The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 258

Chapter 258: Rookie 9: Graduation Exam 02

Iruka stepped forward and gazed at the faces of all his students and explained the rules of the Taijutsu portion of the exam.

"Listen up. I've ranked all 27 of you according to your performance in the physical tests conducted this last academic year. We've taken a comprehensive assessment of your combat skills, Taijutsu techniques, agility, strength and endurance. Now this rank isn't a permanent one. It's to give each and everyone of you an idea as to where you stand amongst your peers."

Iruka then nodded to his fellow teacher and Mizuki gave each student a paper with the list of the 27 students ranked from first to last. Sasuke was the first on the list and all of the rookie nine were ranked below 15 with Naruto coming in the 14th spot.

The blonde boy smiled as he looked at the number. 'All my training in the woods helped. I'm 14th.' His eyes then drifted to the top of the page and his smile dimmed. 'I need to beat him.'

After everyone got their list Mizuki made his way to the front and Iruka continued. "Based on your ranks we've selected two opponents near your rank for you to battle. Now listen carefully. What I'm about to say next is the evaluation criteria. I won't be repeating it."

Iruka looked around and was satisfied seeing that everyone was paying full attention to him.

"First we will grade you on your speed and strength. To be more accurate the force and agility behind your attacks and movements. Second will be your techniques and precision. The skills you display and the accuracy with which you execute your attack and defend. Next will be strategy and adaptability. We will grade you on how well you adapt to your opponents moves and the strategies you use in battle. The last is stamina and endurance. You need to be able to maintain your energy and focus throughout the match. This is the evaluation criteria. Is everyone clear?"

"Yes Iruka sensei!"

Iruka nodded and motioned for Mizuki to explain the rules. The white haired chunin stepped forward and gave everyone a small smile before he began. "Now, we've selected two classmates for you to face but you might be battling a total of 3 opponents."josei

Seeing the students' faces marred with confusion Mizuki explained. "You will be selecting your third opponent. But the rules for that match will be explained when all of you have completed your first two matches."

The students nodded while Shikamaru's mind sharpened as he thought about the Taijutsu exam. 'So this test is essentially a two part test. In the first part we have to fight against the two people the teachers have selected and in the second part we have to pick an opponent and fight… Hmm… I doubt Iruka sensei would make the stronger students pick a match with the weaker ones. So there must be a rule against it… Will the 3rd match have the same rules or will there be something more. Eh… If I can score some decent points in the first two matches then I might not have to fight the last match.'

He glanced around as he thought about the particulars of the test and his eyes fell on Naruto who was intently gazing at Sasuke's back. The Uchiha was standing in the front nonchalantly with his hands in his pockets.

Shikamaru saw the gaze Naruto had and quietly sighed. 'Well, I guess I know who he's going to pick.' He turned his attention back to his teacher.

"The rules are as follows. Your match will consist of three rounds. Each round will last for three minutes. Each round will begin with both combatants at the opposite ends of the marked fighting area. Your goal is to land successful hits on your opponents or force them outside the marked area. Hits are counted only when it's clean and precise. Glancing blows or indirect hits are not counted. A knockdown counts as two successful hits. A student who is knocked down thrice in a round will lose the round. Each successful hit and knockdown grants points." Mizuki said.

The students were already familiar with the Taijutsu rules but Iruka wanted to make sure everyone remembered the rules. Mizuki looked at his fellow examiner and Iruka took over.

"The student with the highest points at the end of all rounds wins the match. But the points you've earned during the match will also be counted when considering the final rank. Disqualifications occur if a student uses any form of Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, or intentionally inflicts severe injuries. The use of weapons is also not allowed. If both students are still standing with the same points at the end of three rounds, a sudden-death round will occur where the first to land a successful hit wins."

Once the Chunin finished explaining the rules the students were divided between Iruka and Mizuki and the Taijutsu portion of the exam began. Naruto and some of his friends were with Iruka's group while Sasuke and a few others were in Mizuki's.

Some of the future rookies faced each other. Kiba and Shino were Sasuke's two matches. While others like Shikamaru, Choji and Naruto were matched up against two outside their group. Hinata meanwhile had her matched up against Shino and another student from class. It was the same for Ino and Sakura. They were matched against each other and had another against someone outside their small group of friends.

In the large academy ground the two chunins were conducting the Taijutsu portion of the exam. Mizuki acted professional and didn't show a hint of maliciousness. He knew he couldn't screw up when he was so close.

Time went by and each student completed their exam.

Sasuke and some of the rookies had two wins while others had one win and one loss. This was the case for those matched against their friends. Naruto had one win and one loss against his two foes.

After a couple hours everyone's first two matches came to an end. Iruka marked everyone's score and addressed his students.

"Now for the last match. This is optional. This is for those of you looking to improve your points. You will carefully select an opponent amongst your classmates. The only condition is you can't select someone who's lower than your rank and no person will be challenged twice. If you defeat your opponent then points will be awarded based on their rank and your performance and if you lose then some points will be deducted. For those who are challenged, you will gain points if you win but you won't lose points if you lose the match. You will only have one round. 4 minutes. Other than that the rules are the same as the other test. Everyone clear?"

"Yes sensei."

"Alright. Who's up first?" Iruka asked and immediately a hand went up.

"Oh me! Me me sensei. I want to go first."

Iruka groaned in exasperation as he saw Naruto's hand go up and wave about. "Why am I even surprised?... Fine. Naruto. Step forward into the ring."

As Naruto got into the ring Iruka asked who his opponent was going to be.

"I pick Sasuke. Today is the day I beat you and become number 1." The boy said, pointing at the Uchiha.

Some of the students frowned as they heard Naruto's declaration. "Seriously Naruto?" "Stop wasting time and take this seriously."

His friends were silent but some of them shook their heads at Naruto's antics.

"I saw that coming a mile away." Ino said with a sigh.

Hinata was silent but she was concerned for Naruto and silently cheered him on.

"There is no way he's going to win against Sasuke." Sakura said, shaking her head. 'What are you doing idiot Naruto? Sasuke is gonna kick your ass and you're going to lose points. Couldn't you have picked anyone else? CHAAA!' Inner Sakura shouted in her mind.

Iruka sighed as he looked at his student. 'He didn't even think it through… This kid. He's going to lose points.'

The Chunin looked at Sasuke who was standing with crossed arms and a frown on his face. "Sasuke Uchiha. Step into the ring and make the seal of confrontation." The Uchiha looked at his teacher and silently did as he was told.

"Naruto made a bad call." Shino said in a low voice as he stood near Kiba, Choji and Shikamaru.

"Why do you say that?" Choji asked.

Shino began to explain. "This part of the Taijutsu test is optional. And if he was going to participate to improve his final ranking he should have chosen someone near his current rank. But now that he's chosen Sasuke as his opponent, he won't be getting any points but he'll be losing some."

The young Nara among them agreed. "They're testing us on our judgment. Trying to see if we can accurately assess our own strengths and weaknesses along with our opponents. If we make the wrong choice and choose someone that we definitely can't beat, it'll lead to points deduction."

"Oh I see. So for those with lower points they need to be careful about who they challenge huh." Kiba spoke finally understanding the intricacies hidden in this seemingly straight forward exam.

The sun sat high in the sky, casting stark shadows on the ground below. The crowd soon hushed, tense with anticipation, as two figures stood inside the ring. To one side is Naruto Uzumaki, grinning widely, his bright orange jumpsuit a stark contrast to the muted surroundings. On the opposite side is Sasuke Uchiha, his onyx eyes serious and focused, his dark hair as unruly as ever.

"Hey weakling, you ready to lose?" Sasuke called out with a smirk.

"Hah, as if, ya bastard!" Naruto responded, raising his fists in preparation. Despite the bravado in his words, a nervous sweat dripped down his brow.

"Make the seal of confrontation."

At Iruka's words both Naruto and Sasuke made the half tiger seal.

Iruka raised his hand and dropped it. "Begin!"

As soon as the match began, Naruto rushed forward with his characteristic headstrong approach. He threw a series of wild punches, but Sasuke effortlessly dodged them. The Uchiha, even though his Sharingan was still inactive, was already displaying far superior reflexes and battle instincts. Sasuke side stepped, ducked or parried and redirected every strike that came his way with ease and minimal effort.

Naruto was getting angrier and angrier that his attacks were missing and it showed on his face.

Sasuke smirked seeing his opponent angry. "Is that all you got, dead last?"

Naruto gritted his teeth. He hated it when people called him that. "I won't lose to a stuck-up jerk like you!"

Naruto attempted to kick Sasuke, but the raven haired boy effortlessly caught his leg, and with a swift motion, threw Naruto to the ground near the ring.

Naruto immediately got up but this time he was more cautious. He started slowly circling Sasuke, looking for an opening. 'I need to take him by surprise and attack him before he can defend.'

The Uchiha just stood there, analyzing Naruto's movements. Sasuke looked at Naruto's new strategy and smiled condescendingly. "You think that will help you? You're too slow."

Suddenly, Naruto darted forward, faster than before. But just before he was within arms length of his enemy, Naruto quickly changed direction and moved to another side and came at Sasuke again. And just as the Uchiha was about to defend, Naruto changed directions again. Naruto kept moving wildly around his enemy while Sasuke was in the middle keeping a close eye on his foe.

The Uchiha was surprised at the skill the boy just showed. 'He's changing directions at such speed without losing his balance or footing. He definitely knows the tree walking technique. It's the only way he could accomplish this.'

Sasuke had eyes on Naruto the whole time. The Uchiha knew time was running out and knew Naruto would attack soon. The blonde boy also knew he didn't have much time and was growing nervous looking for an opening.

Suddenly, Naruto rushed towards Sasuke's back, attempting to attack from his blind spot, but Sasuke quickly turned and countered with a lightning-fast punch to Naruto's stomach.

The boy doubled over, and in that instant, Sasuke grabs him and performs a flawless judo throw, slamming Naruto to the ground.

"Give up, Naruto!"

Naruto groaned in pain but refused to stay down. "I'm not giving up that easily!" He got back to his feet, his determination unwavering. Naruto launched a flurry of punches and kicks but unfortunately for him Sasuke's battle experience was much greater than Naruto's. Every strike was blocked or redirected easily.

Sasuke suddenly switched from defensive to an offensive battle style and landed several precise hits on Naruto's body. Naruto tried to block as much as he could but failed to keep up with Sasuke's speed and precision.

The blonde was suddenly on the defensive, pushed back step by step under his opponent's relentless assault. Sasuke's every move was a dance of control and aggression, a testament to his Uchiha heritage.

Naruto gritted his teeth, feeling the pressure his enemy was exerting. He ducked under a swing aimed at his head, countering with a punch aimed at Sasuke's midsection. But the Uchiha was quick, shifting his weight to the side and launching a high kick that Naruto barely managed to dodge.

"Is that all you got, Naruto?" Sasuke taunted, his eyes gleaming. Naruto's breath hitched, but he shot Sasuke a stubborn glare.

"I'm...just...getting started!" Naruto retorted, launching himself at Sasuke with renewed vigor.

He easily deflected Naruto's wild punches, weaving around him with an almost lazy grace. He dodged a punch, slipping under Naruto's guard to deliver a punishing blow to the boy's ribs. Naruto staggered back, wincing as he clutched his side.

Sasuke's expression never wavered, his gaze cold and focused as he advanced on the vulnerable Naruto. He feinted a punch to Naruto's face, drawing Naruto's guard up. As Naruto's hands instinctively moved to protect his face, Sasuke swiftly swept his leg, and sent a strong blow to Naruto's torso, toppling the boy to the ground.

Naruto hit the earth with a thud, his breath leaving him in a rush. He looked up at Sasuke, who was standing over him, with a cold look on his face.

"Sasuke Uchiha...wins," Iruka immediately stepped in and announced. Most of the crowd exploded into cheers while others were silent.

Naruto coughed and took several breaths and slowly stood up. "Why... why are you so strong?" Naruto asked his opponent, panting.

Hearing that question the Uchiha's gaze slightly softened. "To fulfill my ambition, I can't afford to be weak." Before Iruka could make them form the seal of reconciliation Sasuke turned around and began walking back to his spot.

"Next time, time, I won't lose!" Naruto with gritted teeth.

The Uchiha glanced back at him, his face was inscrutable. He didn't respond, but for a moment, his eyes softened before he turned and walked away.

And with their battle the last portion of the Taijutsu test began. Some students challenged someone higher near their rank to improve their score while others decided to opt out.

Sasuke stood near the back, not needing to fight anyone again. He didn't want to waste time with anyone in his class and only looked forward to the sparring matches he had with Daichi.

The Uchiha looked up and thought about his former classmate. 'What's Daichi up to right now?'


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre (No space)

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