The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 144 Development

Chapter 144 Development

"There there, now. At... At least your advice was amazing. It even affected me." Juliette patted her back in attempt to soothe her feelings. 'Juliette... please shut up. You're not helping me here.' Fiona thought.

"That's that then. We shall see you in a couple of months then. Until then, enjoy yourself, young master Lanzelet." Damien said, ignoring the two girls besides him.

"Thank you." Lanzelet bowed one last time, and fixed his posture. He then pulled out his sword from the ground, and pointed it at Adonis. "As for our battle... regardless of win or loss, you can, keep the city." He added.

"No. A promise is a promise. The city is mine by now, and anything that happens to it, will only affect my end results. So... the bet will still remain as such; if I lose, you can obtain back Avarice. If I win, I can prove myself, and have your family serve under me." Adonis responded with a smile.

"...Thank you." Lanzelet responded, turning around to leave after sheathing his sword. His business for today here was over, and he at least obtained an insight on the person who will be ruling Avarice. 'Naive. Simple... and idiotic.' He thought.

After he left, the area remained in silence, as the main character of the day was now Adonis. Without Lanzelet, he was now the sole focus of everyone else. "Everything said here today, also applies to you too, your highness." Damien broke the silence abruptly.

"Huh..?" And Adonis looked up at him in shock. 'Me..? What did I do?'

"You're reckless." Damien responded.

"You aren't true to yourself." Sixth added.

"You rely too much on your emotions and feelings to judge your situations." Juliette also added.

"...You're breaking the hierarchy." Even Fiona had something to say.

"Mi–Miss Fiona? You, you too?" And Adonis felt betrayed by that. Her joining the others into reprimanded him was kind of... unexpected. 'Her words suddenly hurt more than the others.' He thought.

But he understood what they meant. His actions today, were not the best thought out there. He sighed, and humbly lowered his head, "Thank you. Today I might–"

"You have. Correct yourself." Sixth disrupted the young man's word with a smile. He was still in a good mood. 'Senior...' And Adonis could only sigh and change his words.

"Today I have disappointed you, and acted unbeffitting of a future king, of a junior, of a maturing young man. Your words have been heard, and will be remembered, hence I thank you once more." He said with a hidden smile.

'It's not everyday... that I get scolded for doing something wrong. Father never cared, and mother loved me too much. Yet this feeling... I don't dislike it.' He thought, the smile on his face growing brighter.

"It's fine as long as you learn from your mistakes. Even stone can be diamond if sharpened enough." Damien said, "Yeah yeah, anf if you don't, I'll make sure they become a trauma for you so that you don't repeat them." Sixth added.

"Don't listen to them. You're already a diamond, just missing a bit more polishing. So don't be stingy on yourself, and make sure you shine the brightest." Juliette also

"Indeed... As a peer of mine, you don't want to be left behind now, do you?" Fiona smiled at him, her phase of embarrassment over. "After all, my kingdom is much more than just stable."

'It's not yours though.' Damien and Juliette thought, but did not say that out loud. It was unnecessary to mention that.

"Yes!!" And Adonis took all their words to heart, imprinting them there forever. 'I'll make sure... to not disappoint you again. I'll try my best on this path given to me.' He thought.

But it was not like he did not have his reasons for his actions. Proving himself aside, he did want Lanzelet as a knight of his own.

With his Ability "Knight Bestowal", and the Inheritance he received from Damien, he believed he could create quite the powerful squad of knights.

And he needed someone talented and strong enough to lead them as a captain. And who else would be more perfect than Avarice's number one sword genius, Lanzelet himself? Exactly, no one.

As for how he would win? He had hoped that his powerful physiology and two months of training would give him an edge over just pure talent. 'After all, it's not like I have no talent myself. It's just not good enough.' He thought.

"If we are done with that, how about we truly start up on the Fusion process?" Damien said, not sure how many times he had repeated the same words today.

"Ah, Y–Yes. Sorry about that, let us do that." Adonis bitterly chuckled as he realized that he might have wasted everybody's time with his little antics. 'Now I feel bad.' He thought.

"Let us, but... how are we going to travel to Romania? Unless..." Fiona inquired, her eyes already looking at Damien with sparkles. 'Will we be flying there again..?' And thought with high expectations.

Damien saw through her thoughts, and suddenly had a nice idea. 'It's not everyday I get opportunities like these ones.'

"...An advice for you princess." He said, his words already dousing away at her excitement. 'I... have a bad feeling about this.' She thought, "Reduce your expectations to zero, if you care about your mental health, that is." And Damien added.

'...I knew nothing good was going to come out of his mouth.' She sighed in defeat, "Then... how are we going to Romania? Wait, we have to go to Romania, right? Right?"

"Yes." Damien responded. 'Thank God I didn't jump the gun this time around.' And she sighed in relief.

"Then how? Through magic?" And the dissatisfied princess scoffed at his reply. "I like how fast and easily you got used to be around me. But yes, we will use "magic" as her highness wishes."


Fiona felt defeated once more, and could only sigh at the corner. 'This man... hates me.' She thought in despondence. 'I'll get my revenge. I really will. You'll see, lord Damien, you'll see!!'

Meanwhile, though Damien could guess her thoughts, he only chuckled at her antics. His words were true, he liked how easily comfortable Fiona could be around almost anyone. She was a vibe to be around.

'Anyhow, that aside, we should be making plans now.' He thought, waving his hand and creating unique ripples throughout the void of space before him; like a stone thrown into a pond.


And his actions attracted everyone's attention. They were two months into this new world of magic and power, but they would never get tired of experiencing it first hand. Especially from a mysterious person like Damien.

"Open." He commanded, causing the ripple to spread out from the center, revealing a completely different region within. A region a few people here could not help but exclaim when they saw it, along with the person within.

"Romania!! Father!!" Fiona exclaimed in shock, seeing the throne room of her father's castle, and on it, seeing her father himself, looking back at them in shock. "...Well, isn't it a pleasant surprise seeing you so soon, young master Damien?" He said, his tone bitter.

'Not only is he fast, but he can also manipulate magic to such an extent? Or is it something else either than magic itself?' The Romanian king thought. 'How powerful are the Grays right now?'

"Stop gawking princess, this is simply a void portal. Now, your highness, let us depart." Damien said, helping her go into the portal, like the princess she was, "And seniors, if you desire it, you can also come. Your families might be worried." He added, towards the three instructors.

"Nah. I'm not home sick as of yet." Harold responded quite fast, and so did his older brother from the other side. "Is it because you stole my savings before you left?" The king queried, his anger prominent within his smile.

"Brother, what savings? Aren't those the kingdom's funds?" And Harold responded as such, already leaving the training grounds. "...Alright. Enjoy my money, brat. But just always know, that home is still here."

"Hm. Don't worry, I'll always remember that, big brother king. Just learn to separate your money from the kingdom's money next time, okay, your highness? I only wanted to borrow from the latter."




Everyone else were shocked speechless, while some, like Fiona who was already on the other side, was embarrassed almost to death. 'Uncle!! Father!!' She gnashed her teeth in thought of their shameless antics.


Romania, Within the Castle

The Living Room

Damien and Fiona sat on couch, while king Gregory sat on the other, opposite to them, with a bitter smile on his face. 'My daughter, it's not my fault you know. I am a victim here.' He thought with guilt.

Meanwhile, Fiona kept pouting her face and refusing to even look him directly in the eye. Though she appeared as adorable, Gregory had no intention of teasing her at the moment.

But, that being the case, did not mean that Damien was afraid of doing the same thing as well. "I don't mind this, to be honest. In fact, if possible, it would be better if you kept that pout on your face forever, princess." He said, and Fiona's feathers were strongly ruffled up.

"S–Sir Damien!! Wha–What are you saying?!?! That's, that's blasphemous!!" She blew her top at him, her face burning red in embarrassment. 'It's all fathers fault. Its his fault.' She thought in even more anger, switching the blame to him.josei

"I was just saying. If our Fiona could always be as adorable as she is, she could tople down nations, isn't that right, your highness?" He said, and king Gregory did not have it in him to agree, despite the desperate urge to say "Indeed."

Why? Because the glare his daughter threw at him was full of killing intent. 'Young master Damien saying it, is okay, but not me? My dearest daughter, where is the representation of blood is thicker than water here?'

"Little Fiona's cuteness aside, your highness, we are here for important matters." Damien said, realizing how the tension would not be reduced if he kept up his silence and teasing. At least, it would not end now.

"Important matters? Enlighten me on them then, young master Damien. I'm willing to listen." Gregory took on a stern countenance, and went into business mode. Even Fiona had to stop playing around as well.

This... was now business, and only business.

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