The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 77 Daredevils II

Chapter 77 Daredevils II

Princess Fiona, watched as David caused mass devastation towards the army of wolves. Just the first move, and he killed over thirty thousand wolves.

It was an amazing feat. One that she saw for the first time ever since knowing him. 'I knew he was freakishly strong, but not THIS strong. That's mythical!!'

She rooted for him subconsciously, like a fan girl hyping up her idol. But then it clicked to her that there were still over a million wolves sorounding him. 'Uh-oh. This is bad. He's going to die!!'

She thought and turned to Esther, who stood besides her, but to her surprise, there was no one besides her. Nor behind her. 'Where did she go? She didn't run away, did she?'

But as she thought of that, an explosion within the battlefield caught her attention. She hurriedly turned over, and there, she saw Esther attacking the alpha wolf.

'OH MY LORD!! IS THIS WOMAN REALLY INSANE?!' She thought in pure shock, her hands on her head. But most shocking, was the damage that Esther did.

She had killed a number of wolves that was almost ten times that of David's. Yet regrettably, the alpha wolf was still alive. 'Of course it'd be alive. It's the papa wolf!!'

From there, she saw Esther retreat, and David attacking once more. The fact that they took into attention each other's situation, yet did not seem to care, would always amaze her.

'Welp, it's time to help. At this point, there are still over a million wolves within this encirclement. And one of them is directly at the center of it all. I have to help.' She thought in attempt to boost her moral.

She first sent 80 Ability Points towards two of her Spells. 50 on "Fireball", and 30 on "Rain of Fire", transforming both into Third Cycle Spells.

She then raised up her hand to the skies, and began chanting her spell. "O' Prgatory, Shower thy enemies with flames. Rain of Fire." She said, then without pause, she repeated.

"O' Prgatory, Shower thy enemies with flames. Rain of Fire." And repeated once again, "O' Prgatory, Shower thy enemies with flames. Rain of Fire."

She cast, and cast and cast without much care of her reserves. The wolf army was quite large, hence she felt like she needed to accumulate her Spells together.

Even if it meant a reduction in quality. Then while she was casting, she suddenly saw the situation become dreadful. She saw Esther being attacked and froze in place.

'Wait, why did she stop? Hey!! Move move!! It's catching up to you!!' She thought, yet Esther kept still. Fiona felt her blood freeze, and her heart beat increase. 'What, What should I do? What should I do?' She thought in panic.

Meanwhile, another portion of her mind still kept the forming magic array above the battlefield stable. 'I don't know what to do. I, I...' She grit her teeth, and at the heat of the moment, did something she deemed reckless.

'I really am going crazy.' She thought, casting yet another spell, while keeping the formation of another one active. "Judgement Flames, Star Above The Skies. Fireball!!"

She chanted, and before her palm, a gathering of flames appeared. Then twirled like a minimized spiral of flames which grew to her size. Fiona smiled at her accomplishment, and released the fireball towards the alpha wolf.

It's power was so much, it directly pushed her back a step or two, and almost broke her concentration. It was also now she realized that she was sweating buckets.

"Huff... Huff... Huff... No time to rest. A life is on the life here." She thought, and chanted yet another Fireball Spell, and upon releasing it, she began on another one.

The first fireball she released immediately struck the alpha wolf on the face, misdirecting its bite to miss. It shook its head in irritation, and turned to the direction of the fireball.

But at that moment, another one struck its face, pushing it back. It did not feel much pain, but the irritation and explosive force were still enough.

When it cleared the smoke from the second fireball, the third struck straight on the head, being the final string that helped Esther escape.

And even though Fiona got paler and paler, and wobbly on her feet, she was still determined to help as much as she could. After all, 'My trump card is about to be finished.' She thought.

Concurrently, Esther who gained her movement back, immediately retreated as fast as she could. In just a couple of seconds, she traversed a million miles, and began laying waste to the weaker wolves.josei

She simultaneously activated [Tempest Thunder Form] and [Wind Manipulation] Unique Abilities. Her body became cloaked in lightning, while mini tornados circled her limbs.

Her eyes flashed out blue lightning. Her speed also greatly increased, and she traversed the back lines of the army like a blue-ish black flash of light.

Her hand snuffing the life out of every Tier 1 and Tier 2 wolves on her path. Meanwhile, David also stood his own ground even when bombarded from all directions.

He used [Strength-Based Invulnerability], and obtained defense values in the hundreds of millions just like his strength value. And against these wolves, his damage value was doubled.

Hence so were his defenses. Including his gigantic size, he was able to slaughter any wolves of the First League like a madman.

The alpha wolf paused in its steps, and watched the slaughter fest take place. Every passing second, tens of wolves would die. And no matter how it saw the situation, both David and Esther were threats.

Plus, they would sooner or later grow tired. And by that time, the numbers would swallow them. That being the case, the most optimum choice would be to attack someone more vulnerable.

Someone like...


It moved its calm eyes from the battlefield, and towards Princess Fiona, who now focused solely on her "Rain of Fire" spell.

She sensed the murderous gaze of the wolf, and by chance, exchanged gazes with it. The young princess froze, and did not know what to do. There was still a few seconds before she could stabilize her reckless actions.

'Oh no.' She thought in shock and fear. And to her horror, the alpha wolf took off and sprinted towards her direction. It was fast, and would easily be able to climb the mountain in no time.

Especially so, when it's fur glowed a brief shade of green, hence increasing its speed to even greater heights. 'Oh my god, oh my god!! It's really attacking, its really attacking!!'

The young princess thought to herself in shock. But then a moment later she smiled. She wasn't alone after all. She had back up.

The charging alpha wolf suddenly felt danger from behind, and stopped in its tracks. It then rolled aside. And from where it previously stood, struck a giant hammer that shook the earth.

Following that, a streak of blue-ish black light collided heavily onto its body. The damage was null, but the force was there, and it was able to push it back a few meters.

The alpha wolf then steadied itself and stared intensely at Esther. The cold blooded assassin also stared back at it, unyielding. The situation remained as such, until the words of Fiona rang out throughout the battlefield.

"FINALLY!! HAHAHA, BURN TO CINDERS YOU STINKY WOLVES. RAIN. OF. FIIRREEE!!!" She finally excitedly cast the spell that she consecutively cast so much, she almost had a mental breakdown.

Following her words, the sky suddenly turned a shade of red, and illuminated the soroundings as if Hell was about to descend. And it was so bright that, even people at the Shade Stronghold could view it.

After that, the red clouds then began spitting out fireballs the size of an adult human. And their numbers, were frighteningly amongst the hundreds of thousands.




Everyone was shocked. Be it the alpha wolf, Esther, David, or the other wolves of this pack, they all looked up in stupor. 'Was this even possible?' They thought.

Esther then flashed away, and instantly appeared besides Fiona. She held the latter, and dashed away in a streak of lightning flash. David also used his gigantism to advantage, and leaped off the ground.

With his strength and size, he was able to leap over thousands of miles. And he did not stop there, he kept leaping and leaping, as if his life depended on it.

Because... it actually did.

The alpha wolf also ran away. The wolves themselves did not wait for a command and also ran away. Regrettably, not all of them were that fast or fortunate.

The numerous fireballs reached the ground at fast speeds, and eliminated the entire battlefield like the setting sun. Every other color being overshadowed.

And seconds after...


A world ending explosion spread out, shaking the ground even millions of miles away, where Esther and Fiona stood. One was lying down in exhaustion, and the other was looking back in amazement.

A few minutes later, David appeared. He shrank in size and stood besides his wife. His body bloodied all over. Yet he ignored that and only smiled brightly.

"Damn, girl. That was some fire spitting you did right there. That was badass." He said, and Esther revealed her usual smile and nodded. "Indeed. You're amazing. If only Dammy and Julie could see this."

She thought in slight bitterness.

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