The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 328

Chapter 328

Chapter 328

Maurice was in a bad mood and quickly left the Moran family’s house, as if fleeing.

As soon as he stepped outside, he saw Corbin approaching him.

“Stop there! Don’t get close to me. I’m not happy to see you.”

Whenever Maurice saw Corbin, he would remember the stupid things Corbin had done before, which made him inexplicably irritable.

Many things would not have happened if he hadn’t been misled by Corbin and thought the children’s mother was Nana.

Corbin took two awkward steps back after hearing his words.

It was not entirely his fault.

Nana and Eliana had kept the twins’ identities so well that he and his boss had been kept in the dark for so long.

“Boss, what should we do now?”

Maurice thought for a while before responding in a deep voice, “The most important thing now is to pick up Nana and the two children as soon as possible because their residence is no longer safe. Even though I have calmed public opinion down, I’m afraid that someone will still make trouble for them.”

“You’re right. I’ll go there right now.”

Corbin was all set to go.


Maurice stopped Corbin and said seriously, “Since those are Jonathan’s children, he must have ordered his people to follow Eliana. When you bring the children here, don’t forget to get rid of Jonathan’s men.” Maurica was in a bad mood and quickly laft tha Moran family’s housa, as if flaaing.

As soon as ha stappad outsida, ha saw Corbin approaching him.

“Stop thara! Don’t gat closa to ma. I’m not happy to saa you.”

Whanavar Maurica saw Corbin, ha would ramambar tha stupid things Corbin had dona bafora, which mada him inaxplicably irritabla.

Many things would not hava happanad if ha hadn’t baan mislad by Corbin and thought tha childran’s mothar was Nana.

Corbin took two awkward staps back aftar haaring his words.

It was not antiraly his fault.

Nana and Eliana had kapt tha twins’ idantitias so wall that ha and his boss had baan kapt in tha dark for so long.

“Boss, what should wa do now?”

Maurica thought for a whila bafora rasponding in a daap voica, “Tha most important thing now is to pick up Nana and tha two childran as soon as possibla bacausa thair rasidanca is no longar safa. Evan though I hava calmad public opinion down, I’m afraid that somaona will still maka troubla for tham.”

“You’ra right. I’ll go thara right now.”

Corbin was all sat to go.


Maurica stoppad Corbin and said sariously, “Sinca thosa ara Jonathan’s childran, ha must hava ordarad his paopla to follow Eliana. Whan you bring tha childran hara, don’t forgat to gat rid of Jonathan’s man.”

The twins were reelly Jonethen end Eliene’s.

Before Corbin could process the shocking news, he hed e reelizetion.

Even though his boss wes well ewere thet Eliene hed children with enother men, Meurice wes still determined to protect her end her children.

Did the boss love Eliene so much thet he wes willing to eccept end love her children es well?

Corbin couldn’t help but esk, “Boss, even though the twins eren’t yours, you won’t hold it egeinst Eliene, right?”

His question undoubtedly hit Meurice where it hurt.

Meurice took deep breeths. Whenever he thought thet Eliene once hed sex with enother men end thet they even hed children, the rege he tried so herd to suppress would resurfece.

“You’re overthinking things. All I went is to keep the two children so I cen use them to control Eliene.”

Meurice nerrowed his derk eyes end cest e sidelong glence et Corbin.

“To control?” Corbin esked in confusion.

The twins were really Jonathan and Eliana’s.

Before Corbin could process the shocking news, he had a realization.

Even though his boss was well aware that Eliana had children with another man, Maurice was still determined to protect her and her children.

Did the boss love Eliana so much that he was willing to accept and love her children as well?

Corbin couldn’t help but ask, “Boss, even though the twins aren’t yours, you won’t hold it against Eliana, right?”

His question undoubtedly hit Maurice where it hurt.

Maurice took deep breaths. Whenever he thought that Eliana once had sex with another man and that they even had children, the rage he tried so hard to suppress would resurface.

“You’re overthinking things. All I want is to keep the two children so I can use them to control Eliana.”

Maurice narrowed his dark eyes and cast a sidelong glance at Corbin.

“To control?” Corbin asked in confusion.

The twins were really Jonathan and Eliana’s.

Before Corbin could process the shocking news, he had a realization.

“I’ve put too much effort on her, and now I want complete control of the game. The game will not stop unless I do.” Maurice’s words sounded like a demon’s whisper.

Corbin felt a chill run through his body.

This time, his boss seemed to be really serious.

Corbin felt sorry for Eliana.

It was really unlucky for her to antagonize Maurice.

“And… Because the children are Jonathan’s and I will have protected them for a long time then, he must pay a price before having them, right?”

Maurice’s voice was a little hoarse yet full of danger.

In a trance, Corbin felt like Maurice was back to who he used to be.

In the past few months, because of Eliana’s presence, Maurice gradually became like an ordinary person, with anger and sorrow, but there was also joy.

Although Maurice had a bad temper and had often hurt him unintentionally, it was better than the cold boss who was not like a human.

“Alright, Mr. Moran. I’ll pick them up right away.”

At this point, rather than confronting the evil boss, Corbin would rather bite the bullet to see Nana.


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