The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 754 - Serenity Farm

Chapter 754 - Serenity Farm

Ryan walked up to Jin Rou and bowed respectfull, "Thank you for saving me."

It didn't require any additional reason to thank someone who saved his life. He wasn't the type to think it's natural and it's his privilege to such thing. However, he was quite interested in the identity of the person. After all, he was the person that sold the Eternity Gold.

"There's no need to." Jin Rou shook his head, "I just found you interesting ever since in the auction house so I decided to lift some weight from you."

Ryan had entertained Jin Rou when he argue and threw venemous words at the young master in the #1 lounge. And according to his surface level investigation, that young master from Blue Dragon Sect had been throwing his weight around as if he was the boss. Many had actually liked the fresh air brought by the scholar named Ryan.

Ryan didn't expect this sort of response. However, since it saved his life, there was nothing more to say about it. He looked at Jin Rou and asked, "What should I call you?" josei

"Why, are you coming with me?" Jin Rou smiled.

"In truth, yes. I can sense that you are very powerful and dominating. I want to learn a thing or two from you." Ryan answered with all sincerity. He was a scholar, so his thirst for knowledge was immense, immense enough to cover the heavens with it. He could feel it that if ever he follow Jin Rou, he would benefit greatly.

Jin Rou looked at Ryan, observing him for a moment. After which, he chuckled and said, "Indeed, you are different from them. Alright, you can come with me but you have to serve as me an errand boy. I don't accept negotiations."

"As you wish, Young Master." Ryan bowed. Although he was just an errand boy, he had had the right to follow the young master and learn from him. He was aware that he couldn't impose further thus his words.


Currently, Jin Rou and Ryan were heading south. They came from the Desperate City of the West and was just walking. It had been days since they started walking and Ryan didn't complain no matter how tiresome walking was. In Ryan's perspective, this must be a hobby of the young master. He'd rather walk all along rather than taking transportation.

After a day, they arrived at a vast farm. It was so big that you couldn't actually see the end of it. Ryan was familiar of this place too, as he had been here when he was a child.

It was just a normal farm for normal people. There's nothing notable. Mortals were living happily here without the fright of being invaded by nobles and cultivators. In all around the Nine Heavens, this was one of the peaceful places of all.

"Serenity Farm." Ryan muttered.

"Oh, you are familiar of this place?" Jin Rou asked, smiling.

"I have been here when I was a kid. My grandfather told me that this farm was made by Primordial Emperor to protect the mortal citizens from the invasion of foreigners and nobles." Ryan answered truthfully.

Jin Rou chuckled after hearing this response. Ryan was right, Han Li was the one who created Serenity Farm for the normal people. Although it couldn't accommodate all of the mortals around the Nine Heavens, it could still be a resting place for all.

Furthermore, nobles and cultivators with ill intentions wouldn't truly not be able to come here as Han Li installed a system that could kill all of them when they didn't heed the warning.

Serenity Farm had valuable resources, abundant at that. Thus, many lineages were trying to get their hands on the farm. Unfortunately, it was heavily protected and no one had ever succeeded in doing it. Of course, it didn't mean that people had given up this peace of important land.

"Why are we here, Young Master?" Ryan asked with curiosity. Although they bear no ill intentions, the normal people would glare at them with malice. After all, they were foreigners.

"I have a matter to settle here." Jin Rou said. Han Li had left a special treasure here that he could use when it times of need. Moreover, the item could somehow increase his chances of defeating the Heavens by this so Jin Rou wasn't willing to miss this chance. He'd grab everything that he could be of help to him.

Ryan didn't say more. Since the young master didn't want to say it, he had no right to push the matter. He zipped his mouth and followed Jin Rou entering the vast farm.

And just like he expected, many unwelcoming mortals had glared at them with not so pleasing expression. They were all very cautious of the newcomers. After all, it had been a while since they had a foreign visitor.

A few minutes later, a middle aged man approached the two with a smile and greeted them, "Hello friends, I am the acting Mayor of this farm, Roasal. How may I help you two?"

Jin Rou seized up the mayor and answered, "I want to go to Farm Hut."

"Oh..." The mayor felt his face burning but he immediately explained, "I'm so sorry, friend. But Farm Hut is a place that not even us residents can enter except our ancestors."

It was the truth. Farm Hut was the most restricted place of Serenity Farm and not just anyone could enter it. Even high ranking mortals like the mayor had no right to enter the place.

"Figures." Jin Rou nodded. He wouldn't make it difficult to the mayor and asked, "Then please lead us to the most expensive inn you have here. We want to sightsee for a day before leaving."

"If this is the case, please follow me!" The mayor was beaming with smile.

Then, the mayor led the two to an inn named Peace. Currently, it was the most expensive inn here in the farm having the price of their regular rooms at 500 gold while the luxury rooms were at 1,000 gold and the deluxe luxury rooms were at 2,000 gold.

Even Ryan gasped when he saw the price list of Peace Inn.

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