The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 62

Chapter 62: Candidate

"Um... excuse me, may we know your name please?"

Jay turned his head back and glared at her.

Her legs were trembling but even with that she was tryin her best to stay calm.

"Please! Otherwise we wouldn't know in what way we have to address you..."

"Sigh..." he sighed and then he finally told.

"I'm Jay... Jay Down! Nice to meet you."

Everyone started to stare at him even more. They immediately took out their phones and searched through the list of students of Class F.

They found his characteristics as mentioned in the profile to be average. Also on top of that everything about him was below any normal student can do.

His height was also less too but now when they saw him in front of him, he was like a complete different person.

They weren't able to decide to whether to with the data or believe in what they were seeing.

"Hehe~ nice to meet you. I'm Emma, Emma Brown!"

The girl who initially came and asked about him introduced herself with a smile.

Her fear had somewhat faded but it wasn't as if she was completely calm. Even now she was a bit nervous.

"Oh! Nice to meet you Emma.", Jay smiled as he said this and on seeing this all the students who were rather tensed had now calmed down.

All of them were standing and still staring at both of them while they were conversing. Soon they got rid of their fear and started to come towards Jay and converse with him.

But for some reason he gave a vibe which meant to say that he was unapproachable and that's why they didn't ask about private life and personal details.josei

But they did pose the question as to how he became so muscular and strong which Jay answered with one two extraordinary words - 'LUCK' and 'TRAINING'.

They wanted to ask more but the time for the break was over and the bell rang which marked the entering of the next teacher.



"You really are cruel Mr. Res! Why would you do that?"

"Haha! It was quite the fun easy it Dun Young?"

Dun Young, an SS Rank hunter with a fake ID of S Rank, was conversing with a strange man who was sitting in the shadows.

"What do you mean fun? You had just asked me to observe him, then what was the necessity of summoning a Portal!!!?"

He was quite angry since he had just put an undeveloped hunter's life at risk.

"Aii... what are you afraid of Dun? I was just trying to test his calabilities..."


"That's true but you didn't have to summon an S Rank Portal in a freaking CAR!!! How can a Portal just appear in a car? It's completely illogical don't you think Mr. Res!!?"

The man with whom Dun Young was talking was DON RES, an SS - RANK hunter, 32 years old, who is believed to be one of the power houses.

He specialises in long distant Attacks and summonings. He thought that all he could do was summon some minute minions or goblins or some other rock beasts but it was thanks to certain someone whom he admired that he got to know a hidden ablility.

And that ability was that he could summon portals too! But the condition required for that was he needs to sacrifice some year of life span.

Since he had summoned an S Rank Portal and that too in such a small scale as that of a car, his life span had decreased by 20 years!

He had done this once previously but that didn't have much effect. In total he had lost 35 years of life span till now.

"I know that but..."

"On top of that you sacrificed a whole 20 freaking years? Have you gone senile?"


"Come on! Say something...!!!"

"I know that you are mad at me Dun, but this was necessary..."

Dun knew that Res would never take such a decision without thinking much.

"Do you know Lia Siar?"

Dun suddenly stared at him.

"Lia? You mean the only SS Rank hunter of Japan?"

Res nodded his head.

"What about her?"

Dun had now suddenly realised something after hearing that name since she is the only hunter who could predict the future.

Lia Siar, an SS Rank hunter of Japan, who is 26 years old! She has an extraordinary ability of predicting the future which has always been true. However great powers comes with sacrifices! She has to sacrifice some amount of blood to see the future.

The farther she wanna see the more blood of her own is required.

"Well, she has been admitted and is in coma for severe loss of blood..."

"Huh?? What the... you mean to say, she predicted the future due to which she lost that large amount of blood?"

Res again nodded his head slowly.

"Is the future that horrible...?"

"Yes, in the future there will be 100 Portal breaks and many more dungeon spawning and gates appearing at the same time, the world will fall into chaos..."

Dun started to sweat out of anxiety.

"Oh my God.... what kind of future is that? Do you know when that will happen?"

Res sighed and said, "In 5 years..."

"Whaaaattt!!!? Are you kidding me? In 5 years!!!?"

Res nodded again patiently. He was rather calm about this matter and that's why he wasn't saying much.

"But... is that we're to happen, the humanity will be erased..."

Dun continued, "What's with this? Lia told a bad news and just went to coma??"

Res suddenly paused and glared at Dun.

He spoke with a dominating voice," To prevent that from happening she lost much more blood and looked at it even further..."

Dun couldn't say anything cause the pressure that that Res was emitting was enough to make any S Rank hunter unconscious.

"She said that there will be 5 hunters, who will save us during that catestrophy and their leader who will be the strongest will have the entire humanity's survival in his hands..."

Dun's eyes bulged and he was extremely shocked the way it was remarked.

"Five people...? Their leader...? Who...?"

Res shook his head and said, "No idea about that but just before entering the state of coma she said to observe all the hunters who are at the age of 17-20..."

"Huh!!!? You mean to say..."

"Yes, that's why I took the risk to test that boy... Jay Down..."

Dun now understood everything properly. He could understand that Res had took that decision due to the gravity of the situation.

"So you mean to say... Jay could be a candidate among those 5??"

Res nodded his head again and said something which gave Dun goosebumps.

"Of course, I am observing him not only because he might be a candidate...", he looked up as he said that.


"It's because he is HIS son... and HER brother..."



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