The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 347 Daruun Broadens Their Horizons

Chapter 347 Daruun Broadens Their Horizons

Chapter 347 Daruun Broadens Their Horizons

Thinking back to the plan he, Choron, and Sterfen discussed with Daruun, Jack sighed.

Daruun continued, "As for how you all can grow stronger as a guild, you’ve already gained one way, thanks to the storehouse. With the addition of the beasts from the storehouse, you’ve got quite a sizable and fearsome force. With so many different beasts with seventh level bloodlines, they’ll be more easily enticed to join the cause and face the rival pantheons."

"But how can we convince them of that?" Vixus asked. "That’s a tall order that we can’t handle at the moment. We’re not strong enough to entice them or force them to cooperate. They could even overpower us the moment we let them out of the storehouse."

"True, but that won’t be difficult in time. Once the gods start moving, where do you think they’ll want to stay after entering Trodar?" questioned Daruun, leading everyone’s train of thought.

"That... Oh... Then the gods would like to rule a floor of the dungeon?" reasoned Vixus.

"Correct, Vixus," Daruun replied. "But you’ll have to alter all of the circles so that they can go to any of the floors for guild members."

"Oh, so that’s how you want to entice people to join the guild? An excellent strategy," added Tralon.

"As people come to see if the gods are truly gods and seek pledges like ancient times, they’ll be forced to join the guild to do so," Kims reasoned, catching Vixus off guard. "Will we be allowed to pledge to gods as well?"

"Of course, you should!" Jack answered. "Everyone needs to if we’re up against such powerful hidden forces!"

Still caught up in the stress of facing such powerful foes, Jack’s mind was running laps through his memories, trying to imagine how he and his companions could grow stronger faster. Initially, Jack felt great about becoming lv. 49, but now he felt smaller than a peanut compared to what Jack discovered he was truly up against.

"Calm your mind, Jack. It’s not quite so bad at the moment." Daruun walked over to Jack and placed his hand on Jack’s chest. "Cheer up, will you?"

As Daruun chuckled, strange energy left his hand and filled Jack with vitality. The aching internal organs were calmed and the strained muscles became relaxed. A rush of energy left Jack smiling and sitting up with no pain.

"All I did was heal your exhaustion, Jack, nothing else. I can’t wait for you to heal naturally as I have other matters to handle in a few days," laughed Daruun. "As for your worries about the association and the syndicate, calm them for now. Remember, this war goes three ways. Who said that you had to face both sides head-on?"

Feeling at ease physically and mentally, Jack finally grinned. "You have a point there... Since you’re so calm, does that mean you’ve got a way for me to get stronger faster? And for the guild members to do the same?"

"Let’s just say that I wouldn’t have my sole champion face something he didn’t have a chance to defeat. Make sense?"

"So long as there’s a chance, I guess I feel better," sighed Jack.

"Also, hurry up and check your notifications," Daruun mentioned. "You’ll discover something on your own without needing my help."

Following Daruun’s advice, Jack crossed his legs on the bedroll and opened his notifications tab. Immediately, Jack’s jaw almost hit the floor.

[It’s all In the eye of the beholder: completed]

[Persuade a beholder, one of the most intelligent beasts, to party with you for a dungeon run. Hidden reward: 500 skill points.]

"Daruun... what’s the meaning of this?" Jack asked the god beside him.

Daruun patted Jack on the shoulder. "What do you think it means, Jack?"


Jack kept the rest of his thoughts to himself, as this pertained to "A Hero’s Tale" and would be very difficult to explain to the others. But in the depths of his own mind, Jack dove headfirst into the rabbit hole that Daruun had presented him.

The most jarring thing about that achievement wasn’t how many skill points that Jack had earned, nor was it the fact that it was labeled as hidden. What stunned Jack the most was how that was one of the peskiest achievements Jack had ever completed in "A Hero’s Tale". To complete that achievement, Jack spent more than an entire day feeding beholders until one finally started to follow him around. Then, Jack immediately led it into a low-level dungeon and had the beholder chase him all the way through.

But the fact that Jack had just achieved the same crazy in-game achievement in real life was a lot to take in.

"Jack, I can’t tell you what achievements are hidden within the system, but know that all hidden achievements are from there as well," added Daruun, bring Jack’s attention back to the room. "Also, you forgot to look at the new event."

"What?" After a quick glance at a new achievement he unlocked, Jack looked back to Daruun. "Are you serious?"


Looking back to the new event achievement, Jack took a deep breath.

[Rise of the Leisure Guild: in progress]

[Return the Leisure Guild to its former fame and infamy, then surpass that. As the former Legend of Trodar, let all the world and even the gods understand it’s power and influence. Reward: determined upon completion. Event reward: 5000 skill points.] josei

"That reminds me," Daruun interrupted Jack’s thoughts, "you’ve got to make a public statement about your campaign for the election, Jack."

"Yeah... What about it?"

"I’m going to help you."

Everyone in the room froze and eyed Daruun’s simple smile. Then they looked to Jack’s face riddled with bewilderment.

"I’m going to help you, Jack," replied Daruun. "You’ve got three days to bring Eedaj here or my assistance will become inaccessible."

"What?! Three days!" shouted Jack. "But I’m not even with my party at the moment. How could I--"

"Your party cleared Sunset Valley yesterday. All you have to do is show up and talk with Jin. After that, bring them here and leave with Daliea for Korten. You should have just enough time with help from Phoro."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about him!"

"Don’t worry, Jack. Phoro, along with the cranes, has been staying in one of the concealed courtyards," Tralon chimed in. "Also, we’ve readied a courtyard for the beholders and have constructed a new courtyard for Dragov, now that he’ll be staying within guild grounds."

"Oh... It seems that I’ve missed more than I can remember," chuckled Jack, getting Daruun to laugh with the hero.

"Jack, I’ll take you to the eleventh floor now to help you bring Dragov into his new home," added Daruun. And before Jack had a chance to say anything else, a flash filled the office as Jack and Daruun vanished.

A similar flash filled the vast chamber of the eleventh floor. The god and the hero were now in the depths of the storehouse, one still standing while the other sat crosslegged.

"Daruun... You’ve already brought us here, haven’t you?" Jack sighed as he stood himself up. "Daruun, what happened to my former self?"

"Oh, you mean what Bowzer referred to as your avatar? Forget that for now. You’re not ready to know about that or you’ll just get distracted by a side quest and get yourself killed," Daruun replied nonchalantly.

"That... understandable."

As the two men chatted, Dragov lowered his head form the darkness overhead. "Jack, you’ve come back. And so have you, Daruun."

"Dragov, I’m sorry for leaving you down here for so long. I didn’t expect all this to happen..." Jack stated, trying his best to seek forgiveness from the giant beast he had practically imprisoned.

The Draconic Centipede’s giant head started to shake side to side. "Jack, there’s no need to ask forgiveness if there was never an offense committed. Because of my stay here, I’ve grown stronger. And if Daruun was correct, I’ll be able to help you fight the gods. Also... What did you mean by evolve?"

"Oh, that?" Daruun replied, catching Jack by surprise. "I meant exactly what I said. I’m genuinely excited to see Jack help you evolve."

"Daruun, what are you talking about?" asked Jack.

Daruun sighed. "I guess I’ll explain it now since it won’t change anything. Do you remember how Bowzer evolved earlier, Jack? That was Bowzer’s bloodline inheriting more of its dormant strength. Bowzer will evolve two more times, once at lv. 60 and again at lv. 90. As for Dragov, he’s evolved twice already. So, what do you think I’m implying?"

It took Jack and Dragov a moment to catch on, but Jack’s eyes shot wide open the moment the thought struck him.

"You want me to make Dragov a god?!"

"What..." Never had such a thought occurred as possible to Dragov, but the giant centipede had definitely entertained such thoughts. What monstrous beast hadn’t?

"Now you’re starting to think for yourself, sort of." Daruun laughed, "I just hope you won’t be this slow after I leave in a few days."

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