The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 143 Words Of Advice

Chapter 143 Words Of Advice

Meanwhile, Lanzelet was even more surprised by those words. 'Romania? Who is... wait, now that I look at her, isn't she...' He widened his eyes, guessing the identity of Fiona, and Harold.

'Romania? Fiery red hair and eyes? The royal family of Romania? Why are they here with Adonis..? No, they are not with him. Then, are they with that man...' He thought, 'She also called him "Lord Damien", is that his name? But "Lord"? What's going on...'

He drowned himself in worry, suddenly realizing the situation he had put himself in. A dangerous one. He was at the pulpit of a lion's den!!

"If that is solved, shall we begin the domain fusion process? I'll take Fiona to Romania, and we should be starting after five minutes. Is that okay with everyone?" Damien said, and nobody had any qualms to that.

They were excited about the Fusion, and what that might imply to their growth from here on forth. 'It's finally time, huh..?' Fiona thought, getting a bit nervous.

Meanwhile, Lanzelet felt left out and kept within the dark. He was still confused why two royal family members, of two different Strongholds, were kissing the feet of a complete nobody!!

He thought as he forcefully used his Mana to clear out his thoughts, and brought himself serenity. 'But it's fine. It's fine. I'll return, and investigate this properly from now on. Then... I'll have the confidence to strike.'josei

He took a deep breathe to clear out his thoughts, and stabbed his sword down on the ground. He then performed a bow, a noble etiquette of sorts, garnering the attention of everyone within the training grounds.

"May I please gather your attention. First, I'd like to humbly apologize for my manners. It was unbeffitung of me to act the way I acted, and I have disrespected a lot of you. My apologies." He said in sincererity, his words dealing more shock than his actions.

It was unexpected, especially considering his previous behavior and the first impression he made. But then again, he was still a noble, so perhaps it was understandable that he had a few manners.

The soroundings were blanketed in silence, as all eyes just horned onto him. Yet Lanzelet did not flinch nor falter, as he had determined himself to apologize.

"Recklessness is not something most of us can fight against, especially when it relates with our loved ones or goals. I for one, would not hesitate to do something unbeffitting of me, for the love of my life standing besides me here." Damien said, and his words had a certain someone blushing in embarrassment.

His words were true, and held no lies within them. Most humans were like this, it was just a Trait of them. Selfishness.

"Yet that is never an excuse, especially for people with great responsibilities upon their shoulders." He added, looking down at Lanzelet. "Hence a word of advice. Not everything is as society perceive it as. Just because they believe you're the best, doesn't necessarily mean you are the best. In fact, in reality, you could be far from it."

"So to summarize... judge yourself based on what you can, and have achieved. Not based upon what other people say, or think about you. Not based on the delusions created by society for you." He concluded as such.

"...Thank you for the advice. Thank you for your input." Lanzelet remained bowing, and responded as such to Damien's words.

Most were surprised that he took that lying down, and did not burst out in anger. But then again, some weren't affected by his attitude regardless. 'As expected of a .' Thought Harold with a smile.

"Another word of advice from a senior swordsman." Sixth said, his gaze of disdain still prominent on his face, "The path of the Sword relies on the heart. The more open and honest you're to yourself, the more your heart, will resonate with your sword." He said.

Then with a snicker, he added, "A swordsman true to himself, will birth a sword true to its purpose. And one not true to himself, will birth sword not true to its purpose... To conclude, It's never a disgrace to admit defeat, it's only a disgrace to remain defeated. Live by that." He added.

"...Thank you the advice. I shall remember it." Lanzelet suppressed his emotions and chose to take those words with a pinch of salt. Maybe one day, when he was calm, he would be able to see these words as advice, rather than as scorn.

Once more, everyone looked at him quite surprised. 'Was he really taking these advices to heart?' They thought to themselves. Yet it did not matter, as amongst everyone here, some just wanted what was best for him... or rather, for humanity, as he was part of humanity.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you will take our words to heart. What matters is we have said our portion, and the rest, rests on your hands." Juliette said with a smile, her tone soothing and melodic.

It's effect even had a small effect at dousing away at the anger that Lanzelet felt, and brought him a hint of inner peace. She then added, "A word of advice from me as well. Not everything is always in black, and white."

"Sometimes, there's also red and blue, gold and silver, brown and yellow. In laymen terms, don't be quite to judge the situation based on your emotions or feelings, investigate the matter, and who knows... perhaps you might find an answer much more relative to one of your own experiences." She concluded.

"...Thank you, madam. You have opened up my heart, and my soul with your words." And he responded as such, his reply not sounding as forced as before.

'I guess women are always good at it.' Damien thought. 'This bastard...' Sixth also thought, chuckling to himself. He was in an especially good mood today.

The sorounding mood relaxed, as everyone remained silent, looking at the still bowing down Lanzelet, who seemed contemplative of the words given to him today.

And at the corner amongst the bystanders, one important personage suddenly had a one sided realization. 'Huh? Huh?! Huuuh?! Am, Am I supposed to go next? Is it my turn to give him a word of advice?!' Fiona thought in panic.

She thought everyone was being given a chance to advice Lanzelet on his flaws, and she was next. Especially so, as Juliette stood besides her, and besides Juliette was Sixth, besides him was Damien. Everything happened in order!!

'I'm really next!!' She froze, racking up her mind for any words of advice she could think of. 'What do I say? What do I say? That not everyone is smart enough..? No, that's an insult!!'

"Hm? Are you okay, Fiona?" Juliette realized the panic the young princess was having, and whispered in concern. "I... I am fine. It's okay. I definitely got this." Fiona whispered back.

"Hm..??" Juliette tilted her head sideways in confusion. 'Got what? Fiona, what are you talking about? Are we on the same page here?' She thought to herself.

Meanwhile, Fiona took a deep breathe and said. "A... A word of advice from me." Her words attracted everyone within the silence, and they looked at her. Even Lanzelet looked up at her.

'I'm getting nervous. I'm used to talking to people, but why am I so nervous today?!' She thought, yet her words came out differently and with confidence. "As a noble, you have to be aware that there's aways a hierachy of status and power everywhere."

"There are commoners, who bow down to the might of nobles because they are of a lower rank. Same thing for nobles, towards a prince or princess, and them towards a king or a queen. Hence remember... not all actions are done because we desire it, but because even we have no choice but to do so, because of the hierarchy." She concluded, and the soroundings were left in a deathly state of silence.

'Whew, I said it. I'm not sure how it sounded like, but I've tried my best!!' She thought, her eyes brimming with hope of success, and of being praised. And a smug smile of happiness on her face.

Yet what met her, was brutal silence. One so brutal, it could deal quite the severe strike to even an egoistic person. 'Why... Why is everyone so silent for..? Why are you all looking at me?' She thought, her heart already sinking deep into the bottomless pits of shame.

Pits so deep and soul tearing, that they would make the pits of hell themselves look cute in comparison!!

"Tha–Thank you for the advice, your highness. I... I shall forever keep them in heart, and in mind." Lanzelet forced himself to look down, in case she saw his twisted expression, and responded.

'You... You are embarrassed, are you not?! You are embarrassed for me, isn't that it?!?!' She thought, almost collapsing down in tears.

"Princess, there was no need for you to say anything. Enough... had already been said." Damien said, dealing more damage to the princess' already fragile heart bathing in endless shame. "Nobody wanted to know how you felt towards your father's orders." He added.

'Waaaa...!!' And that was enough for her to collapse down and cover her face with her hands. Her expression already shaded pink with embarrassment. 'Somebody kill me..!!'

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