lost more than 600 ml of blood but thanks to the enthusiasm which he felt after looking at Jay, his pain vansihed and the feeling of fainting also subsided.

It might have been an involuntary action, but somehow it got suppressed.

Of course, the boy wasn't your average human, he too had some healing capabilities which helped him in this situation too, but they couldn't do anything beyond slowing down the bleeding.

And probably that was why, Jay took the initiative to walk his way and use the skill 'HEAL' and 'LIGHT HEAL' on him.

"Rest easy, for I am here...", that was all Jay said after hearing which, he closed his eyes and fainted.

"You better work...", he lifted his hand and placed it just above the boy.

Then he said, "Regeneration..."

But there was no response yet again. He knew that there was a very little possibility for it to work as it didn't work before, but right now he was in need of it.

"Regeneration... Regeneration..."


No matter how many times he shouted, it didn't work.josei

His limbs didn't grow because of which he was frustrated when suddenly he looked towards the skeleton who seemed eager to say something.

"Lord, will you please allow me to try something...", the skeleton asked.

Jay nodded his head immediately after which the skeleton raised both of his hands forward while kneeling.

It seemed like he was asking Jay to give something.

Jay understood him and moved the hammer forward but he was doubtful if the skeleton would be able to carry it or not.

The moment he left it, the skeleton held it firmly. The same skeleton who had been lying in the same position because of lack of power, was now holding a hammer which was no less than 100kg.

"My lord, give me a time of 5 minutes...", the skeleton asked.

And Jay too said in a dominating tone, "Granted."

He was shocked himself as he didn't understand what he was saying, but the words and tone felt quite familiar to him and thus he said that.

"Yes my lord."

The skeleton immediately stood up and went and lit the furnace. He then bright some other things and started working on something.

Meanwhile another notification had popped up which Jay didn't care to see right now.



[ You have...]


He just neglected all those and just kept watching the boy who was still suffering from pain.

"Sigh... if only I had never left this place earlier...", Jay gritted his teeth and stood their with his lowered gazes.

It was completely silent now and the only noises that was heard were the sound of the hammer striking something.






To be continued...

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