The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 346 Q&A With the God of Fate

Chapter 346 Q&A With the God of Fate

Chapter 346 Q&A With the God of Fate

"Anyway, what’s the next question you have for me?" Daruun kept a calm smile and waited for someone to speak up.

As one of the few who weren’t distracted by the last thing Daruun mentioned, Tralon asked, "Given my condition, is there anything that I can do about it?"

"That’s complicated... Yes and no," replied Daruun, catching Jack’s and Argyle’s attention. "You could always take another elixir of youth, but that likely would have no effect on you now. As for your curse... you need either Skaryn or three Chaotic Gods to jointly remove the curse."

"Okay... are either of those two things possible?"

"Hold on, what are you two talking about?" Jack chimed in. "Tralon, do you know Daruun from before? Is he why you’re still alive after all this time?"

Nodding with a smile, Tralon replied, "Yes, Jack. There’s no use in hiding it any longer... I managed to contact Daruun not long after you disappeared. That’s when I officially pledged to him and he told me where to find an elixir of youth, with the warning that I would be cursed should I steal it."

"Then why would you--"

"Because the first question he answered gave me hope, Jack," stated Tralon. "He told me that you would be back, but not in my lifetime. Then he told me that my only chance of working alongside you was if I drank an elixir of youth, which gave me another thousand years of mortal life. And finally, he told me where to find one with a warning that I would fall into an irrevocable curse should I be successful in my theft."

Jack was speechless. It made sense but it was hard for him to take it all in. josei

Daruun squinted momentarily and shook his head slightly as Tralon was speaking.

"That’s why I’m still alive and received Skaryn’s Vengence, as it was from him that I stole the elixir of youth," mentioned Tralon.

"... How long do you have left?" Jack managed to finally ask.

Tralon sighed, "Maybe a year, at most two. I can’t remember very well."

"Eleven months and twenty-six days." Daruun’s statement stole the attention of the room. "That’s how long you have, Tralon."

"What?!" Shocked and infuriated, Jack forced his head to raise despite the pain. "Tralon, you didn’t tell me that?!"

"You didn’t need to know. And there’s nothing you can do about it, Jack. The deed was done long ago and there’s taking it back now," stated Tralon, defending his decision.

Jack looked at his long time companion. "Tralon, at least tell me sooner. That way I can find something to help at least. Daruun, what can I do to prolong Tralon’s life?"

"That... I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do about that."

Dumbstruck, Jack kept looking between Tralon and Daruun, not wanting to accept such a situation.

"Then are there no ways to prolong his life? What about other legendary items? Or... What if he becomes a demigod and rises to immortality?"

"Impossible." Daruun instantly shot down Jack’s ideas. "The elixir of youth isn’t almighty and without its consequences, Jack. Do you think someone could forcibly extend their life an extra thousand years and not receive any side effects? By taking an elixir of youth, a mortal is no longer able to become immortal."

"That... You’re kidding me, right? What kind of potion is that?! Who would seek out such a potion that wasn’t trying to live forever?!" argued Jack.

Daruun remained calm and shrugged. "Take that up with Skaryn, not me. He was the one who created such a thing."


"Jack, the only reason those elixirs can prolong a mortal is because it will use your immortal potential as a fuel for your increased vitality," explained Daruun. "But once a mortal runs out of that dormant, inactive energy, they perish."

"Then why would Skaryn make it?! There’s no benefit for him to--"

"There’s a lot of benefits, Jack. How do you think the Chaotic Syndicate has become so powerful despite remaining in the shadows and being extremely selective with its members?"

Opening his mouth but failing to reply, Jack was stunned, along with everyone else in the room. They all started to imagine the true potential such an elixir had in the hands of the Dark God. It proved to them why the syndicate managed to survive for so long. Also, it made them wonder how many high-level people had been hiding in the shadows for ages under the syndicate. There’s no telling how tempting an elixir of youth would be to powerful experts who want to live longer and continue their training.

"Jack, aren’t you curious as to why there aren’t as many high-level beasts in Modern Kartonia compared to Ancient Kartonia?" Daruun continued to keep the men inside the office enraptured and always asking for more.

"Many bestial species did go extinct or become endangered and hideaway, but there were also many placed in similar circumstances compared to your storehouse dungeon," Daruun stated. "You weren’t the only guild that had their own dungeon, right? And what about the ancient, high-level dungeons that Modern Kartonia doesn’t know about?"

"That..." Jack struggled to speak as his mind was running wild. "Is that why they were trying to recruit and kill ancient warriors?"

Daruun smiled again. "That’s exactly why. The gods or better put Halmut and Skaryn, wanted access to those dungeons that were able to be sealed. From those dungeons, they learned how to seal and enclose other dungeons for their personal use."

"Are you saying that the Chaos Syndicate has had access to ancient leveling dungeons all this time? And they’ve been gathering high-level warriors and mages for centuries to allow them to grow?" Jack questioned, starting to piece it all together.

"You’re half right. The Chaos Syndicate does have all that, but so does the Adventurers Association," added Daruun. "It may not be as potent as Skaryn’s elixir of youth, but they also have the means to burn the latent energy of mortals to increase their lifespans. How do you think Lorwynn has lived for so long?"

"And that’s why neither side has made a move yet... Because once they do, both sides will be revealed to the world and induce panic. Even if it’s the association, having that much power is too threatening for normal people and organizations to ignore," reasoned Jack.

"That..." Argyle spoke up, trying to gather his thoughts. "Daruun, when will both sides clash?"

"Don’t worry about that. If I were you, I would immediately become public allies with the Leisure Guild and hurry to open your Gilga branch, Argyle," stated Daruun. "After this, take Tralon to Federal City and make your teleportation circle."

"Okay..." Wanting to know more, Argyle tried his best to bottle his worries.

"For the time being, you all should focus on rebuilding the Leisure Guild and growing as quickly as possible," mentioned Daruun. "Soon, Jack will visit Eedaj, who will then relocate to Gilga and become a public figure of Trodar, like in ancient times. But this time he’ll be supporting the Leisure Guild directly, as he’ll want to make sure to support his nephew."

"Nephew? ... Me?!" Jack pointed at himself, a bit surprised.

"Right! Don’t forget that we’re all a family, Jack. Unlike Skaryn and Halmut, I only chose those who truly embodied the role of being my son or daughter. Having made that mistake in the past, I made sure to be picky," Daruun explained with a chuckle. "That’s why there are fewer Neutral Gods, because I only choose the best.

"Just be ready to meet Eedaj’s demands, Jack. I’m sure you won’t disappoint me or the Leisure Guild."

"Right!" Jack nodded, happy to have Daruun’s support in all this.

"Once Eedaj joins Trodar, the other gods will definitely take notice," Daruun continued. "The Chaotic and Holy Gods will be wary of Trodar and of Jack while the Neutral Gods may start to move on their own. After the election, Jack will entice Rikko to join our cause. Then... that’s where things will get very complicated no matter which path Jack chooses."

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