The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Intense Training

Jay was shocked by this revealation but he has no way to confirm it. However when he recalled it indeed was weird that the vampires spoke in human language.

"Don't tell me... I had got a translate skill from the time when I was with Koriantan tribes... or is it that I can only converse with dark type beasts or monsters?"

Jay was shocked by this since he hadn't realised it earlier.

"This is too shocking..."

He calmed down after thinking for a while and then thought that this was going to be even more mysterious for him.

But now he had to do whatever he had in hand so he wanted to just give priority to the training for which Ron had called.

He thought that he could think about this later so he immeditely dressed up in track suit and went to the training arena.

He reached there a bit earlier but still found that Ron was already present there. Even two more people were present there with him who seemed like students.

"Good morning sir...", he immeditely greeted him and wished him for which he nodded his head and again started to stare at the field.

Jay too looked towards the field to check what the instructor was staring at but found nothing.

He kept on seeing that way when suddenly the instructor shouted, "All three of you start jogging around this field."

Without questioning all three of them started jogging. Two of them were girls and Jay was the only boy so he felt a bit weird at the starting but later on he didn't have a problem in training with them.

All of them just kept on jogging for 20 minutes after which Ron instructed them to return and handed them different tasks.

All of them immeditely started doing them and slowly and steadily they were getting even more tired.

2 hours later bith the girls were too tired to even get up and Jay could barely walk.

"Fuck... my legs... my body... why is it aching so much?"

Jay had been to many dungeons and missions by now and in none of them was he so tired. This was completely different!

It felt as if each part of his body specifically every end of the muscles had been stirred up due to which the pain was increasing gradually.

"Okay, that's it for now. Get back to your dorms and change then attend the classes!"

"Yes sir!", all three of them somehow managed to get back to their dorms.

"Huff huff... ouch, I can barely feel anything...", his hands were numb as if all his neurons had been deactivated.

"Today early in the morning I was feeling so energetic but right now I don't even have enough power to move my finger...", saying this he fell on the bed and rested for few minutes.

"Master... woof woof! Are you tired?", the little pup asked him when he saw Jay closing his eyes while sweating a lot.

"Ya... I'm a bit tired...", Jay couldn't deny it anyway since it was the truth.

"Sigh, let me take a shower. After that I have to go and attend the classes too."

He immeditely went and become ready within an hour and then rushed to the college canteen and ate something as soon as possible.

Then he rushed to his same old class and arrived just before the time.

"Huff, Good.", immeditely after saying that he walked towards his seat while many others who were chatting started to stare at him.

He didn't mind them and just ignored them. He went and sat in his seat and waited for the class to start when suddenly he remembered about the system.

He was told by the system that he would be notified when the skill [DASH] had been evolved but he got no such notification so he himself checked by asking the system in his mind, "System, show the status of the skill [DASH]!"



- No such skill is found to exist.


"Ha!? The heck? Did it delete that skill or what!!?", he said it a bit loudly when suddenly all of them stared at him again and quite intensely.

He didn't mind them and thought about refraining from speaking.

He then immeditely asked the system to show his status and all the skills that he has.

The system immeditely showed a message which made him annoyed for a moment.



System is being upgraded. Kindly be patient and wait.

TIME: 01:06:56:12 [ 1 day 6 hours 56 minutes and 12 seconds]


It was indeed good that the system was being upgraded as mentioned in the reward for owning a dungeon but the timing was not perfect.

Earlier the system wouldn't take so long to update which was why it was making him uncomfortable since he hadn't used the system since a long time.

The teacher wnetwred the class and looked st the Jay who was looking out of the windows.

But she didn't mind him as per the principal's instructions.

She just started to teach and ended the class too which went by too fast.

One by one the teachers started coming in and taking the class while Jay paid no attention to even a single class.

It was quite unusual to see the teachers too ignoring him but it seemed as if the principal had told them to do so as if they were giving him some soeacual treatment.

Some of them questioned him too and asked the reason for such treatment but he didn't reply. All he did was ask them to follow that.

Soon the classes ended and it was time for all of them to get engaged with sports activity or anything else that they wanted.

Jay had no time to do all those stuffs because he had to take care of the pup and was getting impatient to take a look at it.

He immeditely rushed home only to find the pup sleeping. Then he remembered about the dungeon which for which he has to choose a location where he could permanently hide it.

"Hmm, where should I keep the dungeon?"

There wouldn't have been much problem in finding a place since the dungeon had a stealth system due to which it could be placed anywhere but Jay wanted to be nearby him from where he can easily enter and exit the dungeon.

"Hmm... what if I place the dungeon near our dorms...?", he thought about it but then he couldn't completely trust all the vampires since they were always thirsty for blood.

They could go crazy and attack others at any moment and that was why he couldn't possibly take any risks.

"It will be better if I place the dungeon near a forest...", after thinking for a while he thought that this was the heat possible way to avoid casualties. Though he couldn't enter and exit the dungeon freely and quickly, it would at least be less risky if he does that.

So he immeditely looked at the map in his phone in order to check the best possible place for the dungeon to be placed and finally found the nearby forest which was only 300 miles away.

"Yep! That place would be the best!"

He was already connected with Sebas so he immeditely told him the coordinates and the exact location after which the dungeon got teleported automatically and was placed there.

"Well, this work went smoothly and I don't seem to have any more works right now... let's just work out a bit."

He started to train his own body in order to make it even more stronger when someone knocked at his door.


"Huh...? Who is it...?", he shouted but there seemed to be no response.

He went ahead and opened the door only to find everything empty. There was no one present there.

"Tsk, was that a prank...?", he said that and immeditely returned back to his room when he again heard someone knocking the door.


He immeditely went and opened the door and again there was no one outside.

"The fuck man? Stop troubling me!"

He entered his room again and locked the door. For quite sometime the small pup was pulling his shirt as if it was trying to indicate something but he wasn't able to feel anything.

"Outside some freak is troubling and inside a pup! How bothersome..."

It had already been around 7:30 PM in the evening so Jay wanted to go on another jog but he was troubled by this knocking and the pup who wasn't letting him go.

"Tsk, it's better if I sleep for sometime...", is what he decided to do and immeditely turned the lights off and went towards the bed when he suddenly heard a voice.

"Jay darling~ come here..."

"Huh...?", Jay's eyes that were normal just a moment ago were suddenly red. It seemed as if he was charmed or under some illusion.

He slowly and steadily started to walk towards the door. The pup tried its beat to stop him but was failing again and again.

"Woooofff!!' Now I have only one way, woof woof! Sorry Master!"

Immeditely after saying that the pup suddenly formed another portal which appeared exactly in front of Jay and he entered it. The pup too ran inside it and then immeditely the Portal disappeared.


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