The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: [STEALTH]

But after accepting the modification, he just had one small doubt about, or rather a small question that he asked himself.

"Is it only me who has a system or does any other hunter also have it?"

He stopped thinking after sometime as it was waste to worry in something like that.

But he had to be careful if someone other than him had something similar system or same power as him.

Jay was excited to see what the new system had in store. He wanted to immediately see the new features and other options that would have been available but unfortunately he couldn't because of the sudden thought that came into his mind.

"I need to somehow get to home and give out mom this money... on top of that I need to take care of those flies."

He was quite angry the moment he thought about the useless thugs. Jay wasn't much strong at that time but now he was significantly strong. He came to know that the moment he saw his level had risen to 50 but at the same time he didn't know the exact reason.

He kept on wondering that how did he reach level 50 in such a short amount of time unless he had earned a large amount of 'EXP'!

"Hmm, never mind that, for now I need to get out of the campus and take care of those bastards..."

He hadn't seen all the rewards that he claimed but he knew one skill which he could use now and that was [STEALTH].



You are eligible to use the rare skill [STEALTH]

- Would you like to use it immediately?

<<Yes>> / <<No>>


"Hmm, so now the system can read my mind?"

Jay was surprised when he saw the message popping up and asking to whether use the skill or not even before giving any command.

"This is awesome!!! Super cool! I like it..."

But he didn't want to use the skill immediately since he didn't have any prior information about it. Therefore to avoid any trouble in the future, he wanted to read the instructions about the skill.

"For now let's go with '<<No>>', system show status of the skill [STEALTH]"





EXP : 0/10



- A rare skill.

- makes the user invisible when used.

- All Skills gets deactivated and locked while [STEALTH] is active.josei

- Can pass through walls based on user.

- no mana consumption.

- can be activated for 2 hours at maximum.

COOL DOWN : 00:10:00 [10 minutes]


"Holy crap!!! This is what you would call a true S rank skill!!"

It was amazing indeed since it had almost everything that would make it easier and safe.

"No mana consumption and on top of that it can last for 2 whole hours!! Cool down timer is also less!!!"

He was extremely happy at seeing the skill because it was a desirable skill for him to sneak out while no one catches him.

"Okay then, time to roll out!!"

"System! Use stealth!"

Even though he knew that the system could anticipate what he wanted and could activate the skill by just reading his mind, he shouted it out loudly due to his habit.



Skill [STEALTH] has been activated.

- AUTOMATIC DEACTIVATION in 02:00:00 [2 hours]


The timer also showed up that would keep him aware of the skills active time.

He immediately ran towards the wall and hit his head hard.


"Ouchhh!!! Damn fuck! Didn't it say I could pass through the walls!!?"

Jay was trying to walk through the walls after looking at the details of the skill but for some reason when he tried he bumped straight to the wall and fell down.

"Was the system freaking lying to me? Don't tell me the MODIFICATION ADDED A LIE FEATURE!!!"

He was cussing at the system since he wasn't able to perform what he wanted and it was human tendency to blame others or any other thing easily.

"Tsk, let me try once again!"

He closed his eyes and cocentrated at the wall which was in front of him.

'I will pass through the wall', he kept on thinking the same again and again by focusing completely on the wall.

Then he started to walk slowly and steadily towards the wall with his eyes closed. He didn't stop for even a second and didn't open his eyes too.


Even before he knew he was deep under water.

"Wha... the..."

He wasn't able to hear his own voice clearly and wasn't able to breath.

He opened his eyes immediately and found the light source from above and immediately tried to reach the surface.

"Haaa... haaa..."

He was breathing heavily and panting hard.

"What the fuck was that? Wasn't I just..."

He paused and took a look at his surrounding. Then he glanced his right and left and finally took a look at the top.

"Oh so that's what happened... Hahahaha!"

He started laughing. He got to know that he was foolish to think that the [STEALTH] would let him walk in the air.

He had successfully passed through the walls of his room which was at the fourth floor. He had forgotten to think about this. So after passing through the walls, he couldn't possibly walk anymore as there was no ground and thus ended up falling in the swimming pool which was just underneath him.

He immedtely realised that and got out of the swimming pool. He looked at himself who was wet now. All he could do was go back to his room and change to a better pair of clothes and try again.

"Sigh, next time I have to be careful as these small mistakes are enough to kill even the strongest hunter..."

He immedtely ran towards his room and passed through the door. Deactivated the [STEALTH] skill and immediately changed into a better pair of clothes. After doing that he wait for sometime for the cool down timer to get over and used the skill again and made it out of the college campus.

"Phew I'm finally out!! Just you wait... I'm coming!"


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