The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 486 Tipping the Scale of Battle

Chapter 486 Tipping the Scale of Battle

Chapter 486 Tipping the Scale of Battle

Torian and Moranti clashed!

Loose bolts of electricity unleashed themselves during their collision. Spare spatial energy leaked out, contending with the electricity and cutting through some of the bolts.

"You’ll have to try harder, Torian," Moranti teased, preparing his next attack.

But before Moranti could attack again, Tralbok was on the move. His great speed with wind energy kept him from getting left aside by the two fastest dragons. Add that to his time magic and he was right on top of Moranti without hindering Torian.

A fierce blade of wind magic hurled toward Moranti. It was countered but kept Moranti from immediately overwhelming Torian.

Given an opening, Torian charged yet again. An electrifying scimitar appeared in his hands as Torian slashed toward the God of Space.

Moranti easily dodged the attack, however, teleporting to the side and showing them a smile. "At least you came at me with confidence to harm me. That’s more than most can grasp, albeit futile."

Torian said nothing as he charged again, now with a second scimitar. Also, his long, thin tail was used as a bladed whipped with a serrated spike at the tip. Together, all three blades stormed toward Moranti without mercy or hesitation.

Tralbok acted again also. A cyclone gathered around him as he controlled the winds to twist toward Moranti. He was corralling Moranti as Torian pushed to deliver a grave blow.

But Moranti teleported again.

This time, Moranti reappeared by Lyrun, the god who was left alone. Moranti sighed and threw a spatial slash toward his old friend. "Why... Lyrun?"

"I’m just following orders," Lyrun answered. With staff in hand, Lyrun created a green barrier around himself that easily withstood the spatial slash. At the same time, wind gathered around him as Lyrun sped backward to allow the other two to take Moranti head-on. "It’s nothing personal, Moranti." josei

"I’ll remember that," chuckled Moranti. He received the two charging gods with more attacks and spatial slashes.

As that spatial energy reached them, though, more green barriers appeared around them to protect them from Moranti’s offense.

"Come on, Lyrun. Isn’t two against one bad enough? Why do you have to get involved?" Moranti joked while teleporting away again.

"Enough!" Torian shouted. "As a noble Spectral Dragon, I have respect for you, Moranti. But your cowardly tactics are anything but noble. Face us head-on or I’ll know with certainty that you’re not truly the man everyone fears you to be."

Dropping his casual tone, Moranti raised one eyebrow. He gave Torian a once-over, followed by Tralbok. After inspecting Lyrun as well, Moranti understood that all three were fully-geared up and ready for a life-threatening fight. They weren’t underestimating him at all. In fact, they were overestimating him at the chance that they would get caught off guard. It filled Moranti with pride as he took such preparations as a compliment.

"Very well... But before you pay the price, remember, you asked for this..."

A playful smile painted itself across Moranti’s face. Moranti’s dazzling, purple scythe appeared in his hand. A sheet of spatial energy fell over the surrounding area as Moranti’s form became more ethereal and unreal.


The military battle on the Zuran-Reinolt border was nearing its climax. All that was left was for one side to tip the scales.

Maynard and Trax were now focused on killing enemies while using the least mana possible. They refused to cause trouble later on by mana-mismanagement. And with the battle about equal, all they had to do was wait.

Karronteel was also fighting to a draw, occasionally taking damage at the cost of a foe’s life. He was the largest focus of the Zuran army. If he could get loose than the Zuran army was done for.


From behind the Zuran army came a resounding battle cry. No one knew what was happening until they spotted the armor those soldiers were wearing.

The Zuran army cheered as their morale soared to new heights. With reinforcements, they had the opportunity to make a push for victory. All the while the Reinolt soldiers readied themselves for the increased burden that was about to fall upon them.

After a few minutes of deadlock, the reinforcements reached the battlefield.


Cries rang out from the back of the Zuran army, causing everyone unease. They soon realized something. Those reinforcements had begun to attack the Zuran army. They wore the same armor but something was interesting about their helmets. Each helm was painted either red or yellow. There were only a few hundred men and they weren’t the strongest army but they stuck out like a sore thumb as they attacked their supposed allies.

Suddenly, the caws of birds rang out through the air. The depressed Zuran soldiers felt a ray of hope shine down on them as the familiar sight of the sky navy appeared on the horizon.

Yet, two more birds came into view, coming from the direction of the false reinforcements. One was a Thunderbird while one was Wind Roc that seemed eerily familiar to those fighting below. Also, a hulking Two-headed Wolf raced out of the nearby woods and into the Zuran army with fangs bared.

Maynard and Trax smiled, knowing that they managed to do their job.

Flying overhead, Rydel petted Ayden and smiled at the man riding the Thunderbird.

That young man was full of enthusiasm and shouted, "Thank you for your offer!"

"Don’t mention it, just help me take care of the sky navy," replied Rydel.

More eager than ever to prove himself, Tarnel readied his lightning spells and petted his Thunderbird, the same that he had purchased during the annual auction.

On the ground, Flint was leading the charge of the soldiers with red-painted helmets, his fellow members of the Maronn Family, alongside his Two-headed Wolf. He and his father were all smiles. Given the opportunity to migrate and join Trodar as a noble family was an opportunity that they couldn’t pass up.

With the Maronn Family and the Lyre Family rebelling at such a crucial time, the balance of the battle was finally tipped.

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