The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: The Vampires: Our Saviours - Part 2

"Huff... we are safe for now...", all of them ran behind and opened another door and went inside.

"Master, I have done what you had told...", said Sebas.

"Good, you saved them... next go towards....", Jay had been directing them all along where to go and it seemed as if the Vampires were saving all of them.

"Just a bit more Sera... help is on its way!", said Jay.

He was still worried even though he was able to detect her location perfectly.

There was something that was emitting even a stronger energy just 100 metres away from where Serena was hiding which was what making Jay tensed.

"What is that unusual thing?", it was giving him chills which was increasing his heart beat.

He was again and again telling the Vampires to save all and kept on directing their movements.

All of them were perfectly obeying all the commands and doing everything as they were told.

"Damn, from where are the Cri-santians coming from? Is it from that unusual energy?", Jay didn't want to believe it but seemed as if that was the source from where the Cri-santians were emerging from.

It seemed as if a gate was opened at that place unknowingly and at the same moment when all the teachers were in an important meeting outside the country!

"Tsk, Sebas, immediately go towards your left and then take a right after walking 100 metres... there is something which you need to confirm me with."

Sebas immeditely did as he was told and went at a lightning speed towards the location told by Jay while laying all the monsters that were in his way.

"Master, I've arrived at the designated location...", was what Sebas told when he reached the location.

"Good, now tell me, what do you see in front of you?", Jay asked immeditely aniticipating a gate that would be placed.

"I can see the entrance of a territory master...", was what Sebas told while killing all the cri-santians that were coming out from the gate.

"Huh? Entrance territory?", Jay wasn't able to understand what he meant by that.

"Yes master..."

"But what's that?", Jay immediately asked him when suddenly his communication with Sebas was forced cut.

"Huh? Sebas...? Sebas can you hear me?", it seemed as if Sebas couldn't hear his words anymore.

"What the fuck? What happened now!!?", he was being tensed even more because now he was completely unaware of the situations happening inside.

He tried to ask other vampires but the result was same.

He had no other choice but to feel their energies and found that all of them were immobile for some reason.

They weren't making any movements nor responding to anything and a few of them were being killed by the Cri-santians.

"Damn! What now!!!?", he had lost hopes to do anytgubg.

He was even cursing himself and the system to choose such an odd time to upgrade or fuse.

"What should I do...?", when he was about to break completely from inside, he heard a voice which was the same one from the gate if Reus and later when he choose his own path.

"Do you want to save all of them?", the voice asked him this.

It was the same female voice which he wanted to hear again because it was too mysterious. It would suddenly be heard from somewhere and would again go off without any information about it.

"Who are you? Why are you helping me since earlier?", was what Jay asked.

"This is not the right time to answer that. Just reply, do you want to save all of them?", the voice asked again.

"Of course I want to!", he had no other option anyway. So he had to lean on the voice's help.

"Then are you ready to pay any price for it?", the voice asked again.

Jay nodded his head and said, "Yes, I'm ready to pay any price for it!"

He was too troubled by his anyway so at least he wanted to save his innocent sister who had been helping him all along.

"Very well, then do what I say...", the voice seemed to be ordering Jay to perform some act.

"W-what should I do?", Jay had already decided it but after doing that he was still nervous since he didn't know the origin of the powers.

He couldn't just blindly trust the powers since it could have been evil power but for some reason his instincts were saying to believe it.

That was why he trusted it for now since he would see the aftermath later.

"Ask your wolf to summon a portal and go and stay in your room in the dorm first..."

Jay immediately obeyed and asked the wolf pup to immediately summon the Portal and go there.

The pup immediately did as it was told and vanished right away.

"Then...?", Jay asked again.

"Can you see the road beside you?", the voice was indicating the main road that was 20 metres ahead from the area where he was standing.

"Yes, I can see that...", was Jay's reply.

"Good, now wait for ten seconds exact and run at full speed trying to cross the road.", was what the voice said.

"Huh...?", Jay couldn't understand the purpose of doing that. It was not as if someone would appear out of nowhere and help him just across the road but there was a chance for that to happen.

So he immediately waited for ten exact seconds and ran with all his night attempting to cross the road.

While he was just in the exact middle of the road he heard some sound and saw two lights approaching him.

"Huh...? A truck!!? STEALTH!!!", due to his habit he immediately said stealth which could have protected him in normal situations but right now the system was being fused because of which the skills were sealed too.



Jay was hit by a very fast moving truck due to which a lot of blood was splashed the moment he dashed it and fell.

He was bleeding heavily.

"Damn fuck!!! Can't you watch and drive?", the man sitting beside the driver scolded and shouted at him.

"Well it was his mistake anyway. I don't want any troubles...", saying this they left after stopping the truck for 2 minutes.

"Damn... waht happened...?", he could hardly get what happened. It seemed as if his head was hit hard and internal bleeding had started to take place.

"Fuck you... system! And... I shouldn't have believed you in the first place...", he was barely conscious and his voice was so low that it wasn't even been heard by himself.

"I can't believe that I am dying like this...? Why do I end up in such situations?", he started cussing but had barely any energy to continue it.

Slowly and steadily his eyes were being closed.

Darkness surrounded him and all he felt was numbness.

It wouldn't take him long to die if left alone and even if someone spotted him, there was no guarantee that he would be alive by the time he reached the hospital.

Even if he would somehow survive, all others who were in need of help would practically die in the campus including the vampires.

All he could utter was one word before he actually lost his consciousness, "Sorry..."



"Ughhh... my head.", Sebas came out of a hug cocoon that had been covering him.

"Are you an idiot? How could you fall into such an obvious trap Sebas?"

"Haha, I was careless. But thanks for the help Katherine...", Sebas thanked Katherine the female S Rank Vampire who was busy in hunting on the other side.

Because she was far away, her connection with Jay was lost earlier so when she felt Sebas becoming weak, she rushed immediately.

All of them then continued to slay all the Cri-santians and the huge spider monsters which had the ability of stealth.

They all were now visible thanks to the Vampire eyes which they hadn't used earlier.

It seemed as if two different types of races had invaded at the same time and the same place.

But there was no appearance of any other gate so the only conclusion that could be drawn out was that they came from the same gate as that of the Cri-santians.

"So what should we do now Sebas?", Latherine asked him while freeing other vampires.

"I don't know, I am unable to contact his highness...", Sebas was a bit worried.

"Uhh... our liege, can you hear me? Our liege...?", he was a bit uncomfortable since he didn't get any reply but all of a sudden he heard something.

"I'm coming...", it was a deep voice.

"Huh...? My liege?"


Everything got over within a blink of an eye. It was soon morning again and no one knew what exactly had happened because all of them were either asleep or hiding.

They wanted to know what exactly happened and literally found everything in the CCTV camera that was set in the campus.

"Oh my God... the Vampires... saved us?", the principals and the dean who returned saw that and discussed it among themselves.

They didn't want this information to spread out.

"Umm, sir can I see the footage again?", a green haired man who seemed to be around 30-40 years old asked this.

"Sure, I'm sending you a CD of the footage...", said the principle.

"Yes sir..."josei

But soon all the students unknowingly spread the rumours and there was only one thing common in them - 'The Vampires Saved Humans'


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