The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 755 - Peace Inn

Chapter 755 - Peace Inn

The Peace Inn was actually a 5-star inn in the entire farm, hence its price was very expensive. Even normal mortals couldn't afford this as the minimum wage of the common people was ranging from 25-50 gold per month, depending on the job.

A normal family could already live by 50 gold. After all, normal consumptions on a daily basis wouldn't cost more than 1 or 2 gold as long as the meals were just average.

Jin Rou and Ryan were looked upon when they entered Peace. It was the most expensive after all and everyone here was dreaming of staying there for at least a night.

Immediately, the two were served delicious and luxurious foods ranging from seafood to the original farm's cuisine.

"This is our Peace Inn's specialty cuisine, our own Farmilia Cuisine. It was originated from the founder of Peace." Mayor Roasal introduced the dishes, "It consists of vegetable appetizers, meat main dish and milk soup. We also have made a seafood cuisine if ever it's up to your liking. Please try it."

Jin Rou sliced a little of each dishe and get a taste of them. He nodded and said, "Passable."

Ryan also did the same and was immediately thrilled, "Delicious!"

Ryan had never expected a farm to be this advanced. Even their city's food wouldn't amount to this great taste. He heard about Serenity Farm many times as it was highly coveted by many powerhouses.

However, no one ever dared to challenge the farm again after the humiliating defeat of Thunder Tower.

The Thunder Tower was one of the strongest lineages that had ever existed in the Nine Heavens. The progenitor of the tower was actually a top member of Nine Heavens Asura, Thundersky Dao Monarch! Remember, the asuras were the ten strongest and most brilliant monarchs of all time recorded by the Heavens itself.

The tower was known to be greedy. As Serenity Farm was full of valuable resources, they couldn't fight off the temptation and set off to steal the rights for the farm. That time, two Dao Monarchs of their tower with five strong legions were dispatched to carry the will. It was obvious that Thunder Tower was taking this seriously. josei

Just imagine how strong that was. Two Dao Monarchs and five legions! Normal sects would have to flee when they were the target of this invasion.

Unfortunately, despite the strong lineup, Thunder Tower was still defeated. On top of their legions completely annihilated, they also lost one monarch while the other escaped with grave injuries.

No one knew what happened inside the Serenity Farm during the attack of the tower as the farm sealed the entire area off. They only knew one thing, that the tower was utterly defeated in that attempt.

After that, the lineages on the peaks didn't dare to think about stealing the rights of the farm unless they had the full grasp of its capabilities. They didn't want to suffer heavy losses like Thunder Tower.

Mayor Roasal smiled as he heard the positive response about the food, "I'm glad that you two like it. Please enjoy it, as I will be off to deal with some not so serious matters."

"Sure, but please get me the permission to enter the Farm Hut on your way." Jin Rou smirked and looked at the mayor, "Or you can tell that person in the hut that I have arrived. Ah, no. The person already knows so just get his permission, alright?"

"I will try my best." Mayor Roasal felt his back sweating and left. He rushed to receive these guests here upon the request of an ancestor but didn't know the reason. Now, he had to go back there and get a permission, unless he loved beating, he didn't want to go there!

But of course, he had no choice.

"Young Master, why do you want to enter Farm Hut?" Out of curiosity, Ryan asked albeit he wasn't expecting for an answer. It was a private matter after all.

Unexpectedly, Jin Rou answered, "I need a certain item from that place which could help me."

"Oh...". Ryan felt shocked. He wasn't actually anticipating for an answer.

Jin Rou observed Ryan for a while which made the latter uncomfortable, "Uh, Young Master, is there something wrong...?"

Jin Rou's stare was very uncomfortable that he wanted to dig out his way to earth. It felt like he was nude in front of him.

"Your clan must be having a hard time for you." Jin Rou chuckled, "You have an immense talent for cultivation and has a high possibility of becoming a monarch yet you are aiming to be a scholar. Your gramps must be itching to slap you left and right."

It was rare to hear the word 'immense talent' from Jin Rou. So it should be true.

But it was for real, Ryan had a real and high talent that not anyone could just have. Even one in a million chance. For a thriving clan like Ryan's, they would be adamant in nurturing such a great talent.

"Well..." Ryan smiled awkwardly. He tried his best to get the Eternity Gold to actually offer as a peace offering to his family. After all, he ran away for so long now and it's time to go home, "You have such sharp and deep eyes that can't be phatomed."

Jin Rou smiled and asked, "How is Metelosa?"

Ryan looked at Jin Rou with surprised expression. He shouldn't be surprised at all since Jin Rou had correctly guessed his situation so it shouldn't be surprising that he knew his background too. However, he just couldn't help but feel stumped!

"The Matriarch is still alive, she's doing good actually. Although she has already aged, she isn't weak or something." Ryan answered.

Matriarch Metelosa was the core of their clan. She was the sole protector and reason why no lineages were attacking them. Thus, the elders and other ancestors of the clan were finding all ways to preserve the life of the matriarch. Once the matriarch died, it was also over for the clan.

Luckily, Ryan had found the Eternity Gold, a vital ingredient of Immortal Flower.. With this, their alchemist could concoct the flower and let it be consumed by the matriarch to lengthen her lifespan.

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