The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 352

Chapter 352

Chapter 352

When Eliana woke up the next day, she realized that the space on the bed beside her was empty.

Maurice already left?

Then how could she go back home?

Eliana picked up her phone on the bedside table to check the time and saw that it was still early. While browsing through notifications, an unread message appeared on the screen. She clicked it and read a text from Maurice.

“I sent someone to drive you back home. Your breakfast should be arriving soon. Have a good day.”

He was quite thoughtful. It was already a sign of improvement.

With her cellphone in hand, Eliana recalled the sweet atmosphere last night with Maurice. It was such a rare occurrence that she could not help but smile.

When she opened the bedroom door, a wide array of delectable dishes on the table greeted her eyes.

Peering outside the window, she saw a pair of men sent by Maurice standing by a vehicle in the driveway, waiting for her to come out.

Eliana decided to bring all the food home since it was quite early and she was not that hungry yet.

That way, she could have breakfast with her children and spend the entire morning catching up with one another. Since she didn’t inform them of her absence beforehand, the twins would probably be worried sick by now.

Within minutes, Eliana quickly freshened up and packed all the breakfast on the table. Before she exited the door, she took one last look inside and smiled, cherishing the quality time spent with Maurice

last night.

On the way home, Eliana suddenly received a call from the kindergarten teacher. A worried expression appeared on her face as she cautiously answered the phone.

“Hello, Miss Pierce. Aileen and Adrian have asked for an indefinite leave of absence. I would like to confirm this arrangement with you first. May I ask when they will return to school?”

The teacher’s tone was polite, but Eliana still blushed with guilt.

While she was out and about attending to her personal affairs, her two children were stuck at home and couldn’t go to school.

Eliana couldn’t help but smack her forehead. As a mother, she knew better than to prioritize herself over her kids.

“I’m sorry for the trouble. But don’t worry. I’ll take Aileen and Adrian to school today. They won’t miss any of their classes,” Eliana reassured the teacher sincerely.

It would only take a few more minutes before she arrived home anyway. Once she sorted things out with her children, she would personally take them to school.

After reaching her destination, Eliana waved goodbye to Maurice’s subordinates and entered her house. When the door swung open, she saw Nana talking to a middle-aged woman.

Seeing the confusion on Eliana’s face, Nana quickly explained, “Eliana! Thank goodness that you’re finally back. Let me introduce you to the new nanny. Her name is Lena.”

“Hello, Miss Pierce. It’s a pleasure to meet you. You can call me Lena. Mr. Moran acquired my services to take care of you and the two children.”

Lena looked simple and pleasant. Moreover, she spoke respectfully and nimbly. Based on her first impression, Eliana was satisfied with the new nanny.

“Hi, Mommy! You’re finally home!”

Sitting at the dining table, the twins greeted Eliana with toothy grins.

“Good morning, kids. I missed you both. Have a hearty breakfast, okay?”

With a smile on her face, Eliana walked over and saw plenty of food left on the table. The two kids weren’t eating much.

“Hey, what’s going on? Aren’t you both hungry?”

Aileen replied in a low voice, “Mommy, we want to eat the food cooked by Kimora. Do you know where she is?”

Hearing her response, Eliana was surprised and glanced at Lena. The new nanny lowered her head in embarrassment.

“Miss Pierce, I’m really sorry. The two children don’t like my cooking. I did my best, but my dishes are clearly not good enough compared to their previous nanny.”

Eliana sighed, walked over to touch Aileen’s head, and explained patiently, “Kimora has to take care of her grandson at home, so I allowed her to resign and leave.”

A frown suddenly appeared on Aileen’s face.

Eliana picked up a fork and tasted the food on the table.

It looked good and tasted delicious.

Kimora was not that skilled at cooking, and she occasionally made mistakes.

Why didn’t the kids like the new nanny who was better at cooking? It was puzzling.

“Aileen and Adrian, come and have another bite. Lena’s cooking is very delicious. It’s even better than Kimora’s. Have a try. I’m sure you will like it.”

Eliana tried her best to promote the food cooked by Lena and offered to put some on the children’s plates.

“Mommy, no matter how delicious Lena’s cooking is, it’s still not the same as Kimora’s. It’s like when Bowling was replaced by Foodie. Although they look like each other, Aileen and I were still heartbroken because the original was gone.”

Adrian put on a long face, looking like an adult. The little boy proved to be wise beyond his years.

Seeing things from his perspective, Eliana couldn’t help but feel sad.

Her two children were sentimental and had long regarded Kimora as a member of their family. They weren’t aware of the sudden changes and departures in the real world. The twins were the most affected after Kimora left.

“Adrian, that’s how life works. Sometimes, separation is necessary for growth. Most people become stronger versions of themselves after being separated from their loved ones. You and Mommy are such people. We will get through this together, and you will understand one day.”

Adrian raised his head in confusion and asked, “Do adults also experience this?”

Moved by his question, Nana suddenly felt a lump in her throat and sighed. “Yes. Aileen, Adrian, even an adult has to go through separations. That is how life goes on. We have to say goodbye to people who are meant to go on a different path.”

Standing quietly on the sidelines, Nana seemed to have awakened to reality when she heard the relevant conversation between Eliana and the children.

The topic had hit close to her heart. It was time for her to put an end to many things.


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