The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 285

Chapter 285: Orochimaru: Path from Light to Dark

The three Genins of Team Guy stood in the middle of their training ground and looked at their sensei.

Might Guy looked at his team with a big smile and gave them all a thumbs up. "Alright team since we've completed another C Rank mission, there won't be any missions for you for a few days. So take the next few days to train on your own and improve your skills and if you need any help just come to me."

"Yes sensei!" Came the reply from Lee, Neji and Tenten.

"Um, sensei, do you think the commotion last night was resolved?" Tenten asked the green spandex wearing Jonin. Their team had returned late last night from the mission and saw that the village was on high alert. After reporting to the Hokage of their arrival the three Genins and Jonin went their separate ways.

"Yes. There was a problem at the prison and the inmates escaped. The village was on lockdown to capture them. I'm happy to say that the situation is resolved." Guy nodded and replied with a grin.

The Genins were satisfied with that answer but before they could ask anything else a Jonin appeared near Guy. He whispered something in their teacher's ear and the students saw Guy's face turn to shock.

"Is that true?" Might Guy couldn't help but ask Raido.

"It seems so. You need to get to the tower."

"I understand." Guy nodded and Raido vanished with the body flicker jutsu. The bowl cut Jonin turned to his student and they saw the serious expression on the man's face.

"What is it sensei? What's wrong?" Lee asked with concern.

"I'm afraid I can't say. I might not be available for the next couple of days. So you'll need to train on your own. Dismissed." Guy disappeared without saying anything more which puzzled the Genins.

"Something serious must have happened in the village." Neji spoke up.

"But what?" Tenten questioned.

"I don't know…" Neji didn't say anything more. He was keeping a close eye on his teacher's expression and he thought he saw fear on the man's face for a split second. 'What happened for sensei to have that kind of reaction?'


Kakashi was walking down the road reading his favorite book when he suddenly sensed a familiar chakra rushing towards him. 'Raido? It seems he's in a hurry too.'

The next moment the Hokage guard appeared and spoke with the silver haired Jonin. Kakashi's visible eye widened as he heard the shocking news. "To think Orochimaru would do such a thing."

"Yeah. This might as well be his declaration of war against the village." Raido spoke. "You need to get to the tower quickly. The Hokage is putting together a team to investigate."

Kakashi nodded to Raido and the Jonin vanished. The silver haired ninja pocketed his book and let out a deep breath of air. He had one thought at the moment.

'I wonder what Daichi is going to do?'

The next instant the copy ninja vanished from his spot. His destination: The Hokage Tower.


At this time several other Jonins were also being informed of the situation and they were immediately making their way to the tower.

Hokage Tower.

"Reason number two... To use Tsunade sensei as an experiment."

When Hiruzen heard those words it was as if his strength left his body. All sounds from the surrounding disappeared for him and the old leader felt numb. For some reason the memories he had of Orochimaru from his childhood days to the day he betrayed the village rushed to the forefront of his mind.


A young Hiruzen and a pre teen Orochimaru were standing atop the Hokage monument and looking at the village below, both bathing in the golden hue of the setting sun. Orochimaru was only 10 years old yet his intellect and genius talent caught Hiruzen's attention.

The young child asked his teacher a question that's been on his mind. "Sensei. Do you think we become stronger by conquering our fears or by understanding them?"

Hiruzen gazed at the young child thoughtfully, contemplating the profound question. After a few moments of silence he began to reply with a calm and measured tone. "Orochimaru, the path to strength is not a singular journey. In my opinion it's a delicate balance between conquering and understanding our fears. Each approach has its place in our journey as a shinobi and the key lies in knowing when to employ each."

The young Orochimaru tilted his head and looked at Hiruzen since he didn't fully understand the answer. Hiruzen smiled and began to explain.

"Conquering fear is like sharpening a blade. It involves facing your fears head-on, summoning your courage, and pushing through the barriers that hold you back. By conquering fear, you gain a sense of empowerment and mastery over yourself. It can give you the confidence to face physical and mental challenges, allowing you to tap into hidden reservoirs of strength."

Orochimaru listened to every word Hiruzen spoke and engraved them in his mind.

Hiruzen continued. "However, understanding fear is also equally essential. It is like studying the opponent's movements in a battle. To understand fear, you must look within yourself and delve into the root causes of your anxieties. This introspection grants you insight and control over your emotional responses. It allows you to anticipate and adapt to fear, making you more resilient and strategic in your actions."

"I see." The young child finally grasped what the man was trying to impart to him.

"So, Orochimaru, remember that true strength arises from the interplay between conquering and understanding fear. The two are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary. Embrace both approaches, and you will find harmony and balance."

Soon that memory vanished from Hiruzen's mind and another took its place. It was shortly after Team Hiruzen had their first difficult mission and Orochimaru had his first kill. The team was sent to kill a rogue ninja and his bandit group. They completed the mission but Orochimaru was forced to take a life.

Tsunade and Jiraiya stayed to support their teammate but as night fell Hiruzen sent them home. Now Orochimaru and his teacher remained. The two were sitting in front of a small fire beneath the starry night sky.

"Sensei… What is the true purpose of our abilities as a shinobi?" Orochimaru asked as he looked at the man.

Hiruzen could see that the first kill had shaken the young Genin. He looked at the boy with compassion and understanding. He began to reply, his voice carrying the weight of years of experience and contemplation, "Orochimaru, the true purpose of our abilities as shinobi is a question that has haunted many generations, and it's one that we must grapple with throughout our lives. Our talents, our techniques, and our strength are tools, much like a kunai or a jutsu. They can be used for good or for ill, depending on the heart that wields them."

Hiruzen paused, letting the words sink in before continuing, "As shinobi, we are entrusted with the protection of our village and its people. But our true purpose goes beyond mere duty. It is about preserving the delicate balance of this world. It's about understanding that power alone is not enough. It's about responsibility, empathy, and the courage to make the right choices, even when they are the hardest."

"Delicate balance huh…" Orochimaru was quiet for a while and then he looked at his teacher. "Sensei… That man's purpose was to exploit people weaker than him for his own good. But now he died because he was weaker than me."

"What are you getting at Orochimaru?" Hiruzen asked curiously.

"Is power the key to understanding life and death?"

Hiruzen then turned his gaze to the night sky, as if seeking guidance from the stars. "Your question, Orochimaru, is a complex one. Power can grant us knowledge, but it's not the sole key to understanding the complexities of life and death. True wisdom comes from a deeper understanding, one that encompasses not only our abilities but also our relationships, our experiences, and our capacity for compassion."

Hiruzen continued, "Life and death are intertwined, like the roots of a great tree that sustains all of existence. To understand them fully, we must look beyond the surface and seek the connections that bind us all. Power can be a stepping stone on that path, but it should never be the destination. It is through the pursuit of knowledge, the nurturing of our bonds with others, and the choices we make that we come closer to unlocking the mysteries of life and death."

He then turned back to Orochimaru, a gentle smile on his face, "Remember, Orochimaru, as shinobi, we have a duty to protect and serve, but our true purpose lies in striving for a world where power is balanced by wisdom, where strength is tempered by compassion, and where the pursuit of knowledge leads to harmony rather than chaos. It is in this pursuit that we find the true essence of our abilities as shinobi."

Orochimaru nodded as he listened to his teacher. "I understand sensei."

Flashback End.

That memory vanished and soon several others played in Hiruzen's mind. The many days he trained his students. The countless hours he spent discussing his aspirations with Orochimaru, teaching him various jutsu.

Orochimaru's fascination with snakes and reptiles was evident even then, as he would often bring small snakes he had found to show Hiruzen. Their conversations ranged from the ethics of warfare to the nature of power itself. Orochimaru's thirst for knowledge was evident even then, as he sought to uncover the hidden truths of their world. Hiruzen admired Orochimaru's intellect and his ability to make him question everything they were taught. It was a time of innocence and dreams, and Hiruzen even considered Orochimaru as a son.

Soon the happy memories vanished and the one that haunts him to this very day started playing in his mind.


The night of the dark revelation remains etched in Hiruzen's memory with vivid clarity. It was a moonless night when he received reports of Orochimaru's suspicious activities. With a heavy heart, he followed the leads that took him deep into the forests surrounding Konoha. There, in a hidden underground laboratory, he discovered the horrifying extent of Orochimaru's experiments. Hiruzen and his two Anbu guards were shocked at what they saw.

The chamber was filled with cages containing creatures fused with unnatural chakra-infused substances. The wails of agony echoed through the room as Hiruzen confronted Orochimaru.josei

"Kukukuku… So you finally caught me huh… That's a shame…" Orochimaru turned around and looked at his teacher with a malicious grin.

"Explain yourself Orochimaru. What's the meaning of this?" Hiruzen looked at his former student with anger and demanded.

The Snake Sannin sighed and looked at his teacher. "After all the trouble I went through to place those booby traps to give me warnings, I wasn't expecting anyone. But I suppose I should have known that you'd be able to avoid them… Sensei… Kukuku…"

An Anbu stepped forward with his sword down. "Several people have gone missing from the village. From Genins to even Anbu. Reports say that most of them were seen with you. And you've been acting strange for the last several weeks."

Another Anbu also had his weapons drawn and was ready to fight. "You. How could you do something like this?"

Orochimaru chuckled as he listened to the accusations. "Deadmen don't need any answers. I'll kill you two as well."

"Is that an admission of guilt, Orochimaru?" Hiruzen asked with a hardened tone.

The Snake Sannin grinned as he looked at the Hokage. "Why ask questions you already know the answer to."

"So all this is your doing. But why? What exactly are your intentions?" Hiruzen asked the man.

Orochimaru gazed at the man and replied after a few moments. "Oh well, there's no point in pretending now I suppose… This is all part of my research. I'm developing jutsu."

"What kind of jutsu would have you do inhumane things like this?" One of the Anbu asked with anger.

"It's forbidden jutsu you're after, isn't it?" Hiruzen asked with narrowed eyes. He understood the nature of Orochimaru's work as soon as he laid eyes on it. "What do you want, Orochimaru?"

The smile on the Snake Sannin's face vanished. "I want everything."

"What do you mean everything?" Hiruzen asked, having an ominous feeling in his heart.

"I want to know every jutsu in the world. Even those that have not yet been discovered. Just as there are countless shades of color in the world, there must be countless jutsu out there. I want to master them all."

Hiruzen was puzzled. "But something like that… It would take decades if not centuries… You can't accomplish that task even in several lifetimes."

Orochimaru smiled as he looked at his teacher. "Very true sensei. Our mortal existence is too fleeting. One, two or even three lifetimes is simply not enough for me to accomplish my goals."

"Exactly what kind of forbidden jutsu are you after?"

"Come now sensei. I think you've already figured it out." Orochimaru spoke as he looked at his teacher.

"I want to hear it from you, Orochimaru." Hiruzen clenched his fists and spoke.

"Eternal youth, immortality jutsu. That's what I'm creating."

Hiruzen had no words as he looked at his student. The air was heavy with a sense of betrayal and foreboding.

With a heavy heart, the Third Hokage spoke, his voice trembling with a mix of sorrow and disappointment, "Orochimaru, is this the path to power you've chosen?" His eyes bore into Orochimaru's, searching for any remnants of the young, ambitious Genin he had once taught.

The traitorous ninja, surrounded by the eerie apparatus of his experiments, met Hiruzen's gaze with an unsettling calmness. His eyes, once filled with curiosity and potential, were now cold and devoid of the innocence that once defined him.

He replied, his tone chilling, "Sensei. I have come to understand that true power lies in transcending the limitations of the human body, in mastering life and death itself. It is a path paved with sacrifices, but it is the only path to ensure my survival and eternal existence."

Hiruzen's heart sank further as he realized the depths to which Orochimaru had fallen. He spoke with deep sadness, "Orochimaru, power gained through such means is not true power. It is a twisted perversion of the very essence of what it means to be a shinobi. Our abilities are meant to protect and serve, not to commit atrocities in the name of personal gain."

Orochimaru's sinister smile sent shivers down Hiruzen's spine. "Sensei, you always were too narrow-minded. You fail to see the grandeur of my vision. I will achieve power that transcends the limitations of this world, and I will not be bound by the feeble morality that restricts ordinary shinobi."

Hiruzen, his heart heavy with sorrow and resolve, knew that he had a duty to stop his former student's descent into darkness. "Orochimaru, as your teacher and as the Hokage, I cannot allow you to continue down this path." With a heavy heart, he declared.

"What are you going to do sensei? Kill me?" Orochimaru took a step forward and asked his teacher with an evil grin.

Hiruzen immediately went through several seals and slammed his palm onto the ground. "Ninja art: Summoning Jutsu."

Orochimaru chuckled seeing the Monkey King Enma pop into existence. "I wonder… Can you really go through with it.. Sarutobi sensei?"

Flashback End.

A short clash ensued between the ninjas but ultimately Hiruzen couldn't bring himself to kill someone he once saw as his own child. Sentimentality and emotions won over logic and cold hard facts.

And thus, on that night Orochimaru the Sannin escaped the Hidden Leaf village and became one of the most dangerous criminals in the world.


Author's Note.

I wanted to show Orochimaru's path from a good guy to a bad guy. I took one scene from the anime and Gave it my own twists. The rest is original.

I agree that letting Orochimaru escape was a bad idea but in my opinion people hold Hiruzen to an absurdly high standard. From my perspective every man has a weakness that they would compromise their ideals for. For most it's family, for some it's money or power... Yes. Because Hiruzen is the Hokage, he is held to a higher standard but he is also human. And humans have moments of weakness... At least this is my view

Anyway, what are your thoughts guys?

On the next chapter will see Daichi taking action.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre space)

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