The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 87

Chapter 87: The Vampires: Our Saviours - Part 1



- Another system is interfering with the current system.

-Both System looks compatible and are trying to fuse with each other.

- Click '<Accept>' in order to allow them to fuse.


- Result is unknown.



"...", Jay was comepletely baffled after seeing the texts from the system.

"What the fuck is this?", he couldn't decide whether he had to be excited or be worried.

It was indeed weird because this was the first time somethujg like this has happened and especially the message about another system's interference was making him Panick.

"This might beneficial to me but it says that the result is unknown!!?"

It was as if he was completely kept in the dark and wasn't informed anything particularly.

Also, when he questioned the system, there was no response from it.

"Tsk, here I have my hands already packed with things and now you are giving me even more trouble?"

He couldn't possibly take decisions without thinking because that would create many more troubles for him which he didn't want and couldn't afford either.

"Uhhh!!! Let's complete one thing after that I will see this!", after saying this he started to walk towards the Portal which was opened by Wolfy.

Fortunately the Portal wasn't opened in Jay's Room, rather it was opened just outside the campus.

Jay also came while the vampires were waiting to enter the campus. They seemed unaffected by seeing which Jay confirmed that this was only affecting the humans or something that humans had.

"Hmm, so if I abandon the human senses and act as a monster then I too won't be affected maybe...", he wasn't sure and had no way to do but in throaty he thought this could be possible.

He was already linked with Sebas so he thought about borrowing his senses too but that would be risky since he too might become like a vampire and go behind blood.

"Argh! I am unable to find a way! I can feel that Sera is waiting for me inside but why am I unable to enter!?", he was starting to get frustrated when he thought about the message that had come earlier.

"I don't care anymore! I want to get stronger, strong enough to enter this place..."

He thought about accepting it but didn't knew how long it would take for the systems to get fused so he asked the vampires to take the lead and go ahead buy earned them at the same time to not attack the humans.

All of them nodded their heads and immediately rushed in. All the vampires that went in were A rank except 2 vampires that were S rank including Sebas.

He wasn't worried for now about the vampires but at the same time he didn't want any unnecessary blood shed or anything else so it was neat to be prepared.

"Wolfy, now we are only ones left here... I don't know what to do anymore...", Jay was sighing again and again and was thinking about his inability to take quick decisions.

"Master, Woof woof, don't be worried. Trust yourself!", the pup was trying to console him but unknowingly it said something which suddenly boosted Jay's morale.

"Trust myself...?", Jay's expression suddenly changed when he heard that and for some reason he again started to feel energetic.

"That's right! I need to trust myself! Troubles are part of life, I need to just place the trust in me and face the challenges!!!!"

Immeditely after saying that with a smile he took a look at the system message and immediately clicked on the '<Accept>' option right away while hoping for something good to happen.

It was now everything ok his luck to either become stronger and rescue his sister or just die in vain and fail to protect anyone.



Both systems have started to fuse.

Fusion in process•••

TIME: 00:00:02:00 [ 2 minutes ]


Jay waited for a while for the systems to be fused since the time mentioned was very less when he compared all the timers that he had seen till date.

"Just 2 minutes... I hope nothing happens to you Sera... wait a bit longer...", even though he was thinking that, he wasn't completely sure yet because anything could happen unexpectedly and everything could change.

"Huff... Lady Luck, please shine your luck on me today!"


"Huff huff...", some people were trying to run away from something that was chasing them.

"Someone... save us.", they entered a room and closed the door as soon as possible.

There were a total of 5 people including Serena.

"W-who are you...? You don't seem to be from our school...", is what one of the boy asked her.

"I had come to see my brother but then this all happened...", Serena told boldly even though her legs were trembling.

There were 3 girls and 2 boys in total who had been unaffected by the charm and had somehow escaped to the Room and stayed in hiding.

"What do we do now...?", asked the other girls while crying.

But the two boys who were nervous asked a question to Serena which seemed to give them some hope, "Who is your brother...?"

She calmly said, "His name is Jay... from class 1-F"

But the hope which they saw seemed to be false to them the moment they heard the class room number.

"Fuck! Class 1-F? The weakest class out of all!!?", both the boys shouted while saying that because their hope was smashed.

They thought that she might be a sister of a third year student who might have been strong then he might have come to rescue them since 3rd years has gone for a raid but it seemed that it was all just a dream.

"Damn... now we will die for sure! The phones are not working neither is there any way for us to get out from here..."

They were too worried and tensed when they again heard the knocking sound from the door.

"Shooo... don't make any sound.", one of the boy said this while placing his index finger on his lips.

He wanted to survive somehow and that was why he ready to do anything but right now if others were to make any weird noise then that would have attracted them which is why he was being cautious.

"Kerriiikkkk kerriiiikkkk", continuously this kind of unusual sound was being heard.

All of them were completely scared and weren't able to even breathe properly. They didn't have any actual experience of the monsters after all.

Also the two to three teachers were somehow barely managing to retain their consciousness and were helping a very few students to stay alive.

All the teachers that were left were A and B rank that too not many. Only two among them were B rank hunters and one was A. They did have a lot of experience but didn't have enough power to face the situation at hand.

Suddenly the door was destroyed and some monsters entered.

"Damn!!!", the teachers and everyone panicked and started shouting due to which all the other monsters were attracted towards the sound.

"Hyaaaa!!!", all the three teachers were somehow managing to block the attacks and saving the students until an S Rank minster arrived.

It had long sharp claws like the others with pointy teeth. It also had the same red colour as that of others but for sole reason it's Level was quite higher than them and that was clearly seen by its height since it was twice the size of the normal ones.

The teachers were already tired from fighting for so long and were almost exhausted in dealing with them.

"Damn... what will happen to us...?", all the monsters whose number ranged around 50-100 rusher towards them in order o kill them.

"Aaahhhhh!!!", all of them shouted when all of a sudden the lights went out and it became completely dark.

All that was seen were red eyes everywhere whose numbers seemed to increase.

They got even more scared when suddenly they heard a scream, "KIRRIIIIIIKKKKK!!!!"

The screams were increasing and continuously echoing throughout the hall. The students as well as the teachers were so frightened that they cowered in fear and closed their eyes.

Most of them couldn't think straight and started praying to god or hoping for a miracle to happen.


Suddenly it seemed as if someone switched on the lights due to which some of their fears had vanished.

"W-what's this?", but when they looked around themselves they found corpses. All the monsters tha has come to attack them were all dead.

Even the S Rank monster was dead. There seemed some other claw marks on them so all of them thought that they fought among them.josei

"Huff... we are safe for now...", all of them ran behind and opened another door and went inside.

"Master, I have done what you had told...", said Sebas.

"Good, you saved them... next go towards....", Jay had been directing them all along where to go and it seemed as if the Vampires were saving all of them.

"Just a bit more Sera... help is on its way!", said Jay.


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