The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 82

Chapter 82: Environment: An important factor for growth

"M-my liege...?", he didn't have any other words to say because this was the first time he saw any king saying such kind words to his subjects.

"Okay then, see you later...", immeditely after saying that he exited the dungeon.

"We will be waiting for you... OUR liege."


"Lord, are you really planning on serving that human?", a busty lady with deep red eyes walked towards Sebas and said this.


"Just answer, are you really going to serve that human?"

Sebas didn't reply and just nodded his head as if he was agreeing to what she was telling.

"Are you real? You are several times stronger than him, then why the heck are you willing to serve him!!?"

She was quite furious at his decision and was demanding an explanation about this.

She was a vampire whose powers were comparable with Sebas after all she was level 91.

Though she could have been considered as a second boss of the dungeon, she was still not aware of many things.

She too bowed relexively in front of jay when she saw the black aura that was being emitted from him.

"Katherine... you shouldn't talk like that about our king behind his back.", Sebas didn't want to betray Jay for some reason and he had no interest in fighting with him either after seeing the black aura.

"Tsk, so what's so great about him? Can't you just defeat him and become the king??", she couldn't admit a human such as Jay as her master.

All the dark beasts that had a dark attribute in them or were borne from dark, knew from the beginning itself that one day at certain period of time, they will find their true master or king.

It was the same for the vampires too and katherine had been hoping for someone strong and preferably a vampire so when she saw that it was just a mere human, she couldn't bear it.

"That's enough! No need to slander his name! I'm just waiting for the time being..."

"Eh...? Don't tell me... you too are aiming to kill him and take his position!!!?", suddenly she was excited and started assuming what he had to tell.

"Well, I am just observing him for the time being. If he doesn't seem to be worthy, then I myself will slay him.", he said that pretty boldly upon hearing which Katherine was convinced and stayed mum after that.


"Wah... I'm sleepy brother. Can't we go home?"

It was a bit late right now and was about to become evening. It took too long for Jay to be inside the dungeon.

"Damn, so many things happened in the dungeon because of which I didn't realise how the time passed by!", Jay got out of the dungeon and started to look here and there.

"He is out...", said the white haired boy who had been waiting for him to come out since the morning.

"We have to approach him with caution, do you understand Tina?", he looked towards the place where she was supposed to be standing.

"Eh..!!!? Where did you go!!?"

When he turned his gazes back towards Jay, he found Tina in front of him and talking to him.

"Umm... excuse me, can I see that puppy!!!?", her eyes were sparkling as she looked at the small wolf pup that was in Jay's hands.

Jay wanted to refuse her since it could be dangerous for a normal civilian to hold a beast pet but he somehow ended up agreeing to her and gave the pup to her.

"Uhhh... I'm still weak against expectant eyes that sparkle a lot!", was what he was thinking after giving the pup since once again he wasn't able to refuse her.

"Wow, it's so cute... it has its eyes closed...", she kept on staring at it and caressing it.

"Ughhh!! Tina!!?", the white haired boy immediately rushed towards her.

"I'm sorry, my sister might have caused you trouble."

Jay immediately looked towards him and said, "Oh no, it's fine. She was just looking at the pup."

"Haha, is she now...?", he looked towards her and found that she was too fond of it to let it go.

"I'm sorry, by the way I'm Ray and she is my sister Tina.", the white haired boy introduced himself.josei

"Oh! I'm Jay, nice to meet you both.", Jay too immeditely introduced himself after Ray.

Ray started laughing by saying, "Hahaha, our names rhyme almost perfectly! Hahaha."

Jay too smiled at it because he didn't want to make Ray feel awkward since he was not getting any laughter after hearing the useless joke of his.

Jay stared at Tina for a while Who was playing with the pup when he looked at the time in his wrist watch and said, "I have to go now..."

Tina immeditely said, "Bye Bye!" and waved her hand at him.

"Uhh... the pup..."

Tina immeditely realized that she hadn't returned the pup to him so she immeditely walked forward and handed it out to him.

"Take good care of Wolfy!"

"Huh? Wolfy?"

"Yup! I have given that name to him!"

Jay laughed a bit and said, "Sure, I will raise it into a fine wolf!"

After saying that he walked away towards the campus from where he had been vanished since the morning.

He had given a leave letter earlier in which he stated that he had some health issues due to which the academy teachers agreed to give him a leave but he was afraid that they might have come for inspection again and have checked the room.

If that was the case then they might either expel him when they find out about him or give him some sort of detention.

So he immeditely dashed as fast as he could after using the skill while taking care of the wolf.

"I wish I could personally leave her at her home... but I don't want her to know that I am a hunter now...", he was thinking about his sister Serena about whom he was worried all this while.

But right now his worrying was a bit less since he had already put something on her before leaving that would protect her at all costs.


The small pup had awakened and was making some cute noises.

"Did it regain the strength on its own??", he wondered a bit and then stopped thinking since his main priority right now was to reach the campus without anyone noticing him.

"So cute....!!!!", Tina was still in awe with the cute black coloured pup which Jay carried with him.

Ray immeditely looked towards Tina and said with a different tone, "How long are you planning to act this way?"

Tina looked towards Ray with sparkling eyes and asked, "What do you mean brother...?"

She looked were cute and innocent even for a 17 year old girl. Her body was still like that of a kid who was around 14-15.

"Oh come on, no one is watching us now. You can drop the act... elder sis."

Immeditely after he told that she suddenly transformed and turned into a big woman who had busty looks and perfect curves.

"Haha I guess that was enough fun for today!", she smirked a bit in a Pervy way.

"Ughhh, and I really wanted to puke when I saw you saying that you liked cute things!!?"

"When did I say that?", she immeditely asked while leaning on the wall.

"Huh...? Oh! Your expressions were telling that clearly. I mean what was the reason even to change your appearance like that?"

She smirked a bit and said, "It was to observe the black king who is supposed to be the 2nd Black King in the entire history."

"Oh... wait... second!!?"


"Then whatwver I told you was...", he was laughing in a weird way cause all the things he told was made up.

"Haha, and I was laughing when you were giving me this euseless lectures... haha!"

After listening to her, he asked, "So tell me, what do you think about him?"

Suddenly she paused laughing and looked at him for a moment.

She then said, "He is like a mere ant in front of us. He has almost no powers from the dragon and he himself is not that great! Maybe he survived this dungeon too by luck!"

"Hmm, so basically he is a weakling?", Ray suddenly smirked and asked that.

"Ya you can say that but that beast which he was carrying is troublesome...", her expression changed when she started mentioning about a beast.

"A beast? You mean that small wolf?", Ray was intrigued since the wolf looked like an useless pet to him.

"Yes, that small pup is a bit different from its race..."

"Huh? What do you mean sister?"

She immeditely started to tell about the speciality of such wolves.

"Well, they revolve based on surroundings and especially their time of birth also determines their strength..."

He was doubtful about what she was saying so he asked, "So how does that make it different?"

"Are you a fool ray? Didn't you feel the mana inside the wolf? It seemed as if it had dark attribute and had been born in a dark surrounding due to which its power and growth has been amplified by 10 times!"

Ray was completely shocked on hearing that. He immeditely asked, "Then, how strong will it grow??"

"Ha... if I were to compare it, then around 5 such fully grown wolves will be enough to take down your WHITE DRAGON."

"...", Ray was completely silenced after saying that.

"So never forget one thing Ray - Environment is an important factor for growth!"


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