The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Tasks

"So you mean to say... Jay could be a candidate among those 5??"

Res nodded his head again and said something which gave Dun goosebumps.

"Of course, I am observing him not only because he might be a candidate...", he looked up as he said that.


"It's because he is HIS son... and HER brother..."


"You mean... HIS!!!?"


"No wonder... his name felt familiar..."


Both of them continued to discuss even more confidential matters regarding the future of the country.


It was already afternoon and most of the theory and practical classes were over.

It was mentioned in the time table that practical classes would be held from 2 PM for which only 15 minutes were left.

Jay as usually was staring at the sky and feeling the cool breeze when suddenly the teacher shouted.


A professor who seemed to be at his 30s shouted at all the students and tried to motivate them since all of them were looking forward to the practical classes.

But Jay wasn't interested in this. He knew very well that the training which he would get from the system would be far greater than any normal training. However he still followed all the class towards the battle area since his system wasn't responding from long time.

It indeed was weird for the system to just stop suddenly and many weird things had been happening to him lately, like someone stalking him or observing him.

Also sometimes he would feel that someone might have locked away his powers because he could feel the powers inside him but was unable to bring them out.

He figured out all of this as he was sitting in the class while doing nothing other than staring outside.

He annoyed all the teachers who came to teach but at the same time he left a deep impression on them.

"Okay Listen you BRATS! This is what you will be doing..."

The teacher started listing all the activities that were planned for today.

The training was for 5 hours, from 2 PM to 7 PM after which they were required to stay in dorms and rest.

It wasn't informed to them that they will be staying in dorms starting the first day so none of them had bright any extra clothes and other necessities.

That is why personal guards and other people were sent to bring their clothes and other minute things after taking their Room keys or addresses!

"Okay, that's all what you will be doing today! Now I will be calling out your names, you need to come and standing in the respective group as mentioned!"

He started calling out names.

"Karl, Group A!"

"Yes Sir!"

A blonde hair boy immediately moved towards the right of the instructor.

"Lira, Group B!"

"Yes Sir!!"

A beautiful yet clumsy girl immediately ran towards his left and stood straight in attention position.

He kept on calling the names and soon all of them were called except Jay.

There were a total of 41 students in the class and all 40 names were called who occupied the 4 groups.

Adding Jay to any one of the groups would create imbalance and will consume a bit more time so the instructor was confused.

All the students stared at him and questioned the instructor.

"Sir what about Jay?"

"Ya what about him!!!?"

The ones who asked were Karl and Lira whose names were called at the starting.

The instructor immediately looked toward them and said with high voice, "Don't question the teacher!!! Now all of you live without opening your mouth to your assigned tasks!!"

All of the obeyed and immediately left to do the given tasks and as for Jay he just kept on staring at them.

He was tired of this kind of discrimination. Just because his score was the lowest he wasn't allowed to any of the groups. This was the thought that was running through your his mind!

But then suddenly the instructor walked towards Jay and put his hand on his shoulder.

He whispered, "Follow me, I have a different task for you..."

"Eh?" All the useless thoughts that were being created in his head was instantly destroyed.

He listened to him and followed him where ever he went.

After walking a few steps the instructor took Jay to an old store room which was hardly ever cleaned.

"Hmm, this room should be good..."

After saying this he looked at Jay and said, "Go clean this room immediately!"


Jay was angry!! He literally thought of blasting the instructor's head, but he controlled himself.

'I haven't come here to clean!! I want to get stronger!' were his thoughts which were shown clearly on his expression.

"I'll give you 15 minutes, clean this entire room by then. I'll be back!"

The instructor locked the room from the outside and immediately left and Jay stood there blinking his eyes and staring at nothing!

"Tsk!!! It would have been better if I would have never attended this college!!!"

He had worked hard a lot due to which he could join the Greatest institution for hunters, but now since he had found the system, he didn't want to attend it anymore.

But regardless of those things, he understood that this was no time to think of such things.

He was locked here anyway so he started cleaning the room immediately.

"Uhhh!!' For God's sake, may the be USEFUL!!!"



The instructor opened the door to find the room cleaned completely which was shining.

Jay was lying down panting since all he did was use his own body without involvement of any skills.

"Huff huff, teacher you arrived? I just finished clea.."

"I can see that."

He spoke in between and went to speculate the Room.

"Hmm, not bad at all! You have cleaned this room thoroughly!"

He looked at some buckets in which he had accumulated all the dusts of the Room after whipping them again and again.

All he used was a broom stick and some clothes. He didn't even have water to clean them properly so he had to collect the huge amount of dust in four buckets.

"Good! You did good for the first task!"

"Huh? First task?"

"Yes... now for you second task."

Jay was already tired so he didn't have the courage to listen to another task. But he hardened his heart and stood up immediately since he thought he could train for real now!"


"All the dust that you have collected, spread it again in this room, in the same manner as they were before!"


"I'll give you 30 minutes, but I shouldn't see even a single particle lying even 0.01 cm off from its initial position..."

After saying this he slowly walked towards the door.

"No... Wait...", Jay extended his hand as if he was trying to stop him but all he say was the instructor smirking as he locked the door again!



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