The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Modification And Claiming

Jay without a doubt wanted to be his student but he thought that he could learn it right away using his system.

So he called out to the system in his mind, 'SYSTEM, ANALYSE'

Then suddenly a notification popped up which made Jay tensed.




- The host doesn't meet the requirements to use the system.


"What the!!!", Jay shouted.

"What happened? Don't you want to be my student?"

Ron thought that Jay was shouting at him when it was not the case in reality.

"No no... what I meant is I want to becom your student. But I was just thinking that if I were to leave it within 1 week then..."

Ron's Eyes changed. It had a deep red light that was extremely fierce and frightening. It was as if he was warning Jay, not to look down on mana control.

Jay became nervous suddenly due to the sudden change of atmosphere again. He wanted to talk but wasn't able to since his voice wasn't coming out.

But the next moment he changed his expression.

"If you were able to do it within 1 week, then I will give you an amazing gift! Hahaha!"

Jay was indeed nervous even now but he too smiled with the instructor to fake his nervousness.

"Well, in top of that I have a favour to ask of you sir..."

"Oh ho.... and what might that be?"

Jay was a bit hesitant at first but he didn't have any other option either. He didn't know anyone else who could help him in the campus either.

So he opened his mouth and asked, "Can I be allowe to go home just for today? Please!!! I have something important to do..."

"Jay... that's not in my hands my boy. Even if a teacher wants to leave, he has to get special permission one week ahead, then how will they allow a student?"

Jay was disappointed since even this small ray of hope disappeared. All he wanted was to go home and give his mom the money so that she will be Sade and sound. But he knew it very well that those bastard bullies weren't after the money in the first place. They just wanted to trouble her and make her leave the room.

"What do I do?", was what Jay was thinking.

"Hmm, then at least could you allow me to go back to dorms right now? I will work hard from tomorrow..."

Ron looked at him and smiled.

"Okay! That's something which you can be allowed. I will just say that you were ill. Now you can go..."

"Thanks teacher!!!"

He immediately ran out of the store room and rushed towards the class to fetch his bag. Then immediately he dashed through the corridors and out of the building towards the dorms.

"Oh my, this is all I could do, rest is up to you..."

Ron grinned as he said this.

Jay reached the dorms and looked for his name tag. After finding the name tag he asked for the Room key.

"Here, your key card for Room F - 041"

The number somewhat seemed similar but he didn't mind it since he didn't have time to do that.

Also there was a change in the attitude of the receptionist who initially greeted with smile but the moment she came to know that he was the last ranker, her expression changed completely.

However, Jay wasn't bothered even by this! All he was doing was rushing towards the room and after climbing a lot of stairs instead of using the elevator he reached to Room.

He immediately used the card to unlock the room by swiping it.

The door unlocked and he went inside and kept his bag safe.

He was saying something repeatedly.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!!! Oh my God!!!"

He was sweating due to excitement. He initially thought of going home but for some reason that wasn't possible so he gave up but now something has happened which made his heart thrilled.

He was so excited that he couldn't wait till the college was over.

"This can't possibly happening!!!"

He immediately saw the system and was hapoy again. All the accumulated tension and burden of the day was immediately erased after this one message.



[SYSTEM REBOOT] <completed>

- unclaimed rewards should be claimed immediately.

- time has been paused.



Lv.16 —> Lv. 50



1] You are eligible to use the rare skill [STEALTH]

2] Recieved Blessings Of 4 Dragons. <<click>>

3] Gained 100 fame points.

4] Gained 100 Stat Points.

5] Gained 8000 Merit Points.

6] Gained the skill [Weapon Empower]

- please click on accept to receive the rewards.

TIME LIMIT : 00:00:03 [03 seconds] <paused>

<<Accept>>/ <<Reject>>


"Oh my goddd!!!! What the fuck is this!!!? I literally can't believe my own eyes!"

He didn't know the reason why the system was paused nor did he know why the system wasn't being active. The only thing he knew was that something amazing had happened to him right now.

Without thinking anything else, he immediately clicked on '<<Accept>>' to claim the rewards.




- All the rewards have been claimed.

- host meets the qualification of using the MODIFIED SYSTEM.

- Please Click On '<<Accept>>' to enable the activation of the modified system.

- <<Accept>> / <<Reject>>


"If the sustem is modified then I might be able to get further details about situations! Also I will be able to get stronger faster... but the difficulty might increase..."

He was a bit hesitant for some moment since it was a crucial step that he had to decide. Either he had to move up and grow stronger or just be a coward, scared from the difficulties.

After thinking for sometime, he immediately clicked on '<<Accept>>' since he didn't want to be abandoned again.

He didn't know what surprises were ahead and what other dangers he would encounter, so it was in his best interest to upgrade everything whenever he would get a chance.

But after accepting the modification, he just had one small doubt about, or rather a small question that he asked himself.josei

"Is it only me who has a system or does any other hunter also have it?"


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