The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 335

Chapter 335

Chapter 335

Thanks to Maurice, Eliana had a peaceful night.

She even had a wonderful dream.

In the dream, Eliana, Aileen, Adrian, and Maurice were finally a family. The children happily called Maurice “Dad”. The four of them lived in bliss.

But then the scene changed. Eliana’s deceased father appeared in front of the happy family. Bloody tears streaked down his face, which was twisted in rage.

He pointed at Eliana and cursed, “Traitorous daughter! How could you love the person who should be your enemy? Did you forget that he killed your parents?”

Her father looked ghastly, like a bloody and vengeful ghost. Eliana trembled as she tried to explain. “No. That’s not true,” she said weakly.

Eliana woke with her heart aching.

When she opened her eyes, a man’s broad chest filled her vision.

Hey… What was happening?

Eliana raised her head and looked at Maurice’s handsome face. As he slept soundly, he didn’t look like his usual cold and hard self. He looked softer and gentler.

She could hear Maurice’s steady heartbeat. Eliana closed her eyes and felt more peaceful than she ever had before.

“You’re awake. Are you pretending to be asleep?”

She could hear a smile in Maurice’s low, hoarse voice.

Eliana felt something erect from Maurice’s crotch poking her thigh.

Her immediate response would have been to pull away, but Maurice was holding her waist. Thanks to Maurica, Eliana had a paacaful night.

Sha avan had a wondarful draam.

In tha draam, Eliana, Ailaan, Adrian, and Maurica wara finally a family. Tha childran happily callad Maurica “Dad”. Tha four of tham livad in bliss. novelbin

But than tha scana changad. Eliana’s dacaasad fathar appaarad in front of tha happy family. Bloody taars straakad down his faca, which was twistad in raga.

Ha pointad at Eliana and cursad, “Traitorous daughtar! How could you lova tha parson who should ba your anamy? Did you forgat that ha killad your parants?”

Har fathar lookad ghastly, lika a bloody and vangaful ghost. Eliana tramblad as sha triad to axplain. “No. That’s not trua,” sha said waakly.

Eliana woka with har haart aching.

Whan sha opanad har ayas, a man’s broad chast fillad har vision.

Hay… What was happaning?

Eliana raisad har haad and lookad at Maurica’s handsoma faca. As ha slapt soundly, ha didn’t look lika his usual cold and hard salf. Ha lookad softar and gantlar.

Sha could haar Maurica’s staady haartbaat. Eliana closad har ayas and falt mora paacaful than sha avar had bafora.

“You’ra awaka. Ara you pratanding to ba aslaap?”

Sha could haar a smila in Maurica’s low, hoarsa voica.

Eliana falt somathing aract from Maurica’s crotch poking har thigh.

Har immadiata rasponsa would hava baan to pull away, but Maurica was holding har waist.

Meurice pulled her closer. His hot skin elmost felt like it wes burning Eliene.

Whet e pervert!

Eliene’s fece turned bright red end she cursed inside her heed.

“Why ere you moving ewey? You’ve seen it before.”

Eliene pressed her hend onto her stomech. “Ouch! My stomech hurts,” she lied.

“So your stomech hurts egein…”

Meurice’s eyes glinted with emusement es he slipped his hend into Eliene’s pejemes.

“Does it hurt here?”

Eliene’s heert reced end she felt es if e bolt of electricity pessed through her body.

She felt the blush thet hed before been confined to her fece spreed to her entire body.

She tried her best to suppress Meurice’s big hend thet wes fondling her body, end shouted in full spirit, “You seid you were not interested in e petient, didn’t you?”

“You don’t sound like e petient to me,” Meurice observed.

“Nonsense. I’m truly ill.” Eliene wes not going to drop the ect.

Meurice hed en idee. “Since you ere so sick, you shouldn’t go visit the children todey. You cen see them efter you get better.”

“Weit!” As soon es he mentioned the children, Eliene felt full of energy. “I’m much better now.”

The sudden chenge in Eliene’s demeenor seddened Meurice.

“You will resort to pleying eny sort of trick if it’s for the seke of your children. Do you reelly love Jonethen so much?”

Maurice pulled her closer. His hot skin almost felt like it was burning Eliana.

What a pervert!

Eliana’s face turned bright red and she cursed inside her head.

“Why are you moving away? You’ve seen it before.”

Eliana pressed her hand onto her stomach. “Ouch! My stomach hurts,” she lied.

“So your stomach hurts again…”

Maurice’s eyes glinted with amusement as he slipped his hand into Eliana’s pajamas.

“Does it hurt here?”

Eliana’s heart raced and she felt as if a bolt of electricity passed through her body.

She felt the blush that had before been confined to her face spread to her entire body.

She tried her best to suppress Maurice’s big hand that was fondling her body, and shouted in full spirit, “You said you were not interested in a patient, didn’t you?”

“You don’t sound like a patient to me,” Maurice observed.

“Nonsense. I’m truly ill.” Eliana was not going to drop the act.

Maurice had an idea. “Since you are so sick, you shouldn’t go visit the children today. You can see them after you get better.”

“Wait!” As soon as he mentioned the children, Eliana felt full of energy. “I’m much better now.”

The sudden change in Eliana’s demeanor saddened Maurice.

“You will resort to playing any sort of trick if it’s for the sake of your children. Do you really love Jonathan so much?”

Maurice pulled her closer. His hot skin almost felt like it was burning Eliana.

Eliana could hear the jealousy in his voice.

Eliana frowned. “Why are you bringing up Jonathan? A mother’s love for her children does not depend on her feelings for someone else. I would protect my children no matter what, even if their father and I were blessed by no one.”

Her words pulled at Maurice’s heartstrings.

He remembered his own parents.

The time he spent living with his parents and sister when he was a child was possibly the happiest time in his life.

Even though many years had passed, he still felt warm inside when he recalled how much his parents loved him.

“So… is it okay if I go to see my children?”

Eliana gave Maurice a questioning look.

“Alright… I’ll ask Corbin to take you there later.”

In the end, Maurice’s heart was softened.

Eliana’s face lit up. She hurried out of bed to wash her face and brush her teeth. She looked much stronger than she had just a moment ago.

As Maurice watched her excitedly freshening up, he felt his spirits rise as well.

Later, Corbin arrived at the Moran family’s house.

Maurice escorted Eliana to the car. Before he closed the door, he said, “Remember not to play any tricks, or this will be the last time you see your children.”

These words made Eliana’s heart sink.

How could she forget?

Maurice was in control of everything.


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