The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 270

Chapter 270: The Forbidden Scroll Incident 01

Outside the Hokage Tower.

Hinata and Shikamaru were keeping themselves to the shadows and had a close eye on the Hokage tower and its surroundings.

"Na-Naruto's here." Hinata whispered to Shikamaru as she saw Naruto hiding in the large tree near the tower. "What do we do?"

"Let's wait and see how this plays out. If he gets in any trouble with the Hokage we'll go in and explain everything. But if Naruto leaves that tower with the scroll then I have a feeling it'll only be because Lord Hokage let him."

Hinata reluctantly nodded. The two new Genin watched as Naruto patiently waited and then stealthily enter the tower when he got the chance.

"Hinata, is there anyone else keeping an eye on Naruto in the area?"

At Shikamaru's question Hinata looked around and her eyes widened as she saw her academy teacher. "Mi-Mizuki. He just arrived. He saw Naruto go inside."

"Does he have anyone with him?"

The Hyuga girl shook her head side to side indicating no.

'He's alone huh. Does that mean he's doing this all on his own? Does he really have no one helping him?' Shikamaru hadn't taken that possibility off the board yet. "What is he doing?"

"Nothing… It looks like he's just waiting."

The Nara narrowed his eyes. 'He's waiting to see if Naruto can pull it off. If Naruto gets captured then I'm betting Mizuki's gonna make a run for it. He wants to know what's going to happen… I hope the others get here fast. We don't have much time.'

Inside the Tower.

Naruto was quietly making his way to the scroll room written down in the paper Mizuki gave him. Since it was night time there weren't many people in the tower and Naruto reached the room without encountering anyone. He grabbed the handle and found the door unlocked. Entering the room, he looked around and saw several large shelves filled with all kinds of scrolls of different sizes.

'Oh man. How am I supposed to find the Forbidden Scroll in time?'

Naruto sighed and clenched his hands. "Gotta start somewhere."

He began his search and looked through the scrolls nearest to him. 'Hmm… In Mizuki sensei's notes it says the Forbidden Scroll is a large scroll with the word Forbidden written on it. Kinda on the nose if ya ask me.'

Naruto looked around and searched the title of all the large scrolls present in the room. After looking over a few his eyes widened as he saw a large red scroll. He read the title and a grin formed on his face.

"I found it!"

"And what did you find, Naruto?"

"GHAAAA!" Naruto was startled by the sudden question and turned around with a girly scream. He saw the Hokage looking at him with amusement.

Naruto's shoulders slumped and he let out a deep breath of air. "What's the big idea, old man. Sneaking up on me. What are you even doing here?"

The young blonde boy asked in a tone as if he was accusing the Hokage of doing something he shouldn't.

Hiruzen looked at the boy with deadpanned eyes. 'This kid. The gall to ask me that. What are you up to, Naruto?'

"I should be the one asking you that. Why are you here at this time of the night?"

"Err…" Naruto stammered and couldn't quickly come up with an answer to that question.

Hiruzen's eyes went to the shelf behind Naruto and he saw the Forbidden scroll half way out of its storage rack. His eyes narrowed and he turned his attention back to the boy.

"Why are you taking the Forbidden Scroll?"

Hearing that question Naruto clenched his fist and got into a fighting stance. "So that is the Forbidden Scroll huh. I need that scroll old man."

Hiruzen was calm despite the battle intent shown by Naruto. "Why?"

"I need to pass the secret special test and I'm not gonna let you stop me."

Hiruzen was inwardly confused. 'Secret special test? What the heck is he on about?... I need to find out more information from him.'

"So you know about the test huh. Who told you?" Hiruzen asked calmly, not giving anything away.

"Mizuki sensei did. I know the others in my class are taking the test right now." Naruto replied.

'Mizuki huh. He must have some hidden agenda.' Hiruzen began to have an idea about what was going on. "And did he tell you to take the scroll?"

"No. But he told me it was the most difficult test and if I did I'll become Rookie of the year." Naruto was answering the Hokage's questions because he was trying to buy some time and think of an escape plan. 'Oh man. How do I get out of here?... I guess there is only one thing I can do.'

'So that's how it is, huh.' Hiruzen nodded. "You don't really think it'll be that easy to take the scroll and get past me do you?"

Naruto looked tense but the next second he grinned. He had a mischievous smile on his face. He brought his hands together and made the seal for the transformation jutsu.

"Ninja art - Transform: Sexy jutsu!"

POOF! A puff of smoke surrounded Naruto and the next second a naked teenage blonde with pig tails and large assets bouncing and jiggling all around could be seen. The lingering smoke left very little for the imagination.

"~Won't you pleeeasse let me have the scroll… Lord Hokage~" The sexy teenage blonde girl asked in a seductive tone.

Hiruzen was shocked with his eyes wide open, nose bleeding and his jaws dropped to the floor. The transformed Naruto wiggled her ass and blew a kiss to the old leader. "Chu!" (1)

The next second the old Kage was blown backwards as if hit by a large unseen force and hit the wall. He was promptly knocked out and had a stupefied expression.

Poof! Naruto transformed back into his usual self and looked at the unconscious leader. "Man. Old people are such perverts. But now I know one thing for sure. The older and more powerful you are, the more power my jutsu has… Hmm… That must be why this move doesn't work on Daichi."

Naruto nodded to himself at the new theory and turned around.

'The Forbidden scroll huh. This must have all kinds of super secret jutsus.' He looked at the large scroll and carefully took it from its spot.

'Time to get out of here.' He slung it around his back and soon left the room. Naruto didn't encounter anyone else and soon exited the tower and began making his way to the location Mizuki had written down.


Hiruzen sensed Naruto leaving the tower and slowly stood from his spot. He took a handkerchief and wiped his nose before making his way to his office. 'That is a ridiculous juvenile jutsu he created. But I suppose I can't deny its effects.'

He entered the room and immediately a guard dropped down onto the floor. "Should we go retrieve the boy, Lord Hokage?"

"No. Not yet. Mizuki is the one behind this. He's a chunin instructor at the academy. I want to see what Mizuki is up to and see if he has anyone else helping him. But be ready to dispatch ninjas towards Naruto's location at a moment's notice."

"Yes sir." The guard nodded and hid in the shadows. The Hokage then walked to a nearby shelf and began searching for his crystal orb. He soon found it and began tracking Naruto. At that moment something else happened.

A small swarm of insects flew in through the open window and hovered in the center of the room. The three guards immediately surrounded the insect swarm but the Hokage motioned for them to not do anything.

He was curious to see what it was about. 'An Aburame wants to send a message.'

As the ninjas looked, a paper appeared among the insect swarm and it gently flew to the ground. The small flying insects left the room and returned to their human hive while the guards took a closer look at the paper.

Genma carefully took the paper and read its contents. His eyes widened and he immediately turned to the Hokage. "Lord Hokage. You need to see this."

Hiruzen took the paper and read the contents. By the end of the page, he let out a small tired groan. 'Kids today. So eager to jump into trouble. I just hope this doesn't end up a disaster.'


A few Minutes before Naruto left the Tower.

"He's searching for the scroll. It won't be long now… The others are coming." Hinata updated the young Nara on the situation.

"Ok. You should stop using the Byakugan. we need to conserve our chakra for what's next." Shikamaru said and waited for his friends. It wasn't long before the rest of the Rookies joined the two.

"They're here. I'd told you I'd find them quickly." Shikamaru heard Kiba say.

Ino, Kiba, Choji, Sakura, Shino came near the two and tried their best not to make any commotion that would draw attention.

"My insects have detected Mizuki nearby." Shino suddenly spoke.

"Shikamaru, Hinata. Ino and Choji told us everything. But is it true? Is Mizuki sensei really trying to get Naruto in trouble?" Kiba asked the two. He wore a serious expression as he spoke.


"I can't believe a teacher at the academy would do that." Sakura placed a hand on her mouth as if she was horrified.

"Look. As far as we're concerned Mizuki is trying to steal village secrets and is using Naruto to do it. We need to capture him before he does any damage." Shikamaru spoke and the rest of the rookies nodded.

"Where is Naruto? Did he go inside already?" Choji asked.

"Yeah. Naruto entered the tower a few minutes ago. Mizuki's been watching the whole thing."

"So now what? You want us to wait?"

The Nara nodded. "The only way Naruto gets out of that tower is if the Hokage lets him. We'll make our move depending on what happens next… That reminds me."

Shikamaru turned to the insect user among the group. "I need you to do something for me." Shikamaru took a small sheet of paper and gave it to the Aburame genin. "If Naruto leaves the tower with the scroll then we'll need to keep our distance and follow him. But we're going to need backup and inform someone we can trust of what's going on. So after Naruto escapes make sure this gets to the Hokage and only him. I've written down the important details."

Shino nodded and took the paper. Numerous insects covered the paper and it disappeared the next second.

The seven future rookies waited anxiously and in a few minutes saw Naruto leaving the tower with a giant red scroll on his back.


Meanwhile, nearby the tower in another hidden area, Mizuki looked at the fleeing Naruto with a large grin. 'Looks like that brat did it. I can't believe he pulled it off. Now I just need to wait a while for him to get to the East Canyons. Then I'll inform the other villagers and spread the news of the theft. The prisoners will leave and cause havoc at that time. In all the chaos I'll be the only one who'll know his location… The timing needs to be right. Zefrek needs to stick to the plan.'

Mizuki left his hiding spot and went to the ninja district and patiently waited at a small restaurant.


Sakura and the other Genins saw Naruto disappear into the trees with the scroll on his back.


"Right." The girl made the seal and her Byakugan was activated again. "Naruto is making his way towards the East direction… Mizuki just left as well. But… he's not following Naruto. He's going north."

"Shikamaru. What do we do?" Ino asked and the boy already had an answer.

"We follow Naruto. Mizuki needs to meet with Naruto to get the scroll. So he'll find him eventually. Right now we need to stick together and follow that knucklehead."

The seven new Genins quietly and discreetly began following Naruto. Since they had Kiba, Shino and Hinata as trackers, it was easy for the group to follow their friend. While they were moving through the village, the seven split into two teams and kept their distance to make sure no one noticed them.

And no one did, except for one ninja. One ninja who was familiar with them found their behavior strange. 'Where are they going at this time? Eh. Not my problem anyway.' He shrugged it off and went about his business.josei

The Genins followed Naruto into a forest but they were moving much slower than him to not draw any attention. The seven new Genins soon made their way to the East Canyons. It took about half an hour more but they soon reached the location. They were keeping a short distance to make sure no one spotted them but we're near enough to help Naruto if something went wrong.

"Hinata. Is there anyone else here?" Shikamaru asked and the Hyuga girl did a quick check. Her eyes widened as she saw a figure she didn't expect. "Sasuke. He's here. It… It looks like he followed Naruto."

"Wait, Sasuke is here?" Sakura was excited but Ino quickly put a hand on her mouth to calm her down and make sure she didn't make any noise.

"Forget about Sasuke. What's Naruto doing right now?" Kiba asked.

Hinata was silent for a few seconds before she replied. "I think… I think he's… training."


East Canyons - Half hour ago.

Naruto ran as fast as his legs took him towards the location mentioned in the paper Mizuki gave him. Due to his chakra control training he was able to move much faster and soon reached the meeting point.

He panted and dropped on butt. "Oh man. I made it. That was easy." Naruto took in and let out several deep breaths of air and soon composed himself. He looked around and didn't find anyone. 'Looks like Mizuki sensei isn't here yet. Guess I got some free time.'

Just then an idea struck his mind. He took the scroll from his back and slowly opened it. "This scroll must have some awesome jutsu. Since I have some time, I guess I'll learn a few."

Naruto unruffled the scroll a bit and saw the name of the first jutsu and instantly his face soured.

Shadow Clone Jutsu.

"Oh man. The clone jutsu. That was the hardest one I had to learn." Naruto groaned and just glanced at the jutsu description. He was about to look at the next jutsu when one sentence caught his eye.

...This jutsu splits the user's chakra to create solid clones that's…

Naruto did a double take and took a closer look at the jutsu description. 'So if I learn this jutsu then I can create solid copies? Oh man. That's gonna be awesome. There's so many pranks I could do with this.'

"Alright. I'm gonna master the Shadow clone jutsu. Believe it!" With that invigorating shout Naruto read the hand seals and began training the Shadow clone jutsu.

Leaf village. North District - A while later.

Mizuki waited and slowly finished his soup. He looked at the time and had a small smile.

'Time for the fireworks to begin.'


Author's Note.

Keeping track of all the events that's happening, the timing and correctly writing the perspective of everyone without making it feel jarring is not an easy task. But thankfully I already created a blueprint for this whole arc just before I started writing chapter 253. So that helps.

(1).. Chu: For anyone who doesn't know, this is how they write the sound of kissing in Japanese. I looked it up. But If I'm wrong, comment.

Anyway, how's the chapter? Did you like it?

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre space)

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