The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: MY CHOICE

"Sigh, next time I have to be careful as these small mistakes are enough to kill even the strongest hunter..."

He immediately ran towards his room and passed through the door. Deactivated the [STEALTH] skill and immediately changed into a better pair of clothes. After doing that he wait for sometime for the cool down timer to get over and used the skill again and made it out of the college campus.

"Phew I'm finally out! Just you wait... I'm coming!"

After saying this Jay started walking down the street slowly and calmly. He thought it would be waste to just run since he didn't even know the location of the bullies!

Hence he just looked here and there while walking and slowly yet steadily kept on searching them.

There were a lot of people on the roads and streets who were busy and so was Jay.

There were a few accidents too due to this but he didn't even blink an eye at them. He just kept searching for them at different places where thugs hand out or other places but for some reason not even a single bully was to be found.

"This is weird, have all of them gone into a hiding or what?" , he wondered.

It was indeed unusual for not even a single thug or bully to be found. It seemed as if something did happen to them or maybe they might have gone to other places for hanging out or turf wars etc.

"What should I do now?", that was the only question that was lingering in his mind now since he was literally just passing the time while drinking cola and sitting on a bench in the park.

"Sigh, let me just check out my available skills for now..."

It was indeed a wise decision as more he knew about his skills the more he would be able to grow stronger and his chances of surviving will increase.

"System, display Sk—"

He was about to ask the system to show all his skills when suddenly a girl tripped and fell on him.

"Uhhh!!! Who the fuck? Are you bli—"

The girl was wearing a pair of glasses which were just some ordinary sun glasses. She had a purple or violet T - shirt on and black jeans.

"Who are...."

She spoke almost immediately just before Jay could finish what he wanted to ask.

"Are you Jay? Jay Down?"


Jay had a surprised expression on his face. He kept on staring at her for a few minutes and tried to recall if he knew that girl but he couldn't get any glimpse nor could remember anything related to her.

"Don't try to recall dummy, you don't know me, but I know you!"

She smiled as she put the loli-pop in her mouth and smirked while wearing the glasses.

"Huh? What work do you have with me?"

He asked quite while being hesitant to be close to her because of certain reason that was making him frightened from the within.

'Damn fuck! This can't be real right?', he was awed and scared since he couldn't see her stats at all or rather they were quite bizzare!



NAME: ???

LEVEL: ???

AGE: ???




MANA: ???


It was really unusual! It was somehow comparable to Dun Young's stats but it lacked the name, level and even age.

However that wasn't the issue at all. The real issue was that even after the system was advanced he wasn't able to look into her stats and this was why his hands were trembling which he was trying to hide.

"Haha! You really are Jay!!"

Jay stared a bit at her as if he was trying to act calm and then said, "I indeed am Jay, but may I know what work you have with me?"


The girl didn't answer for sometime. She just caressed her blonde hairs which was only up to her shoulders.

Jay was tired of waiting for her answer and stood up and started to walk away. He pretended as if nothing had happened till now.

He kept on walking for sometime and then suddenly turned back to only find that the girl was also following him.

"What do you want!!!? Why are you following me??"


"Nothing... just keep walking..."

Jay was bothered by her. He kept on thinking about running away from her but he couldn't have even an ounce of faith in himself after seeing her stats which was pretty much invisible to him.

Jay started to walk a bit faster and so did the girl. Then he slowed down and the girl imitated him yet again.

He was annoyed by this following and escaping. He tried to do something about her when she suddenly opened her mouth and said something to Jay.

"Not that way... go towards the will find them there..."


He immediately turned back since he couldn't understand what she meant but found nothing.

There was no trace of the girl. It was as if she had vanished into the thin air!

"Hey... it can't be right... she was just with me!"


"Have I finally gone crazy?", he sighed.

But he thought about what she had told just before disappearing.

There were three ways ahead of him. Either he could go straight that would lead him to the tunnel where the mafia gangs or similar people love to hang out or he could go either right or left.

He suddenly started to think about the girl who had told him to go left.

"Should I go left...?"

He started to think for sometime and then finally decided!

"Nay, I don't want someone else to show me where to go... I will carve my own path... I choose right..."

He turned toward the right and started walking that way. He disregarded what the girl told and did the exact opposite of her saying.

The moment he went towards the right side the girl appeared out of nowhere in front of him.

"Why? I said you to go towards the left... why do you insist on going towards the right?"

Jay didn't think it was important to answer that question and passed her and started to go ahead.

But the moment he passed her, he couldn't move a single foot ahead due to the sudden increase in pressure.

"Uhh... what now...?"

He turned back to only find that the girl was angry.


The girl shouted which made even the ground tremor. Anyone who heard this would have his ear drums erupted but it didn't happen to Jay. It was as if she was exerting an adequate amount of sound that wouldn't cause his ears to rupture.

Or on the other hand, Jay's body might have become strong enough that even his delicate ear drums could withstand this large disturbing sound.

"I didn't mean to go opposite of your choice..."

The girl was angry since she wanted an answer and now that Jay was giving her one, her anger seemed to be subdued.

"Then why did you choose right?"

Jay smirked a bit and said, "If you had told me to go straight, I would have still chosen right, and if you would have told me to choose right... then for sure I would have gone towards the right..."

"Eh? Then you mean to say..."


Jay laughed a bit and told immediately, "It's simply because that was MY CHOICE..."josei

Suddenly the girls eyes enlarged and her jaws seemed to be dropped. Her mouth was left open when she heard him say that.

'MY CHOICE' was echoing in her head again and again.

The pressure around the area that had suddenly been increased started to disappear slowly and after 2 minutes it had completely become stable.

"I see... so it's because it was your choice that you chose to go towards the right side..."

He smirked again and answered by saying, "Indeed!"

She laughed out loud, "Hahahahaha! Hahahaha!"

"Huh? Has she gone crazy? Did I say some joke?", Jay wondered.

"Very well then, since you chose the right side then you must be prepared to sacrifice necessary amount for it... Jay Down..."

"Huh? What do you want to say? Say it clearly..!!!", he exclaimed.

"Well nothing much... but hear your heart and go towards the path that you chose right now..."

Jay nodded his head obediently and the reason for that wasn't known to he himself.

"Okay then... I'll take my leave..."

"Eh? Where are you goi—"

She vanished before he could ask her anything.

"Sigh... now I just need to go on this path..."

He decided to walk on that path and was about to go when suddenly my Some patted his shoulders.

He reflexively tried to punch at the person which he stopped midway.

"You again? You had vanished suddenly I couldn't..."

The girl who just vanished appeared again.

"Hehe~ just wanted to say that I have taken care of the bullies who disturbed your peace~ no need to worry about them... Just focus on you Path...", and just after saying this she vanished in the blink of an eye.



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