The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 78 It's Not All About Me I

Chapter 78 It's Not All About Me I

Back to Damien.

The duo, had flown for quite a few minutes after recovering their Mana, using the few resources they had. Damien had drawn a small array, that helped increase their Mana faster.

And now, both of them were suspended above a small garden that stretched out for thousands of miles. They stood there mid air, looking down on the picture scenery of nature.

Damien had his wings that shown with a metallic luster, flapping from time to time. They were also cloaked in grayish mist, that also coiled around his figure.

From his guess, this was the Universal Law of Ash. But since he was weak, and still had less Mana, he was only able to tap into its Affinity stage so far.

Yet that was amazing in and of itself. It still made him seem like a god amongst men.

Meanwhile, Flint floated besides him, his legs releasing a small burst of flames. The flames were unnecessary, since demigods were innately capable of flight.

But he found it cooler this way. Plus, they also acted as materialization of his pure Affinity of Fire. Hence both men looked godly, one more godly than the other.

"Sir Damien, what might we be targeting here? I don't sense any threatening presences nearby." Flint started the conversation. By now, he was getting used to Damien's presence.

He could now speak even when ignored, and act as if everything was normal. In simple terms, he was a chatterbox at times. And knowing Damien, he'd not comment most of the times.

"Hm. There's no god, nor a demigod in this garden. So you can let down your guard." Damien responded, still apathetic and stoic as always.josei

Flint nodded with a smile. "Is that so? Then let's go down? I'm curious what kind of treasures we'll find this time around. An artifact? Or something more badass?"

He said, while descending down towards the garden. Damien followed, and gave his response. "None the likes of that. If anything, we are going to be farming crops."

Flint turned around and faced him, still descending, "Huh? Farming? You don't seem like the type of god to be doing some farming." He said in surprise.

"You don't seem like the type of god that can be useful as well. So shut up." Damien responded plainly, and Flint nodded as his response. And really kept his mouth shut.

For a while, though. "So, what are we farming?" He asked in a cheerful mood. And as expected, Damien responded. "Not necessarily farming. We are here to collect a few high grade resources."

"Resources?" Flint asked in curiosity. Damien nodded, "Yes. In simple terms, I am here to collect supernatural and magical plants and fruits." He said.

"Oh." Flint turned back around, and he was presented with a beautiful scenery of the garden. The trees were lusturious, and vibrant.

The trees were even greener than green. The atmosphere was pleasant, and the soil was shining gold. Okay, that was an exaggeration, yet it was not far from that.

"Woah. This is a small garden?" Flint exclaimed in amazement. This place was more beautiful, and larger than his previous hometown.

"Yes. Its small, but still a portion of a Stage 2 Realm. It's like a Haven even for the most influential of gods in this world." Damien said as he came to float right besides Flint.


Flint nodded in admiration. Ever since knowing Damien, he had gained numerous hints of knowledge. And throughout this time, he also learned about Damien's character.

Firstly, the man rarely smiled, or became active. He felt like the passive type of proactive people. Strange types of beings, but yet possible.

Secondly, he was indeed apathetic most of the time. Even when facing dangerous people, such as the two gods they previously met. Yet was also quite social.

'It's strange. He's like the definition of a person whose an introvert-extrovert, or an extrovert-introvert. Like in between the two, with characteristics of both.' Flint thought to himself.

He cleared his thoughts and then focused on the real deal. The matter at hand. "What are those?" He asked, his gaze landing on a group of tall humanoid beings.

"Trolls. To be precise, a variant species of Trolls. The Khloris Trolls. A variant of "green skinned" and "herbal loving" Trolls found within natural flower gardens such as these." Damien explained.

Flint nodded, taking in the knowledge given to him. His eyes then flashed in intrigue as he continously assessed, "So are they bowing down to us? Or am I seeing things?" He asked.

"They are." Damien said, and then descended. Flint followed after him. He then added, "They have no gods of their own. Or rather, most races this side have any gods at all."

"You guys are just an exception. And even then, throughout your clan, there were only less than five gods. You not being one of them." Damien concluded.

"There was no need for the last add up though." Flint said in despondence. His ancestor being a god was okay, but why was his fiancee and adopted little sister also gods?

It made no sense.

"O' gods above, please spare us from your presence, spare us with your great mercy. And spare us of your prominent visit." Suddenly, as they descended, Flint could hear what the kneeling and bowing Trolls were saying.

Their heights were around three to five meters, making them large. Yet before the visage of the two young man, they seemed small. "Oh?" Flint exclaimed in interest. "What are they saying? Troll language?"

"Reign yourself. That's just the proper common tongue... He's just using it in a unique way." Damien reprimanded. Flint immediately changed his expression. "Y-Yeah. Relax sir. I'm calm, I'm calm." He said.

Damien ignored him, then finally landed before the six meter tall Khloris Troll. It's large size defined its status among its people, hence why he landed before it.

Flint also landed, putting out the flames soroundong his body. Damien also unfurled his wings, retracting the gray mist around hi., and set his gaze throughout their soroundings.

He ignored the Khloris Troll chief. Instead, his apathetic eyes went through the hundred or so Trolls around him.

The female Khloris Trolls dared not raise their heads. The male Khloris Trolls lowered their heads when his gaze went past them, and the children... stared in curiosity.

Flint was also appraising the Khloris Trolls. Especially so, their physiques. They had powerful bodies, and well endowed figures. 'Wow, those abs look appetizing.'

"They'll easily crush you even if you're a god. Reign yourself, I said." Damien reprimanded without even looking. Flint immediately averted his eyes in shame. 'Yes, yes.'

"O' lord gods above, for what may you have descended upon us for?" The Khloris Troll chief spoke once again as Damien ignored its presence and prior words.

Damien then finally landed his gaze back at it. He kept quiet for a short while, making sure that the target was as nervous as they could be.

Since he was treated as a god, and using the status of one would benefit him, he saw no harm in posing. Though he believed he was not a good actor. "We need something of you."

He said when the Khloris Troll chief was about to break down. This being was just a Grand Master Profession, and it's Class was probably below Divine.

Not everyone was as lucky. And even if the Divine Classes were numerous, this world alone contained quintillions of living beings. Not everyone could obtain one.

While there was Damien; under the effects of weilding not just one, but numerous Unique artifacts. That alone brought out immense pressure.

Then being besides a literal god, Flint, made that even worse. And another thing he was unaware of, was his gaze. It was cold, predatory and mostly, apathetic.

"What may that be, my lords?" The Khloris Troll chief trembled slightly as Damien's gaze fell upon it. It then responded as carefully as it could.

Damien also responded just as fast, "We are not your lords, nor your gods. Just strays." He said, then added, "We are looking to collect a few of your Plantadeus. Even seeds are more than welcome."

The Khloris Troll suddenly sighed at hearing such a simple request. It then nodded and responded, "As you wish my... as you wish, your divine eminence."

He then stood up, and commanded his people to do as Damien requested. Afterwards, he lowered his body, and presented a path towards a well made hut. "Your divine prominence, if you may, we would like to serve you our best drink as we wait." He said.

Damien nodded then took the lead, and Flint obviously followed. His eyes mostly on the Khloris Trolls making a ruckus, moving here and there. 'Damn. Having status is amazing.'

The duo then entered into the oversized door, and within the hut, were presented with a traditionally well decorated room. Within, were a few female Khloris Trolls of high beauty.

But Troll beauty standards, were different from those of humans and the Falsarians. Hence both men were not one but tempted.

Instead, with extreme focus and intriguity, they moved towards the table at the center, and sat down. It was full of fresh fruits and a pinkish purple drink.

The Khloris Troll chief was the last to enter and sat himself down. He personally served the drinks with a forced smile, and then said in high spirits. "Please, your divine prominences, dig in to your heart's content."



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