The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 46 Internal Help

Chapter 46 Internal Help

The guard on the floor hurriedly knelt down and began kowtowing towards her. His face hit the floor heavily until he bled, and his eyes were gushing out tears.

He kept begging her for his life. "Your highness, your highness, please forgive me, please forgive us. I don't know what is going on. Your highness, your highness..."

The other guard also knelt down and held her dress tightly, his eyes and nose releasing tears and mucus respectively, "Your highness, I beg of thee, please spare my life. I, I, I have a loving wife, two sons, a daughter, and parents to... your highness, please spare this humble servant."

Princess Loptr scoffed at them and moved the hands of the guard that held her dress. It was quite problematic, since he believed that the moment he let go, he would be dead.

But he ultimately let go, when she gave him a gaze of disdain and anger. She then added, "My father will judge you when he arrives. People like you, who don't know how to do their jobs should just die."

She said, but at that moment, a powerful voice also followed after hers. "Who dares dictate the life and death of my people, without my consent?" It asked.josei

"Ah? Father." Princess Loptr paused in surprise and proceeded to respectfully bow her head towards her father, as he entered the military branch. The anger on her face partially gone.

The two guards also shut their mouths and turned to kowtow towards the King, remaining in such a position without moving.

The King ignored them and looked at his daughter. "Oh? It's little Loptr doing the dictating. Now why would you want to kill off these young man, hm dear?"

The King asked her with a stern gaze. And still with a lowered head, Princess Loptr explained the story that occurred, one that she derived, and one that she had in mind.

After listening to her words, the King paused and gazed at the two kneeling guards. They trembled further at his majestic gaze, and dared to not say anything at all.

"Well in that case, you can kill them off, but before that, I would like you to answer a few questions for me." The King said, and his words made the two guards tremble even more.

But before his Kingly presence, none dared to raise a word against him. He then set his gaze back on Princess Loptr, who had her own thoughts, 'You give me the authority to kill them off, just to quickly get of my case. Typical you, father.'

But her words had different meaning, "Yes, father. What would you like to know?" She meekly inquired.

The King did not take this to mind, and just questioned, "What did you want from the Shade scout in the first place?"

Princess Loptr bit her lower lip and seemed conflicted to say something. The King did not rush her, and just waited for her to say what was on her mind.

At the end, Princess Loptr sighed and said, "I wanted to know the states of affairs of the Shade Stronghold." Her head was lowered.

"And for what matter?" The King interrogated. Princess Loptr replied, "Father... you would not understand." She whispered under her breathe.

The King glanced at her briefly, then ultimately sighed. He then said, "Alright. But I forbid you to share any of our information with that person in that place. Am I clear?"

"Yes... father." She meekly nodded her head, then left as soon as possible. The King watched her run off and sighed to himself, 'This lass... would she one day be the source of my downfall?' And had such a thought.

But he immediately extinguished that thought, and turned his gaze down on the duo before him. "You two, explain yourselves, what happened?"

"Your, your majesty–"

"Don't stutter."

The guard paused to catche his breathe then began, "...Your Majesty, we were standing guard as ordered, at every minute. And it was so, until the princess appeared, and seeked entry from us. We, we thought it would not be a problem, and allowed her entry."

"But as her highness entered, she realized that the patient was gone. We do not understand how, or what had transpired, but, but... your majesty, please spare us." The first guard began crying while begging.

"Please spare me." The second guard also added, crying as well.

The King gazed down upon the duo, and sighed to himself. 'Was that fellow a Class courier? It makes sense. Was he an Assasin? If yes, that explains the stealthly escape.'

'But why would he want to escape from us? Is there something we are missing? Or is there something wrong with the letter itself? Or was he just afraid of death? I have to get to the bottom of this.' He thought.

He then added, "You're spared, but shall be demoted to doing labor for two years from now on. Any problems, fellas?" The King questioned.

"None my lord!!" Both men responded at the same time, with might and fervor. Labor was hundreds of times better than just dying, and leaving behind their families.

"But before that, how king was the princess in, before she alerted you?" He asked, a hint if suspicion within his eyes. The guards paused, then the first responded.

"Not even a minute had gone by." He said, and the king ultimately nodded. The suspicion in his eyes dying down, yet a bit was still hidden his thoughts.

"Then you're dismissed." The King left after releasing such words. Once gone, the duo finally stood up, and hugged each other in joy, bursting into tears once again.

The fear of death was still there.

Meanwhile, Princess Loptr was not aware of the Fates she had caused, and tainted. Her thoughts were occupied, 'So far, so good. Hopefully a little bit of help arrives to help my beloved in time. I hope you stay safe, my love.'

She thought, and retreated back all the way towards the inn, where she would finish her weekend stay before going back home.


Meanwhile, Shade City Stronghold

City Lord's Mansion, Adonis' Mansion

Adonis had just finished his matters of the day, and left the study. He walked towards his room and on the way, met a young maid that had been working here for weeks now.

She was cute, and still in her early teenage years, she had a bountiful figure that would challenge even late teens. She was also beautiful, and would look more so with a smile.

Adonis thought, and smiled at her. "Good work dear, keep up the good work." His smile was amiable and gentle, making the young expressionless maiden to blush and lower her head.

But as she did so, her eyes observed the young man's actions, and from there she was like his shadow. Following silently behind him, and moving in between darkness and light.

Adonis was not aware of this all this while, and casually walked towards his room. The two guards standing watch bowed respectfully at him, and then continued doing their job.

Adonis greeted them with a smile and walked into his room. He was now used to his father's extra protective measures, and treated his two personal guards as just decorations.

Once within his room, he changed outfits and went to bathe himself. After that, he wore a night gown and went to his bed.

But right at this moment, black smoke escaped out under his bed, and clouded the room. Adonis saw this and retreated, trying to call out to his guards, but his mouth was easily covered.

Then a cold feel entered his body, while bone-chilling words infiltrated his ears, "One sound from you, and everyone within this mansion dies. Is that clear?"

The words were like a whisper from death itself, and Adonis was strongly affected. His heart skipped a beat, and he was believing that his life was over.

If he were to die, or he was used as a negotiating chip against his father, his life would be over regardless. He sighed, and dreaded his future, tears gathering at the corner of his eyes.

"Crying? Seriously?" The man behind him said in disbelief, then pushed Adonis forward. He then materialized a chair out of nothing, and sat down upon it. "I'm guessing you expect an introduction or something?"

", sir." Adonis replied, while nodding his head like a chicken pecking at its food. The man before him with an empty gray Mask found it funny and chuckled to himself.

"How cute. Alright then, boy. My code name is Sixth, I am the number sixth ranked amongst all the children of the Gray House." He introduced himself.


And Adonis froze, and felt his heart beat freeze as well. The Gray House. The messengers of death. The absolute killers. One of their high ranked members was standing before him?

The young man dreaded his fate. He was going to die so young, he thought, succumbing to the fact that even if he screamed, nobody could save his life.

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