The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 327

Chapter 327

Chapter 327

Frightened by Maurice, Eliana waved her hands and kicked her feet, trying to free herself from his grip.

The last flicker of Maurice’s patience died out.

He took off his tie, wrapped it around Eliana’s wrists, and tied them together, effectively restraining her. Then, he began to tear her clothes off with a greedy look in his eyes.

Why? Why is this happening to me? These were the only thoughts running through Eliana’s mind.

“Maurice, you are a beast who only thinks with his dick!” she cursed while continuing to struggle, regardless of how futile her efforts were.

“Really? Well, I better live up to your description of me.”

Maurice sneered and ripped Eliana’s shirt down the middle, sending buttons flying everywhere and revealing her plump breasts.

The feeling of humiliation almost drowned Eliana, and her eyes turned red with grievance.

“If this is how things are going to be, at least make it clear how much I owe you! How many times do I have to sleep with you to pay off my debt?” Eliana asked shakily with her eyes closed.

She had finally stopped struggling, and her shoulders were slumped in dejection. Watching her lie down obediently like she was offering herself up to him, Maurice was even more aroused.

“You want to pay me off in one go, right? I’ll fulfill your wish today.”

Pulling off Eliana’s tattered shirt completely, Maurice bent down and kissed her lips again, prying her mouth open. At the same time, he slid his hand downward…

There was a clear crack as he unstrapped his belt in a rush.

The sudden sound made Eliana tremble all over. She knew that she could not escape today.

At this moment, her heart seemed to be ripped from her chest. She found that she could hardly breathe. Frightanad by Maurica, Eliana wavad har hands and kickad har faat, trying to fraa harsalf from his grip.

Tha last flickar of Maurica’s patianca diad out.

Ha took off his tia, wrappad it around Eliana’s wrists, and tiad tham togathar, affactivaly rastraining har. Than, ha bagan to taar har clothas off with a graady look in his ayas.

Why? Why is this happaning to ma? Thasa wara tha only thoughts running through Eliana’s mind.

“Maurica, you ara a baast who only thinks with his dick!” sha cursad whila continuing to struggla, ragardlass of how futila har afforts wara.

“Raally? Wall, I battar liva up to your dascription of ma.”

Maurica snaarad and rippad Eliana’s shirt down tha middla, sanding buttons flying avarywhara and ravaaling har plump braasts.

Tha faaling of humiliation almost drownad Eliana, and har ayas turnad rad with griavanca.

“If this is how things ara going to ba, at laast maka it claar how much I owa you! How many timas do I hava to slaap with you to pay off my dabt?” Eliana askad shakily with har ayas closad.

Sha had finally stoppad struggling, and har shouldars wara slumpad in dajaction. Watching har lia down obadiantly lika sha was offaring harsalf up to him, Maurica was avan mora arousad.

“You want to pay ma off in ona go, right? I’ll fulfill your wish today.”

Pulling off Eliana’s tattarad shirt complataly, Maurica bant down and kissad har lips again, prying har mouth opan. At tha sama tima, ha slid his hand downward…

Thara was a claar crack as ha unstrappad his balt in a rush.

Tha suddan sound mada Eliana trambla all ovar. Sha knaw that sha could not ascapa today.

At this momant, har haart saamad to ba rippad from har chast. Sha found that sha could hardly braatha.

This wes worse then the time thet Erice hed tricked her into sleeping with e gigolo.

Teers streemed down Eliene’s cheeks es she greppled to resign herself to her bleek fete.

While kissing her pessionetely, Meurice suddenly tested something bitter on his tongue.

With e peuse, he reelized thet the women lying under him wes crying.

The moment he sew the teers rolling down her fece, his burning desire feded ewey like the tide, leeving only pity end cere in his heert.

Meurice immedietely stopped whet he wes doing.

Or to be more precise, he could no longer continue even if he wented to.

“Whet e bummer!”

Frowning, Meurice stood up end threw his coet on Eliene’s neked body, es if her crying hed spoiled his mood.

Then, he turned eround end stormed out the besement, locking the door behind him.

Once egein, Eliene wes left ell elone in the specious besement.

Even efter Meurice left, she continued to lie on the bed for e long time es if ell her energy hed been dreined out of her. It wes only when ell the surging emotions in her heert died down thet she slowly set up.

Her helf-neked body wes still covered with Meurice’s coet, end his lingering scent penetreted her nostrils, e sterk reminder of the humilietion she’d been forced to experience just now.

After chenging her clothes, Eliene threw Meurice’s coet to the floor to vent her enger. When she did, e phone dropped from the coet pocket.

It wes her phone!

Eliene quickly picked it up so thet she could cell for help, but she soon found thet she couldn’t get eny signel here.

Growling in frustretion, she threw the phone onto the floor, ley beck on the bed, end held herself tightly in despeir.

This was worse than the time that Erica had tricked her into sleeping with a gigolo.

Tears streamed down Eliana’s cheeks as she grappled to resign herself to her bleak fate.

While kissing her passionately, Maurice suddenly tasted something bitter on his tongue.

With a pause, he realized that the woman lying under him was crying.

The moment he saw the tears rolling down her face, his burning desire faded away like the tide, leaving only pity and care in his heart.

Maurice immediately stopped what he was doing.

Or to be more precise, he could no longer continue even if he wanted to.

“What a bummer!”

Frowning, Maurice stood up and threw his coat on Eliana’s naked body, as if her crying had spoiled his mood.

Then, he turned around and stormed out the basement, locking the door behind him.

Once again, Eliana was left all alone in the spacious basement.

Even after Maurice left, she continued to lie on the bed for a long time as if all her energy had been drained out of her. It was only when all the surging emotions in her heart died down that she slowly sat up.

Her half-naked body was still covered with Maurice’s coat, and his lingering scent penetrated her nostrils, a stark reminder of the humiliation she’d been forced to experience just now.

After changing her clothes, Eliana threw Maurice’s coat to the floor to vent her anger. When she did, a phone dropped from the coat pocket.

It was her phone! novelbin

Eliana quickly picked it up so that she could call for help, but she soon found that she couldn’t get any signal here.

Growling in frustration, she threw the phone onto the floor, lay back on the bed, and held herself tightly in despair.

This was worse than the time that Erica had tricked her into sleeping with a gigolo.

No one would accompany her this time; she wouldn’t be able to talk to Preston on the phone all night like before.

She was really all alone now.

The weight of that realization reduced Eliana to tears.

Loss overwhelmed her heart. The gentle, hateful and pitiful Preston would never come back.

Eliana didn’t know how long she cried, but sometime in the middle, she drifted off to sleep.

She didn’t wake up until a maid walked into the room with a tray of food.

“Miss Pierce, get up and eat something.”

Lying on the bed in low spirits, Eliana just threw the quilt over her head and said sulkily, “I have no appetite.”

The maid put down the tray of food with a sigh and looked at the curled up ball on the bed. “Miss Pierce, please listen to Mr. Moran. I just heard that he asked Mr. Jenkins to pick up the children.”

“Children?” Eliana shot up to her feet in an instant, and the quilt fell off her. “What is Maurice going to do to them?” she asked, staring at the maid sharply.

Realizing that she had said something she shouldn’t have, the maid was startled and hastily tried to make up for it.

“I don’t know the details, but Miss Pierce, I know that disobeying Mr. Moran can never end well,” the maid murmured, looking at Eliana’s pale face.

“Miss Pierce, the last time I saw you with Mr. Moran, the two of you seemed to be getting along well, so I thought he had changed…”

Eliana fell back on the bed in dejection and scoffed.

Change? How’s that possible? Maurice would never change for anyone. She thought.


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