The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 485 Sterfen Hides No More

Chapter 485 Sterfen Hides No More

Chapter 485 Sterfen Hides No More

"As I said, you’ve chosen death..."

Cold eyes met Sillo’s shocked gaze. Never had Sillo felt smaller and more vulnerable, even while standing before an angered Moranti.

Above, Naparn was at a loss for words. He was glad to know that he had survived Sterfen’s surprise attack, however, Naparn didn’t know how to process Sterfen’s immediate execution of a well-respected god. Sure, Sybin was only lv. 93, but she wielded five magic types while Sterfen wielded one. Yet she was assassinated in broad daylight directly in front of them. While part of Naparn was more hesitant than ever against Sterfen, a small part of him felt glad that he had never underestimated Sterfen through his actions of the past.

Dragas was blown away by Sterfen’s performance. Though they had never been lovers in the past, she had always had a biased opinion of Sterfen’s strength either way. And now Dragas finally felt satisfied to know that she had never been wrong, even though she failed to win Sterfen’s heart in the end.

Everyone was in shock, but Lunara was filled with appreciation and love. Unlike the others, Lunara’s confidence in Sterfen was absolutely unshakable. For her, Sterfen’s word was irrefutable. Even an empty promise that most would make out of emotion in the moment was carefully executed to perfection. Her own release from the holy gods was a prime example, or how Sterfen had arrived and brought her back from death’s door during the Godly War of the past. Not even for a moment did she doubt her own protection. Lunara didn’t know her husband’s level but she was sure of his strength.

While everyone was in shock or awe of Sterfen’s unbelievable display, Sterfen removed the blade from Sybin’s lifeless corpse. He let her body fall to the ground. It fell ungracefully as it flopped around in the wind.

Sillo wanted so badly to hurry to his sister’s side and attempt to cast resurrection magic but he couldn’t. After seeing Sterfen’s abilities first hand, Sillo could only let the water fall from his eyes as he stared furiously back into the sub-zero gaze of the Assassin God.

Sterfen then added, "Oosam, I’d come out now before I hunt you down next..."

Both Lunara and Dragas were completely startled to know that Oosam was hiding nearby. Naparn and Sillo felt chills as Sterfen called out their ace in the hole, and to do so after one-shotting one of their own.

"I see..." A sigh sounded out from in between the two godly fights. The Illusion God appeared and turned to face Sterfen. "In that case, I’ll join Sillo as he exacts revenge for his fallen sister."

"Don’t worry, he’ll be joining her soon," Steren instantly refuted with only confidence in his voice. "All who dare to touch my wife will die."

"Then I’m glad I haven’t threatened her," Oosam joked as he lowered himself to join Sillo on their battlefield.

’Don’t worry about me. Just handle your own fight. But if you need help or want to switch, then say so immediately,’ Sterfen telepathically stated, no longer putting on false airs or attempting to hide his confidence from Dragas.

Lunara was the first to continue attacking. She jabbed her spear toward Naparn without hesitation or fear.

The Molten God defended and parried the attack with his sword.

Dragas followed as she increased the strength of the aura shield around Lunara while pushing the debuff on Naparn to the limit.

Working together, Sillo and Oosam waited as Sterfen was distracted by Naparn’s and Lunara’s exchange. When Sterfen nodded and approved of the outcome, he finally looked back to his two opponents. "Oosam, will you surrender his life to me or do I need to add you to my list of foes?"

"Sterfen, things don’t work they did in the past," Oosam replied. "Now that you and the neutral gods are acting against the other gods, I can’t show you any preference."

"It’s not that we’re just now acting out, it’s that you and the others have all been doing whatever you’re told by Halmut and Skaryn. With them doing as they wish, they almost ended the world. And your ignorance was a part of that, which led to us needing to step up in order to avoid the planet’s extinction," stated Sterfen. "Now, I’ll ask once more. Will you surrender this fight and flee while I deal with him for the crime of targeting my wife?"

"No!" Sillo shouted. But he turned to see Oosam’s uneasy expression, feeling even lower than before.

Finally, Oosam replied, "I can’t..." josei

"Then so be it... Don’t blame me if your life gets caught up in this," Sterfen added with a sigh.

Lightning sparked around both Oosam’s and Sillo’s bodies as they readied themselves. After witnessing the immediate fall of Sybin, they left no stone unturned or preparation unmade while facing Sterfen.

Sterfen casually popped his neck, followed by his fingers. A dagger danced through his fingers more nimbly than ever as Sterfen took in a deep breath.

Just as Sterfen relaxed his body and began acting casually, his silhouette disappeared before their eyes.

The Illusion God was on full alert as he did his best to see through Sterfen’s disappearance. At the same time, he created multiple forms of himself to create more insurance for his own survival.

Sillo shouted in anger, "You dare kill my sister?! And now you think I’m so easy a target?! I’ll show you!"

With himself at the center, a dancing web of lightning formed around them. It had no effect on Oosam, who had his own lightning protecting himself and his copies, but it was a great deterrent to slow Sterfen.

"You and your single magic affinity, how dare you mock my sister and I! With five magic types alone and eight magic types together, you dare tarnish our legacy?!" continued Sillo. "Then try this!"

While maintaining the lightning web, a veil of holy energy erupted from Sillo. It passed over Oosam and his copies, then surpassing the lightning web. And after a few seconds, another figure became visible as it traversed the lightning web with care.

Sillo beamed, "Found you!"

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