The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 277

Chapter 277: A Night of Revelations

Leaf Village.josei

As Daichi walked up the stairs to the Hokage's office, he was going through multiple notifications that appeared in his view.

The first was the quest rewards for the B rank mission he completed.

[Quest 'Protect the Mediator' Completed.]



[20000 Exp.]

[3000 Exp.]

[4000 Exp.]

[600 Exp.]

[Reputation increases with client and everyone else involved.]

'So looks like I even got the bonus 4000 experience. I thought that might only appear after those two stayed at the capital. Eh. Whatever. I'm not complaining. The more exp the merrier.'

His eyes then went to the next quest reward and he couldn't help but have a small smile on his face.

[Quest 'Save your Friends.' Completed.]

'I'm glad I got there in time. To think Mizuki would have planned a prison break and taken the serum Orochimaru gave him… Still, I guess I'll thank my lucky stat that everything worked out well in the end.'

Daichi looked at the rewards of the quest and he was satisfied.


[19000 Exp.]

[2850 Exp.]

[+10 Points to Special stats Charisma, Dignity.]

[+5 Points to Special stat Indomitable.]

[+2 Points to Special stat Luck.]

[+3 Points to Special stat Sense.]

[Reputation increases with Hiruzen Sarutobi, Kensei Yasaji and Kakashi Hatake.]

[Reputation slightly increases with Danzo Shimura.]

[Reputation massively increases with 'Rookie 9'. ]

[Reputation massively increases with people of the Leaf Village.]

'30 points in the Special stats. These are some excellent gains.'

[You have leveled up.]

'Level 62 huh. Let's see… Status.'

[Name : Daichi Hekima] (The Gamer)

[Class : Genin - ID 012559.]

[Age : 12]

[Title : Capable Child, Explorer, Prodigy, Species King, Dungeon Warrior, Executioner, Assassin, Mighty Healer, Slug Sannin's Apprentice, Master of the Elements, A Genius of the Continent, Dungeon Master.]

[Level : 62 (16005/98000)


HP : 50545

CP : 106512

SP : 51650

MP: 42380


[Primary Stats]

Strength - 349

Vitality - 500

Dexterity - 271

Agility - 340

Intelligence - 500

Chakra - 623

Wisdom - 309


[Special Stats]

Sense - 200

Stamina - 456

Indomitable - 59

Charisma - 82

Persistence - 50

Dignity - 31

Luck - 27


[Stat Points - 266]

[Ryo - 31256400]

'My stat growth has stagnated. With 500 as the limit Vitality, Chakra and Intelligence hasn't increased at all. I can solve the vitality and chakra problem with the dungeon ninjas but Intelligence will be a problem. So will strength, agility, dexterity when they reach 500. Need to find a solution that doesn't involve using points or I need to find a way to get more points.'

Daichi had been pondering on a solution for this dilemma for a while and he has come up with several ideas. But due to missions, training and studying Sealing arts his time was stretched thin. 'I'll need to find some free time before the Chunin exams.'

Daichi looked at the reputation increases and was mildly surprised. 'Slight increase in reputation with Danzo? This is a surprise. Eh. Not like I care what he thinks.'

Daichi closed the blue boxes and followed the old Kage into his office. The Hokage stood behind his desk while the Rookies were in the middle of the room with Iruka standing behind them. Naruto still had the Sacred scroll in his arms and was nervous. He knew he was responsible for some of the chaos tonight.

Hiruzen looked at each of the faces in the room with a gentle smile that put them at ease. "You all went through quite an ordeal today. I'm glad you're all safe." His eyes focused on Naruto and the kage held out his hand. Naruto stepped forward and handed him the scroll which the kage inspected and then nodded to himself. 'No damage. That's good. Tobirama sensei would be displeased otherwise. Now I need to address the other matter.'

He placed the scroll on the table and looked at the new Genins. They were looking for an explanation about the secret they've learned tonight but they weren't bold enough to approach the topic with the Hokage.

Hiruzen looked at the newest Genin from the Nara clan and spoke. "I understand the broad outline of the events from the note you sent me. But I will need a detailed explanation on what happened."

Naruto turned his head to look at his friend with a puzzled gaze. "Wait, you left a note? When?... Wait. That reminds me. How did you guys even find me?"

Before Shikamaru answered, the kage spoke. "We'll get to that. I'm also curious to hear the details. But since Mizuki approached you to take the scroll, why don't we start with you, Naruto. Tell me everything Mizuki said to you."

Naruto nodded and began retelling the events since he left Ichiraku Ramen. He told them about the fake test and when he got to the part where he decided to take the Forbidden scroll he was embarrassed with his head held down.

Hiruzen smiled and looked at the boy standing awkwardly. "Everyone makes mistakes, Naruto. What you should do is learn from them. That's part of life. Don't run away from your mistake. Embrace them and become better. It's how you grow."

Naruto looked up at the kage and nodded with a big grin. "Thanks old man. I promise I won't mess up again like that. Believe it!"

Hiruzen chuckled when he heard that. He then turned to Shikamaru. "Is this when you found out about Mizuki's trap?"

"Actually, it was Hinata. She was looking for Naruto and came upon their conversation." The Nara replied and Hinata had a red face seeing the attention focused on her.

"What? You were looking for me?" Naruto turned to the girl and she blushed even harder.

"Um… I.. I wanted to.. Wish you congratulations… for passing the Genin test." She said, struggling to get the words out.

"Thanks Hinata." Naruto grinned and rubbed his head.

"She wasn't the only one who heard them." Sasuke spoke and everyone turned to him. "I was walking through the streets near his home when I heard the two of them talk. I knew there wasn't a test like that. It was even more obvious when he said I was participating in it when I clearly didn't. I figured it was a trap and started following Naruto."

"What? You were following me this whole time?"

The Uchiha grinned as he looked at the boy. "Yeah. Your stealth skills aren't as great as you think."

Naruto growled and just huffed, crossing his arms and turning his head away. "Hmph!"

"And then what happened?" Hiruzen asked and the rookies recapped the events that led them to the forest.

Daichi went through events in his head and inwardly sighed. 'Mizuki made an extensive and detailed plan to get that scroll. The one thing he didn't count on was Hinata and Sasuke overhearing his conversation. Still, if this has changed so much then what else will happen? I'll have to prepare.'

As Daichi was in deep thoughts Iruka stepped forward and looked at the kids with a frown. "If you knew Naruto was in trouble and that Mizuki was after the Forbidden scroll then why didn't you tell anyone before he took the scroll?"

"Because they didn't know who to trust." Daichi, who was quiet until then suddenly spoke up. Everyone turned to him with Iruka and the kage looking for an explanation.

"That scroll is obviously important. So knowledge about it would be on a need to know basis. And I don't think Mizuki would be in that category. So you believe there is a spy helping him. I'm assuming that's one of the reasons you kept quiet."

Shikamaru sighed and nodded his head. "Among other things, yeah. We thought about telling our parents but we didn't know where they were."

Hiruzen groaned as he listened to the young Nara. He looked at the boy with a serious gaze which set the boy on alert. "Shikamaru. I'm going to be blunt. But that was not a wise decision. Hiding this kind of information from me... If you had sent a message earlier we could have avoided so much trouble. I could have had Anbu disguised as Naruto and trapped Mizuki before things escalated. If Daichi hadn't arrived when he did, Sasuke would be dead right now."

The Nara held his head down and slowly nodded. Seeing his friend so down, Naruto was about to speak on his friend's behalf but Hiruzen raised his hand, stopping him. "This is a valuable lesson for all of you. Learn from it and better yourselves."

The Genins nodded as they truly realized the seriousness of what had transpired.

"After that did you follow Naruto till he took the scroll?" Hiruzen asked.

Shikamaru shook his head. "Well, kinda. Hinata and I were near the tower and were keeping ourselves out of sight and were waiting for Naruto to come. After Naruto got out of the tower with the scroll we followed. But we made sure to send you a message just before we left. I was hoping for backup to arrive before we had to fight."

Hiruzen sighed and sat down. His face marred with a grim expression. "I apologized for that Shikamaru. You see during your confrontation with Mizuki, the prisoners at the Leaf Correctional facility escaped. They attacked the village and I had sent a priority order to secure the safety of the civilians."

"So that's what happened. So the smoke that's coming from the market district… They did that?" Kiba asked the kage.

"Yes. I believe they used the chaos as a distraction so that they could escape." Hiruzen replied and turned to Daichi. "On that note, I received word from the patrol teams that the prisoners you caught were the ones who set off the explosions. Well done Daichi."

"It was Kakashi sensei who identified them as prisoners. If it weren't for that they might have gotten away."

Hiruzen nodded and turned his attention back to the small Nara. "So, you followed young Naruto into the Canyons and then waited for Mizuki, yes."

Shikamaru nodded. "Yeah. We watched him train that new jutsu while we set up some traps for Mizuki and anyone else who showed up to help him. Mizuki soon came and tried to kill Naruto but Iruka sensei showed up just in the nick of time and then we decided to step in."

"Man. That clone jutsu is really cool. Creating solid copies. That's gonna come in handy. I wonder if I can learn it." Kiba said with a grin.

"A jutsu like that is really useful. I've been wondering the same, Lord Hokage." Sasuke asked as he looked at the kage.

Hiruzen sighed and burst their bubbles. "I'm afraid that won't be possible anytime soon. That jutsu is a dangerous technique created by my predecessor. It cuts the person's chakra in half to create the clone. Someone without a high level of chakra reserves would not be able to perform the jutsu and if they do, they could faint due to chakra exhaustion or in the worst case scenario even die on the spot. Even I can only create somewhere around 15 or so shadow clones..."

The new Genin's eyes widened as they heard that information.

"Wait wait. But I created like a thousand of those clones. I feel tired but not that much." Naruto spoke up and saw the old kage's expression turning serious.

"Yes. You did create hundreds of shadow clones. That's because you have such enormous chakra reserves. And it's partially due to what happened the night you were born."

Iruka was shocked as he realized what the Hokage was about to do.

Daichi slightly narrowed his eyes and as he heard their version of events that happened, he realized that all of the rookie 9 learned of the Nine tails. 'Here we go. Looks like the Hokage wants to get in front of this thing and do damage control.'

"You mean the Nine tails that's inside Naruto?" Shikamaru asked as he looked at the kage.

Naruto stood in the middle of the room and was self conscious.

Hiruzen looked at the kids with a stern yet kind face. "I understand that you've all learned something of great significance today."

Naruto clenched his fist and stepped forward. He looked at the kage with a rare serious gaze. "How much of what Mizuki said was true? Do I have the Nine tails in me?"

Hiruzen sighed tiredly and began to feel his age as he looked at the boy's face. 'Now that they know, there is no point in keeping this a secret.'

"The nine tails is a powerful chakra beast that can't be stopped through ordinary means. The only way to save the village was to seal it away. A prison. But ordinary sealing objects wouldn't do. The beast was extremely powerful. To seal the beast a living container was needed. A newborn with chakra coils that weren't developed yet."

Naruto's eyes widened as he learned the truth. "Me..."

Hiruzen gave a small nod. "Yes. Both of your parents died that night. To save the village, the fourth Hokage used a powerful sealing jutsu at the cost of his own life and sealed the nine tails inside you."

Naruto stood silently and a few tears escaped his eyes. His friends didn't know what to say as they stood there and learned the truth.

"Why didn't you tell me?" The blond boy asked Hiruzen through teary eyes.

Hiruzen's face softened as he looked at the boy. "I felt that you weren't ready. I was hoping to tell you when you became a Chunin but…" Hiruzen became silent for a few moments and then spoke. "Naruto. I want you to keep this in mind. You and the Nine Tails are two different entities. You are the prison and it's the prisoner. You understand that right…"

Naruto wiped the tears and nodded his head. "Yeah. I understand. Thanks."

"So Naruto has the Nine tails huh. That's messed up. No wonder he's treated like an outcast." Kiba said, shaking his head.

"Thinking it logically, it's an irrational choice." Shino spoke up.

"It's not about rational or logical choices." Sasuke said in a low tone and looked down as he thought about Itachi. 'There were many people who lost family members that night. They would hate anyone or anything related to the killer. Even if it doesn't make sense. Just like…' He sighed and stood silently with a stoic face.

"Lord Hokage. Why keep something like this a secret in the first place?" Ino asked.

"There must have been some important reason, right." Shikamaru said with a shrug.

Hiruzen sighed and raised a hand. The Genins became quiet and listened. "I passed a law that forbade anyone from the older generation from revealing the truth about the Nine tails to the younger ones because I didn't want their hate to pass on to any of you. Blind hatred is a very dangerous thing. The choice was not an easy one and it was made before some of you were born."

"Seems like a drag but I get it. If people who didn't know, learned this secret, they'd have treated him badly too." Shikamaru said and the rest nodded. The Nara then suddenly turned to Daichi. "So that's why you told me to let it go when I asked you."

"Yeah." Daichi nodded.

Iruka and the rest of the rookies were surprised that Daichi knew. "Wait. This was the secret? And you knew, Daichi?" Sakura asked and Daichi nodded.

"I've known for a while. I did some digging and figured it out."

"How long have you known?" Naruto suddenly asked and the room became quiet.

Daichi looked at the boy who had a calm face and then a few seconds later replied. "A few years."

Naruto was silent for a few moments and then a big smile appeared on his face. "Thanks Daichi."

The Genin smiled and nodded. He heard the unspoken words from his friend.

Thanks for being my friend even when you knew that secret.

Hiruzen smiled as he looked at the faces of everyone. "The purpose of this meeting was not just about the secrets you've learned today but of unity as well. Naruto is one of you. A Leaf shinobi. In time you will face challenges that will test your bonds. Remember this moment and stand together."

"We will, Lord Hokage." Choji spoke up.

"The village might have their prejudice but we are not kids anymore. We can think for ourselves." Kiba said with a smirk. "Arf arf."

"It's clear that the village fears the Nine Tails. But Naruto is not the beast. That conclusion is obvious." Shino said in his usual calm manner.

"As far I'm concerned you're still the same idiot you were when you walked into class this morning." Sasuke said with a grin as he looked at Naruto.

"And you're still the same jerk you were since forever." Naruto retorted back with a grin.

Iruka and Hiruzen smiled seeing the unity among the group. "Now, this is still a secret. Naruto's condition should be kept a secret. Do all of you understand?"

"Yes. Lord Hokage." They all replied.

"Good. Now I need you all to do one more thing. Write your first mission report. Recall as much information about the event from your perspective and create a detailed report. Iruka. Help Naruto. Daichi, please assist Sasuke. The rest of you, I'm sure your parents will help you out."

Everyone nodded and the Kage dismissed everyone. Everyone left the office except for Daichi.

"Is there something you need Daichi?" Hiruzen asked. He was confused seeing the serious expression on the Genin's face.

After a few moments of silence Daichi spoke. "Permission to speak freely, Lord Hokage."

The old kage heard the tone and immediately knew that whatever the boy was about to say was of grave importance.


Author's Note.

Hi guys. Its Monk here. I'm back home. It was a tough few months but I survived. I'm Feeling good. 100% healthy and recovered.

I would comment on my update schedule but then I would jinx it. All I can say is I'll do my best not to disappoint you guys. I'm just now going through the dozens of messages and comments posted in the last couple months. I'll try to respond as much as I can.

Anyway, now your thoughts on the chapter.

I feel like this was a satisfactory explanation and conclusion of the forbidden scroll events. How did you like this arc and my spin on it?

It was longer than I thought but I completed it and I'm happy. I might edit some small bits here and there. If I do, I'll make a note and post it…

Don't worry. The next arc with Tsunade and Orochimaru in front and center will start soon.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre space)


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