The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: The Wolf Pup And The Portal

"Ha... if I were to compare it, then around 5 such fully grown wolves will be enough to take down your WHITE DRAGON."

"...", Ray was completely silenced after saying that.

Only five of such beasts could easily match the powers of the legendary white dragon which came as a big shock to Ray.

Dragons are believed to be supreme beasts so it's indeed weird to see a few beasts or even a pack of beasts to be able to kill a dragon.

"You... you are joking right!?", Ray asked the question since he was stunned after hearing what she had to say.

But unfortunately whatever she was saying was the truth. If it was any normal wolf then even if there were thousands of like them, it would still be impossible to kill a dragon.

But the wolf which Hay carries just how was too different from them. It could be said that instead of having 10 times the power, it had more than 1000 times the power of a normal wolf.

However that was just a prediction, it could have been easily wrong but it was better be cautious.

"Anyway, Ray lets head back and inform the clan about him...", she immeditely changed the topic and wanted to return as fast as she could since the information that they had got was really valuable.

Ray nodded his head and agreed to her and then they immediately vanished from there.

"Tsk, do you really think that I am a fool?", was what Jay said.

He suddenly undid his [STEALTH] mode and appeared out of nowhere.

It seemed that he was suspicious of them since earlier but was just neglecting it. But when he saw that the wolf pup was fully recovered which was basically due to the girls power, he immeodyeky understood that something was wrong.

"I guess other proxies have already been chosen..."

He sighed and then immeditely vanished since he had to reach the campus.

The proxies were usually chosen when someone was born or when one was in his early years since he or she would get more time to be adapted to the powers.

But the black dragon who was uninterested in all this had never chosen anyone but for reason unknown he suddenly chose Jay.

He had many doubts but right now his main priority was to reach the campus as soon as possible.

"Hmm, If I use the dash skill then I will certainly reach quickly but that would consume a large amount of mana which I don't have currently."

He had already exhausted a large amount of mana due to the usage of [STEALTH] which was why he had to find an alternative to return as quickly as possible.

He was searching for another method when suddenly he saw the '<<evolve>>' option for the [DASH] skill.

Even other notifications were popping up which was mentioned by the system earlier but right now he kept them on hold and decided to evolve the skill first.

"Hmm... system, show me the status of [DASH] skill..."





LEVEL : 10 {max.} <<click to evolve>>

EXP : 1000/1000

- The agility is the user will be increased and the speed stat will be used to full potential.

NOTE: Evolve the skill to activate the [FUSION] feature.


"Hmm, so after a skill reaches level 10, it seems to be ready to be evolved."

Jay looked at it a bit and read everything. Then he immediately thought about the fusion feature that enabled him him to use two skills simultaneously.

"If I can activate the fusion feature for this skill... and if I use the lightning strike and dash skill at the same time... can I run as fast as thunder!!!", it was not impossible since there was a possibility for that to happen.


He swallowed some saliva out of excitement and immeditely clicked on the 'evolve' option and waited patiently.



- The skill [DASH] has started to evolve.

TIMER : 00:00:30:00 [30 minutes]

The host will be notified when the skill has successfully been evolved.

Till then all the notifications will be temporary unavailable.


"Hmm, that's interesting. Other notifications won't bother me until this skill has evolved? Looks like a lot of priority is being given for evolution..."

He immeditely closed the system and said, "Use [DASH]!"

But the skill couldn't be activated.


He didn't even get any notification as said earlier so he understood right away that during evolution a skill can't be used which puts him in disadvantage.

Also if the notification is not given then there might be a lot of confusion and misunderstanding for Jay.

"I have to be careful from next time... I can't just carelessly evolve a skill in a dungeon or during a battle..."

Immeditely after saying that he looked here and there only to find that he was still standing at the same place.

"Uhhh... now I have to walk all the way to the campus... today I'm definitely busted!"

He sighed as he told that. All he could do was cuss himself because of his carelessness.

"Let's walk and not waste time...", he was about to start walking when suddenly a small black portal appeared in front of him out of nowhere.

"Huh...? What now? Don't tell me I have to enter another dungeon..."

He literally had no more energy to go inside another dungeon. Also he didn't have time either. He had to confirm the safety of his sister and other people and then make sure that he doesn't get expelled from the college.

"Hmm, it's not compulsory anyway that I have to enter this...", he sighed in relief since the system wouldn't give him any compulsory missions for at least next thirty minutes.

So he just walked past it and resumed his march when suddenly he felt and ere feeling.josei

"Something is wrong...", he turned back only to find that the distance between him and the Portal hasn't changed.

"Na... it might be just my imaginations...", after saying this he walks a few more steps only to feel the same weird sensation again.

He turned his gazes back towards the Portal only to find that yet again there was no change in distance between him and the Portal.

"The fuck!!?", he started jogging a bit and while doing that he turned back.

"Oh my fucking GODDDD!!!! This freaking Portal is stalking meeee!!!!"

The Portal was literally moving just behind him and was maintaining a safe 5 metre distance between them.

Jay was continuously increasing the speed of his run and the same was also being impacted on the Portal.

It too was increasing its speed in order to maintain the same distance.

"What is happening? How the heck is a portal following me!!!", he was screaming while trying to run and many people were hearing that but all they could see was Jay running with a small puppy in his hands.

The Portal was invisible to them and maybe that was why they were thinking that he was some crazy psycho.

"Uhhh... what's going on!!?"

"Master Master woof woof!"

"Huh...?", Jay heard a weird sound out of nowhere.

"Who...?", he turned his head here and there to take a look.

"Master it's me. Woof woof."

Jay immeditely looked at the small pup that was in his hands. It was staring at Jay and seemed lively.

"Is... is that you Wolfy?", he asked out loudly.

"Yes master! It's me! Woof woof!"

It looked like a dog's puppy rather than a wolf's and it was also making a cute sound 'Woof woof' but those things didn't distract him.

What actually shocked him was that he was able to hear a beast speak!

"First of all a Portal is following me and now I'm hearing a wolf speaking... I have finally gone INSANE!!!"

He runs even faster than before almost leaving the street to be dusty due to his fast pace.

"Master... that Portal is summoned by me! Don't be afraid!", the wolf pup was continuously staring at Kay as it told this.

"Huh?", Jay immeditely paused midway.

He looked at the pup and slowly turned back to see that the Portal had also stopped.

He then took one to two steps and observed the Portal which also moved along with him.

"Wolfy, what's going on? I can understand that you summoned that Portal but why is it following me?", it sounded awkward when he asked this but that was the fact that was happening right now.

"Master, the Portal can maintain only a distance of 5 metres for now. I am not strong yet! Woof woof!"

Jay was shocked to listen this. He did glance at his profile and saw its name and race but didn't seem to give any importance to its stats.

"Oh... I get it... but more than that, tell me, how are you able to speak with me and how does a small beast like you who has been born a few days ago has such high level of intelligence?"

His question was genuine and tricky at the same time but to this the wolf pup gave a simple answer after which Jay couldn't ask any other question.

"I don't know..."




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