The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 45 External Help

Chapter 45 External Help

My acting was not bad. I was the number one actor here after all, even my parents were often fooled by my acting. And now, I shall Fool the entire nation.

Just as my Class states.

[ The Fool (CLASS): The one who is a Fool to themselves, and a Fool to those around them. Nobody takes you seriously, even when the scenario is worth taking note of. Yet when Fooling someone, they are bound to fall for your trickery with an absolute effect. Only gods can see through you ]

[ Hand of Mischief (EXTRA): The one who was naturally born talented. Your acting skills are enhanced to a great degree, and can absolutely affect anyone within the same League when you play a role of Mischief ]

[ Trickster (EXTRA): One born to bring trouble to anyone but themselves. Your trickery transcends anyone and can affect those of the same League. A trickster is trouble, trouble is trickery, and trickery is a trickster ]

With these, I am bound to succeed with my scheme. All I have to do, is to make sure that I bring help towards my beloved and his people.

After all... I am the cause of everything.

*** Narrative ***

A man that stood guard at the gates of this certain Stronghold, suddenly saw another man limping towards his direction.

The other person was suspicious, and wore a rusted, dried bloodied armor that was clearly not of this Stronghold. And the fact that they were wounded, was all the more suspicious.

"Halt. State your name, purpose and identity." The man that stood guard demanded with a strong tone, one that would not allow any in betweens.

Yet what answered him, was the suspicious person's body falling down on the floor, listlessly at that. This shook the man that stood guard at the gate.

"Fuck. The hell is going on?!" He clicked his tongue, and turned back to motion at their sentry that stood guard within, behind and above the city walls.

They knocked their arrows and aimed at the fallen man. Meanwhile, the man that stood guard slowly moved over to check the matter at hand, and what was going on.

He could smell the scent of blood and sweat from the man. He definitely went through a lot, and was heavily wounded, the guard thought.

Once he was there, he found that the suspicious man was indeed heavily wounded, and was now unconscious. Then within his hand, was a letter sealed with a large symbol of the Shade Stronghold.


Upon seeing this, the guard stood up and picked up the unconscious man and shouted to the gates, "An emergency, an emergency. Someone get some medics here."

"What's the ruckus out there?" Another man of higher standing appeared, and the guard explained the situation.

Moments later, the second person to appear took the heavily wounded man to a Healer, who was still in the process of leveling by healing people.

They healed the wounded man until he was barely patched up, and moved him all the way towards the castle, where the king would better deal with this situation.

Of course, the wounded man was taken to a different location within the King's estate, and not directly within the Castle. While the letter itself went to the King.

The King took the letter and read it. He was still with his Queen, and they were still within the throne room. He read the letter, frowned, then snickered.

The Queen also read the letter and her eyes jumped up in surprise. Was the situation so dreary for them? She thought, not one bit doubting the letter.

The King also did not doubt the letter. He called up a meeting with his ministers, and they began discussing the matter at hand, and what direction to take.

Meanwhile, the heavily wounded man was taken to a nearby military branch, and healed by an Apprentice Healer, that was easily able to keep the life of the target.

"I've healed him up, and patched his hidden injuries. He should survive from now, but I suggest you all give him space to breathe air, and relax." The Healer suggested before leaving.

The guards exchanged gazes and then left to stand guard outside of the small hut. They were told to make sure the man was kept safe at all cost.

Within the camp, the man lied down helplessly and waited for his death. Time ticked by, and days flew by as well.

The King ultimately came to a decision, and decided to help the Shade Empire by sending two legions as help. The wounded man, still 'unconscious', heard all of this from the Healer.

It was as if she was trying to communicate with her patient, to keep them alive. And this information, greatly benefitted the man.

After her healing, the Healer left, and the guards once again stood guard outside. But unlike usual, on this very day, the wounded man suddenly took on a different form and shape shifted back into their original form.

"Whew. Acting for days on end is taxing." Princess Loptr thought to herself, and immediately cast her Ability to affect every person within this small area.

[ The Director's Decree (Unique): An Innate Ability that requires no Mana or Essence to cast, but in turn, can only be activated once per year -> week (52 -> 7 days), and under the state when your actions would lead to chaos. Allows the user to affect Fate negatively, and script up a path that would allow for the changes that suits the user's goals. The greater the chaos, the greater the change ]

She re-read through the definition once again, and then used it to cover the small range she was in. She covered every man within range of the military branch.

Then as she did so, a golden book appeared within her hands, and a black pen oozing out black miasma also appeared as well.

She wrote down the script that she wanted to take effect at this moment, and it was not something grand or such, but an alteration of reality using herself.

[ ...Princess Loptr appeared within the small military branch, and the guards saluted her entrance, no questions asked. She moved within the branch and appeared where the wounded scout of the Shade Stronghold was held. She asked for permission to be granted to her, for her to see the patient.

[ The guards protested, yet ultimately gave in to the Princess's charm and trickery, hence giving her entry within the ward. Upon entering, the only thing that the guards heard was a cry of shock within, and as they entered... ]

She paused, as writing any more, would bring nothing but a burden to her shoulders. She then sighed an deactivated the Ability, watching as the golden book and black pen disappeared into dust, hoping from the bottom of her heart that this works.

Meanwhile, a unique universal colored Essence flowed out of her body, and covered the small military branch she was in. The essence began altering reality according to her thoughts written.

But princess Loptr was unaware of that, and went on with her plan.

She then cleared her throat, and prepared herself to be shocked. Once ready, she held her head and screamed out in shock, "Aaaahhhh!!" Her cry was heard from outside by everyone within the military branch.

A cry of pure shock and disbelief, and bits of anger within. It was heart wrenching. Especially so, as it was sudden and abrupt.

The first to attend her being the guards that stood watch over the ward area, once in, they saw the shocked princess staring at the empty emergency small bed in disbelief.

The two guards were not focusing on that though, and focused on the princess. "Your highness, is everything okay? Are you hurt? Are you sick?"

One of the guards asked, and he was meant by a slap across the face, and a fuming Loptr. "Am I okay? Am I sick? No!! Are you guys okay? Are you all alright in the head?!"

She flared up at them, and even held the guard's neck by the collars of his shirt. She then added, "Where is the man? Where is the injured man that was here?!"

It finally clicked to the two guards that something was wrong. But tge first guard was too frightened to focus on anything. Princess Loptr anger shook him.

The second guard hurriedly checked the patient's bed, and there was nobody there. It was completely empty.josei


The color was drained from their faces as they began trembling in fear. The one held tried to formulate his words, yet nothing came through, "Y-Your high... Your highness, we, we don't... I... We..."

"I, we this I, we that!! I don't want to hear that!!" Princess Loptr pushed the man back and due to shock, he fell down on his rear and looked up at her in fear and despair.

"You're all useless. How can you let a single man, an injured man, bypass you in daylight? Daylight!! Do you want to die? Are you tired of living?! Huh?!" She roared out at them, and at this time, more and more soldiers rushed in.

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