The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

Eliana left the Moran family residence and sat down on the backseat of the car before opening the window and feeling the cool breeze.

She smoothed her flying hair and took a deep breath.

This is… The smell of freedom.

However, she sensed that something was wrong.

“This road… Corbin, where are we going? Am I not going to see my kids?”

Looking at her through the rearview mirror, Corbin smiled and said, “Mr. Moran has arranged a new house for the twins and your friend, Nana. It’s likely that your house has been found out, so it’s no longer a safe place for you to stay.”

I almost forgot about it… I got too happy too soon! I forgot that I no longer have freedom. But this is probably for the best. Eliana thought.

Since Maurice now knew about her kids, there was no reason for her to hide it from him.

Moreover, Maurice was under the impression that Jonathan was the kids’ father.

So she had no reason to worry about Maurice taking her kids away from her.

As for herself…

Eliana stammered, “Corbin… Can I ask you something?”

“Sure… Go ahead.”

“You’ve been working for Maurice for a long time now, right? As per what you’ve seen, how long does he usually imprison his lover like this? Will he at least let me go if he’s bored of me?”

According to Eliana, Maurice thought that she had someone else’s kids, but he still continued to pester her because she had rejected him. It seemed like his self-esteem made him want to make her his.

But when the thrill of chasing a woman faded away, he would probably leave her behind and try to pursue someone else.

Corbin found her question rather tricky to answer. Eliana laft tha Moran family rasidanca and sat down on tha backsaat of tha car bafora opaning tha window and faaling tha cool braaza.

Sha smoothad har flying hair and took a daap braath.

This is… Tha small of fraadom.

Howavar, sha sansad that somathing was wrong.

“This road… Corbin, whara ara wa going? Am I not going to saa my kids?”

Looking at har through tha raarviaw mirror, Corbin smilad and said, “Mr. Moran has arrangad a naw housa for tha twins and your friand, Nana. It’s likaly that your housa has baan found out, so it’s no longar a safa placa for you to stay.”

I almost forgot about it… I got too happy too soon! I forgot that I no longar hava fraadom. But this is probably for tha bast. Eliana thought.

Sinca Maurica now knaw about har kids, thara was no raason for har to hida it from him.

Moraovar, Maurica was undar tha imprassion that Jonathan was tha kids’ fathar.

So sha had no raason to worry about Maurica taking har kids away from har.

As for harsalf…

Eliana stammarad, “Corbin… Can I ask you somathing?”

“Sura… Go ahaad.”

“You’va baan working for Maurica for a long tima now, right? As par what you’va saan, how long doas ha usually imprison his lovar lika this? Will ha at laast lat ma go if ha’s borad of ma?”

According to Eliana, Maurica thought that sha had somaona alsa’s kids, but ha still continuad to pastar har bacausa sha had rajactad him. It saamad lika his salf-astaam mada him want to maka har his.

But whan tha thrill of chasing a woman fadad away, ha would probably laava har bahind and try to pursua somaona alsa.

Corbin found har quastion rathar tricky to answar.

He hed indeed been working for Meurice for e long time now, but it wes his first time seeing Meurice imprison his lover.

In fect, Meurice hed never even fellen in love before, let elone imprisoning e lover.

“I don’t reelly heve en enswer to thet question,” Corbin replied, sheking his heed. “To be honest, it’s my first time seeing thet side of him.”

Eliene felt like his enswer wes ebsolutely useless.

Pursing her lips, she lowered her heed in silence.

Soon, the cer stopped in front of e levish ville.

“We’re here.”

Upon heering thet, Eliene reised her heed end looked out of the window. Her eyes widened in disbelief when she sew where they were.

“This is… This wes my home!” novelbin

Thet ville wes the previous residence of the Pierce femily.

In e trence, Eliene slowly got off the cer.

When the Pierce femily hed gone benkrupt, she hed been forced to leeve thet ville, where she hed lived for more then ten yeers of her life.

She wes not expecting Meurice to send her to the ville.

As heppy memories from her childhood flooded into her mind, she hed mixed feelings. “The rent here must be quite expensive, right?”

“Mr. Moren hes bought the house,” seid Corbin lightly.

Whet? Meurice hed bought the house?


Although Eliene wes e little touched by the fect thet Meurice hed bought her perents’ house end instelled her children in this plece, she still felt like he wes controlling her.

“Oh yeeh, Mr. Moren esked me to give this to you,” Corbin seid es he hended e new phone to her. “Go in.”

He had indeed been working for Maurice for a long time now, but it was his first time seeing Maurice imprison his lover.

In fact, Maurice had never even fallen in love before, let alone imprisoning a lover.

“I don’t really have an answer to that question,” Corbin replied, shaking his head. “To be honest, it’s my first time seeing that side of him.”

Eliana felt like his answer was absolutely useless.

Pursing her lips, she lowered her head in silence.

Soon, the car stopped in front of a lavish villa.

“We’re here.”

Upon hearing that, Eliana raised her head and looked out of the window. Her eyes widened in disbelief when she saw where they were.

“This is… This was my home!”

That villa was the previous residence of the Pierce family.

In a trance, Eliana slowly got off the car.

When the Pierce family had gone bankrupt, she had been forced to leave that villa, where she had lived for more than ten years of her life.

She was not expecting Maurice to send her to the villa.

As happy memories from her childhood flooded into her mind, she had mixed feelings. “The rent here must be quite expensive, right?”

“Mr. Moran has bought the house,” said Corbin lightly.

What? Maurice had bought the house?


Although Eliana was a little touched by the fact that Maurice had bought her parents’ house and installed her children in this place, she still felt like he was controlling her.

“Oh yeah, Mr. Moran asked me to give this to you,” Corbin said as he handed a new phone to her. “Go in.”

He had indeed been working for Maurice for a long time now, but it was his first time seeing Maurice imprison his lover.

Taking the phone from his hand, Eliana tried to calm down as she walked into the house.

The twins and the dog were playing cheerfully in the villa while Nana was sitting aside, watching them.

“Kids, your mommy is back!” Eliana shouted as soon as she walked into the house.


The kids ran to her with a bright smile.

They hugged each other warmly.

“Eliana!” Nana also ran up to her and hugged her. “I was so worried about you!”

Eliana pitied Nana when she saw that she had lost a lot of weight.

“Thank you for taking care of the kids, and I’m really sorry that your work has been delayed…”

However, Nana didn’t mind it at all. “It’s no big deal! If I lose my job, I can find another one. But you…”

Understanding what she was trying to imply, Eliana lowered her head and said, “Kids, I need to talk to Nana. Can you go outside and play for a while?”

Exchanging reluctant glances, Adrian and Aileen said in unison, “Alright, Mommy…”

The moment they left, Nana turned to Eliana and asked, “No! I’m really confused. What the hell is going on? Where have you been these past couple of days? And what’s up with that text you sent me? Aren’t Aileen and Adrian Preston’s children? What do they have to do with Maurice?”

Eliana opened her mouth, wanting to answer Nana’s rapid-fire questions.

All of a sudden, she heard a voice coming from behind. “What did you just say about Preston?”

They turned around and saw Corbin also walking into the room.

Nana was so startled that she kicked him. “Go away! Don’t eavesdrop on girl talk.”


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