The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Returned To The Campus

His question was genuine and tricky at the same time but to this the wolf pup gave a simple answer after which Jay couldn't ask any other question.

"I don't know...", the little pup replied with innocence.



Jay couldn't even utter a single word after that since he couldn't possibly ask anything else to the pup.

It was still just a child so basically it would have absolutely no idea about humans. On top of that he would hardly know anything about its own race and its powers with which he was born.

"Sigh, then will you tell me what the heck is this Portal for?"

The pup looked at Jay with sparkling eyes and said, "Master, you wanted to reach home as soon as possible so I opened a Portal for you whicu is connected directly to your room..."

"Huh...? Whaaaattt!!!?", Jay immeditely pauses after being shocked by it.

"You connected this to my room!!?", he asked it while making a weird expression.

"Yes master, did I do something wrong??", yet again the pup asked him with sparkly eyes.

Jay didn't answer it and immediately posed another question, "So, if I enter that will I reach my room?"

The pup nodded his head agreeing to what he said immeditely after which Jay rushed toward adds the Portal.

Initially he thought that if were to move closer to the Portal, the Portal might try to go further away from him in order to maintain the 5 metre distance but it seemed that his worries were futile.

The Portal didn't move even a single inch while Jay approached it. He entered the Portal and even before he had realised it, he was already in the room in the dorms!

"Holy shit! It fucking works!!!", he was suddenly excited after experiencing that when suddenly he heard someone shout.


"Ehhhh!!? Who!!?", Jay immeditely rushed towards the door and opened it only to find the instructor Ron standing outside with a fierce expression. It seemed as if he could snap out any moment.

"Uhhh... instructor what are you doing here...?", he already knew the purpose of Ron visiting yet still he asked as if he was feigning innocence.

"Don't pretend as if you don't know!", he was getting even more agitated each and every minute.

"Well...", he averted his eyes since he didn't want to face his wrath after being so tired.

"Listen, I have been shouting here since past 30 minutes and you opened the door now?"

"Huh!!? You have been standing since last 30 minutes here!!?", Jay was shocked because he didn't think that Ron would have a lot of patience that would be enough to make him wait for a whole thirty minutes.

"Of course... I have.", he too averted his eyes a bit upon seeing which Jay understood that he was boasting.

"Hmm, got it! Next time I'll open earlier... hehe"

"This is no laughing issue kid, where have you been the whole day? I couldn't find you anywhere!"

Jay didn't have any excuse before hand so he had to make one right now.

"I was sleeping because my stomach was aching... I had fever and it seems as if I have caught AIDS..."




It was unusually quiet for sometime. It looked like the calmness before a storm.

"Jay, even if you were searching for an excuse couldn't you make any better one? Seriously? AIDs?"

Jay knew it very well about what he had said but he couldn't possibly take back what he told. He couldn't stop himself from saying that either due to the spur of the moment.josei

"I'm sorry Sir, I was really unwell so I couldn't come..."

He looked at him and then said, "Sigh, it's fine don't worry. I was just worried about you... from tomorrow we are going to start intense training so just come as early as possible!"

"Huh...? Early? You mean after the class or..."

The instructor glared at him and said, "Come by sharp 6 AM or else you will see YAMA in front of you!!"

(NOTE: YAMA - God Of Death)

Jay suddenly felt chill run down his spines but regardless of that he nodded his head and agreed in coming to the training.

Soon Ron left and departed to his own room. Jay closed the door and walked towards the bed to sit on it.

He then looked under the bed to see if the pup was alright since he had quickly hid the pup earlier as he didn't want anyone to know about it.

"Are you alright...?"

It was quite dark under the bed and even the pup was black coloured so he was hardly visible.

He immeditely took the phone which he had left in the room earlier and switched on its torch and then tried to search again under the bed.

"There you are! Huh...?", it seemed as if the pup was fast asleep.

"Oh... is Darkness your favourite...?", he wondered.

Then he thought that maybe the pup would feel better if it were left to be sleeping in the dark hence he didn't bother it and turned the lights off after seeing the news around one hour later.

"Oh my! The media is so fast nowadays!"

The news had already spread that all the girls had been found in a common place near a hill.

The news spread like wildfire and soon the huge feat which Jay had accomplished about the Double Boss dungeon which had its own intelligence was almost forgotten.

The citizens wanted new news and that was their nature to remember the most awesome and fresh events. They didn't want to involve themselves in unclear events. But there were certain individuals who were still curious about the Double Boss Dungeon!


Jay was sleepy now so lies down on the bed and closed his eyes.

He revised everything that had happened today and slowly fell asleep while doing so.

Soon 5 hours had passed and it was 2 AM in the morning when the pup woke up from its sleep and started to walk out of the bed.


It tried to jump up to the bed but was failing every time.

He then turned his head towards the book shelf that was kept. He suddenly ran towards it and started climbing each block one by one and the jumped from the highest block and successfully landed on the bed.

He saw Jay sleeping soundly without any care of the world. It might have been careless of him to do so but it was not his mistake either since he was too tired to do any other activity as staying on guard even while sleeping.

The wolf pup slowly walked closer to Jay and licked him but there was no reaction.

The pup licked him again and yet again no reaction was to be found so he decided to give up.

He too slept on the soft comfy bed near Jay peacefully.

Exactly after one hour around 3 AM, something happened which even the Black Dragon AKALUMAN would have never thought.

A small blue aura which somewhat seemed to be a type of energy began to be generated from Jay.

The energy was slowly moving towards the pup and then was vanishing immeditely after touching its fur.

The process continued for an entire one hour and soon again a black Aura which was somewhat similar to that if the blue aura that was generated earlier had started to being emitted from the wolf.

Slowly and steadily that started entering Jay's body and this process too took for around one hour.

After that there was no reaction and soon it was 5:15 AM when the alarm clock rang waking both Jay and the small pup simultaneously.

"Arghh!!! Shut this man!", he used his right hand to stop the clock from ringing by banging it when suddenly he heard another sound.


It woke him up and he immeditely turned his head here and there to take a look at what had happened.

"Huh...? The alarm clock..."

The alarm clock was completely smashed into piece due to his excess power. It seemed as if the pup witnessed everything.

"Oh man... it's good that I didn't put the alarm in my phone otherwise I would have smashed that too."

He immeditely got up and looked at the pup a bit.

"Good morning Wolfy, has a nice nap?"

"Woof woof, yes master!"

"Huh!? Oh ya I forgot that you could speak!"

The pup immeditely denied and said, "No Master, you have got it all wrong till now."

"Eh? What do you mean?", Jay immeditely asked.

"I think it is you who can understand my language..."


Jay was shocked by this revealation but he has no way to confirm it. However when he recalled it indeed was weird that the vampires spoke in human language.

"Don't tell me... I had got a translated skill from the time when I was with Koriantan tribes... or is it that I can only converse with dark type beasts or monsters?"


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